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Ref. 411 Dr. Dagmar Everding 30.04.2007 Seite 1 NRW Renewable energy concept 13 February 2007 Programme for energy supply and economic development of the.

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Presentation on theme: "Ref. 411 Dr. Dagmar Everding 30.04.2007 Seite 1 NRW Renewable energy concept 13 February 2007 Programme for energy supply and economic development of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ref. 411 Dr. Dagmar Everding 30.04.2007 Seite 1 NRW Renewable energy concept 13 February 2007 Programme for energy supply and economic development of the renewable energy sector in NRW

2 Ref. 411 Dr. Dagmar Everding 30.04.2007 Seite 2 Energy production by Renewables in NRW 2005 NRW all [in TWh] RE German [in TWh] RE NRW [in TWh] NRW- share [in %] RE share of NRW- all [in %] Electricity177736.594 Heating(331)892.331 fuel(142)284143 Sum(650) 190136.72

3 Seite 3 Ref. 411 Dr. Dagmar Everding 30.04.2007 Potential of Renewable Energy in NRW Electr icity PVWindWat.Geo.BioHea ting SolarBioGeoFuel Poten tial in TWh,681016 2005 0.1 3% 2.8 52% 0.5 71% 0.0 0% 3.0 38% 0.2 4% 1.6 20% 0.4 4% 3.9 24%

4 Seite 4 Ref. 411 Dr. Dagmar Everding 30.04.2007 12-Points-Programme Renewable Energy NRW 2020 12 targets Management by EnergieAgentur.NRW Monitoring starting 2006 and evaluating the progres, e. g. using indicators First Report 2010, Final Report 2020 Actually: collecting measures for realization, research project for an evaluation and monitoring concept

5 Seite 5 Ref. 411 Dr. Dagmar Everding 30.04.2007 Targets for the industrial sector of Renewables Turnover increase to 15 Billion Euro Increase of persons employed to 40,000 Pers. (Pers.employed in NRW: 7.6 million) Recruitment of companies, research institutes and international institutions Consulting and training for small and medium companies and for cities administration

6 Seite 6 Ref. 411 Dr. Dagmar Everding 30.04.2007 Targets for heating by renewables Heating supply by renewables: minimum cover ratio 20 % in new buildings in reconstructed buildings In public buildings combined with cogeneration units for heat and power

7 Seite 7 Ref. 411 Dr. Dagmar Everding 30.04.2007 Biomass Targets Biomass Srategy NRW (Ministery of environmental affairs and agriculture) Increasing the production of heat and electricity using biomass e. g. by the following measures: Innovative cogeneration plants for heat and power using biomass Development of bioenergy villages (self-sufficient) Support of new biofuel plants in NRW

8 Seite 8 Ref. 411 Dr. Dagmar Everding 30.04.2007 Research Targets Support of technology development: Energy efficiency, cost reduction, energy grids, energy storages and batteries, hydrogen technologies (e. g. using clearing sludge) (Energy Research concept NRW, Ministry of research and innovation)

9 Seite 9 Ref. 411 Dr. Dagmar Everding 30.04.2007 50 Solar Energy Housing Estates Example: New Building Project, Aachen Size: 43 units, 2 office buildings

10 Seite 10 Ref. 411 Dr. Dagmar Everding 30.04.2007 50 Solar Energy Housing Estates Example: New Building Project, Aachen Passive Houses with solar thermal collectors Measured heat demand: 10.6 kWh/m²a, Total: 1.700 kWh/a Less than energy demand for domestic hot water! Comparison to heat demand of a conventional house: 11.000 kWh/a (Passive house: -85%)

11 Seite 11 Ref. 411 Dr. Dagmar Everding 30.04.2007 50 Solar Energy Housing Estates Example: New Building Project, Aachen 3 litres-houses with solar collectors

12 Seite 12 Ref. 411 Dr. Dagmar Everding 30.04.2007 50 Solar Energy Housing Estates Example: Renovation-Project, Köln-Riehl view before renovation Housing Association: Erbbauverein Köln eG Year of building: 1926-1928 Size: before renovation: 112 apartments after renovation: 133 apartments

13 Seite 13 Ref. 411 Dr. Dagmar Everding 30.04.2007 50 Solar Energy Housing Estates Example: Renovation-Project, Köln-Riehl view before renovation - Renovation period: summer 2001 – autumn 2004 - Heat demand reduction from 160 kWh/m²a down to 48 kWh/m²a (-70%) - Domestic hot water: 55% via solar thermal collectors (280 m²) view after renovation

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