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1. Objective (READ) SWBAT explain how the US became an urban nation. 2. Question of the Day. (TURN OBJECTIVE INTO A QUESTION) 3. Warm-up (ANSWER THE QUESTIONS)

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Presentation on theme: "1. Objective (READ) SWBAT explain how the US became an urban nation. 2. Question of the Day. (TURN OBJECTIVE INTO A QUESTION) 3. Warm-up (ANSWER THE QUESTIONS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Objective (READ) SWBAT explain how the US became an urban nation. 2. Question of the Day. (TURN OBJECTIVE INTO A QUESTION) 3. Warm-up (ANSWER THE QUESTIONS) A. What is the biggest hurdle to overcome when building a sustainable community? B. Create or sketch an example of urban renewal.

2 Table of Contents - K DateTitleLesson # **US/Canada Unit** 10/14Migration25 10/15Functions of a city26 10/15Urban Sprawl27 10/20Urbanization28 1. Make a new page called “Urbanization.” 2. Label it page 28.

3 Table of Contents - DateTitleLesson # **US/Canada Unit** 10/15Functions of a city26 10/15Urban Sprawl27 10/19Infrastructure29 10/20Urbanization30 1. Make a new page called “Urbanization.” 2. Label it page 29.


5 1. Settlement Patterns - 1700s A. Population in the ____________

6 B. Why? Appalachian Mountains blocked spatial diffusion and migration

7 History of Cities The Industrial Revolution transformed the United States from a rural, agricultural nation to an urban, industrial nation. When big factories and lots of jobs became available in the city, many citizens migrated from rural areas to urban centers areas to get rich READ ONLY

8 History of US Cities 1. Farmers only 5. Automobile invented 6. People move to suburbs – Urban Sprawl 4. Cities grow – US = urban nation 3. Farmers leave to work in factories 2. Industrialization (factories) COPY STEPS 1-6

9 Urbanization - The dramatic rise in the number of cities and the changes in lifestyle that result Task – Sketch a picture for the term urbanization underneath the definition in your notebook

10 Why people migrate? Explanation

11 Political Differences – some people move based on political views. Example – the NE is more liberal (Democrats), the south is more conservative (Republicans). 1. Political Differences

12 2. Tax Differences – Businesses are taxed at different rates in different states. Example – Texas has a 9% corporate tax, while New York has a 25% tax on corporations 0% Tax Texas New York 10% Tax up to 25% Tax

13 3. Climate Differences – Retiring citizens move to Southern states for a warmer climate Example – Moving from New York to Florida. Chicago WinterMiami Winter

14 Rust Belt vs. Sun Belt (Northeast) (South) Old Industries New Industries

15 4. Lack of Jobs –Rust Belt – states in the Northeast that have lost factory jobs to globalization –Sun Belt – states in the South that have new jobs cause of low taxes and jobs in technology –Sun Belt Clip Questions 1. What is causing migration to the Sun Belt region? 2. What type of infrastructure is especially important to this region?

16 Northeast & Midwest South People are moving from the Northeast (Rustbelt) & Midwest to the South (Sunbelt)

17 Directions after you finish… 1. Turn in your quiz and scantron at the table in front of my desk. 2. Return to your regular seat and remain silent until all students are finished. I will let you know when that is. 3. If you have any assignments missing work on them at your desk. They are taking grades for progress reports tomorrow. - Migration Assignment – Detroit/Houston - Sustainable Community - Bill of Rights and Freedom Acrostic Poem - US Map

18 Example – ????? A local election adopts a new law that you don’t like (banning cell phones and the internet for people under the age of 18). Many people in your city like the new law so there’s not much chance to change it. In order to escape the new law and the political ideas of the majority, you decide to move to a city that shares your political views. READ ONLY

19 1. Example – ???? You and your family are currently farmers in a rural area. Farming doesn’t allow you to make much money. You hear that in the city there are many good paying jobs and very nice houses and schools so you pack up the family, sell the farm, and move to the big city in hopes of finding a good job in a factory in the city. READ ONLY

20 Example – ???? READ ONLY You and your friends are all getting very old and don’t like shoveling snow and slipping on the ice every winter. You all decided that you would like to live in a city with a warmer climate. After studying several climographs to determine the average temperature during the winter months for several different cities, you and your friends decide that Miami, Fl is the right place. It has very warm winters with absolutely NO snow! You sell your house and buy a new apartment on the beach in Miami. You have officially traded in your winter coat for a new swimsuit!!

21 Example – ????? A new tax law has been created that requires you to pay an additional $300.00 a month in taxes to the state government. Your family cannot afford to pay these additional taxes and their existing bills (like electricity, food, gas, rent…). You hear about a neighboring state that pays very low taxes. You figure out that you and your family can save $400.00 a month in taxes by moving to the other state. So you and your family move to the new state to save money. READ ONLY

22 Example – ???? You and your family grew up in Detroit. You love the city but you haven’t had a job for the last 8 months. You need a job soon so you can pay rent, buy groceries, and keep the electricity on. Your wife receives an email from an old friend in Houston, TX who tells you she is hiring some new employees. You hop on the plane for an interview. You get the job and move your family to H-Town! READ ONLY


24 2. Megalopolis – a region in which many cities and surrounding areas grow together. Ex. Boswash (Boston – Washington DC) BOSTON WASHINGTON DC

25 2. Megalopolis – a region in which many cities and surrounding areas grow together. Ex. Boswash (Boston – Washington DC) - Task: Sketch a picture of a Megalopolis - Label the cities ex. Have Houston stretch out into San Antonio or Dallas BOSTON WASHINGTON DC

26 3. US Migration 2009 –Rust Belt – states in the Northeast that have lost industrial jobs to globalization –Sun Belt – states in the South that have developed new jobs in technology –People are moving from the ___________ to the _________.

27 Essential Questions Chart EQPrediction (Do now) Answer (Do on 10/15) 1. How do regional differences impact migration? 2. What makes the US rich? Directions: 1. Complete the answer column of your US cover page. - Use the migration worksheet and your large Regions map to help you.

28 I will play the rest of the segments from the infrastructure movie we haven’t seen yet. Your to do list: 1. Cover Page - Complete the answer column of the US Cover Page. 2. Infrastructure Assignment - Complete your infrastructure assignment in your notebook if you have not done so already (it was due today) 3. Review Sheet - Complete your US/Canada Review Sheet.

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