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CSSE501 Object-Oriented Development. Chapter 5: Messages, Instances and Initialization  This chapter examines OOP run-time features: Object Creation.

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1 CSSE501 Object-Oriented Development

2 Chapter 5: Messages, Instances and Initialization  This chapter examines OOP run-time features: Object Creation and Initialization (constructors) Message Passing Syntax Accessing the Receiver from within a method Memory Management or Garbage Collection

3 Constructors  A constructor is a function that is implicitly invoked when a new object is created. The constructor performs whatever actions are necessary in order to initialize the object In C++, Java, C# a constructor is a function with the same name as the class. In Python constructors are all named __init__ In Delphi, Objective-C, constructors have special syntax, but can be named anything. (Naming your constructors create is a common convention) class PlayingCard { // a Java constructor public PlayingCard (int s, int r) { suit = s; rank = r; faceUp = true; }... }

4 Overloaded Constructors  Constructors are often overloaded, meaning there are a number of functions with the same name. They are differentiated by the type signature, and the arguments used in the function call or declaration: //C++ example class Student { private: int idNum; string name; double gradePointAverage; public: Student(); Student(int); Student(int, string); Student(int, string, double); …… }; Student::Student() {idNum = 9999; name = “J. Smith”; gradePointAverage = 0.0; } Student::Student(int id) {idNum = id; } …… Student::Student(int id, string nm, double grade) {idNum = id; name = nm; gradePointAverage = grade; }

5 //Java Example class DigitalCounter { private int counter; private int minimum; private int maximum; public DigitalCounter() {counter = 0; minimum = 0; maximum = 9;} public DigitalCounter(int counter, int minimum, int maximum) { this.counter = counter; this.minimum = minimum; this.maximum = maximum; } //return the current counter value public int getCounter() { return counter; } public int getMinimum() { return minimum; } public int getMaximum() { return maximum; } public void setCounter(int counter) { this.counter = counter;} public void setMinimum(int minimum) {this.minimum = minimum;} public void setMaximum(int maximum) {this.maximum = maximum;} public void increaseCounter() { if (counter == maximum) counter = minimum; else counter = counter +1; }

6 Instances  Now, we could use constructors to create instances of classes  C++ Student oneStudent; Student twoStudent(7766, “Anna Moore”, 3.74);

7 Instances  Java //a digital counter DC1 with minimum 0, maximum 9, and //current counter value 0 DigitalCounter DC1 = new DigitalCounter(); //a digital counter DC2 with minimum 0, maximum 59, and //current counter value 5 DigitalCounter DC2 = new DigitalCounter(5, 0, 59);

8 Object Creation  In most programming languages objects must be created dynamically, usually using the new operator: PlayingCard aCard; // simply names a new variable aCard = new PlayingCard(Diamond, 3); // creates the new object  The declaration simply names a variable, the new operator is needed to create the new object value

9 Messages are not Function Calls  Recall from chapter 1 that we noted the following differences between a message and a function (or procedure) call A message is always given to some object, called the receiver The action performed in response is determined by the receiver, different receivers can do different actions in response to the same message

10 Message Passing Syntax  Although the syntax may differ in different languages, all messages have three identifiable parts: aGame.displayCard (aCard, 42, 27); The message receiver: aGame The message selector: displayCard An optional list of arguments: aCard, 42, 27

11 Statically Types and Dynamically Typed Languages  A distinction we will see throughout the term is between the following: A statically typed language requires the programmer to declare a type for each variable. The validity of a message passing expression will be checked at compile time, based on the declared type of the receiver (e.g., Java, C++, C#, Pascal). A dynamically typed language associates types with values, not with variables. A variable is just a name. The legality of a message cannot be determined until run-time (E.g., Smalltalk, CLOS, Python).

12 The Receiver Variable  Inside a method, the receiver can be accessed by means of a pseudo-variable Called this in Java, C++, C# Called self in Smalltalk, Objective-C, Object Pascal Called current in Eiffel function PlayingCard.color : colors; begin if (self.suit = Heart) or (self.suit = Diamond) then color := Red else color := Black; end

13 Implicit Use of This  Within a method a message expression or a data access with no explicit receiver is implicitly assumed to refer to this: class PlayingCard {... public void flip () { setFaceUp( ! faceUp ); }... } Is assumed to be equivalent to: class PlayingCard {... public void flip () { this.setFaceUp( ! this.faceUp); }... }

14 Memory Recovery  Because in most languages objects are dynamically allocated, they must be recovered at run-time. There are two broad approaches to this: Force the programmer to explicitly say when a value is no longer being used (e.g., C++, Delphi Pascal): delete aCard; // C++ example Use a garbage collection system that will automatically determine when values are no longer being used, and recover the memory (e.g., Java, C#, Smalltalk, CLOS).

15 Memory Errors  Garbage collection systems impose a run-time overhead, but prevent a number of potential memory errors: Running out of memory because the programmer forgot to free values Using a memory value after it has been recovered PlayingCard * aCard = new PlayingCard(Spade, delete aCard; cout << aCard.rank(); Free the same value twice PlayingCard * aCard = new PlayingCard(Spade, 1); delete aCard; delete aCard; // delete already deleted value

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