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 Ceremonial › Music created or performed for rituals or celebrations › Indonesian Gamelan Music Indonesian Gamelan Music  Used to summon the gods ›

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2  Ceremonial › Music created or performed for rituals or celebrations › Indonesian Gamelan Music Indonesian Gamelan Music  Used to summon the gods › Religious and patriotic music › U.S. Armed Forces Medley U.S. Armed Forces Medley  Used during Veteran’s/Memorial Day Ceremonies  Armed Forces Graduation Ceremonies

3  Recreational › Music for entertainment  Rodrigo y Gabriela Rodrigo y Gabriela › Game songs › Dance music/social events › Music played while exercising › Hobby (such as playing an instrument for fun)

4  Artistic Expression › Music created with the intent to express or communicate one’s emotions, feelings, ideas, or experience › Music performed for an audience › More formal than recreational music  Vivaldi – The Four Seasons (Spring, 1 st Movement) Vivaldi – The Four Seasons (Spring, 1 st Movement)

5  Rhythm › The placement of sounds in time › Sometimes called “Beat”  Tempo › Speed of the music › Musical speed can change throughout a piece

6  Melody › A grouping of musical notes that creates a single phrase › The most important sounding line in a piece of music  Harmony › More than one note sounding at the same time

7  Form › Overall plan or structure  Call-and-Response  “Shout” “Shout”  Round  “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”  Verse-and-Chorus  Most modern songs › Genres (types) of music tend to follow a pre-set form

8  Timbre › Unique quality to sounds › Different instruments create different sounds while playing the same note › Types of instruments are classified into groups  Strings, Woodwinds, Brass, Percussion

9  Dynamics › The loudness of the sounds › Markings are based on Italian words  Forte (f) = Loud  Piano (p) = Soft › Moving from soft sounds to louder sounds is called Crescendo › Moving from loud to soft sounds is called Decrescendo

10  The Grand Staff › Two Staves joined by a brace › Shows Treble and Bass Clef › Clefs indicate Pitch › Each Line and Space on the staff indicate a specific note Treble Clef › Notes are named using the letters Bass Clef A through G

11  Treble Clef Notes › Lines  E, G, B, D, F › Spaces  F, A, C, E  Ways to Remember › Every Good Boy Does Fine › FACE  Bass Clef Notes › Lines  G, B, D, F, A › Spaces  A, C, E, G  Ways to Remember › Good Boys Do Fine Always › All Cows Eat Grass

12  Sharps, Flats, and Naturals › Sharp  Slightly raises the pitch of the note › Flat  Slightly lowers the pitch of the note › Natural  The pitch that comes naturally to the note

13  Chords › Groups of notes (usually in groups of three) that are built on a “root” note › C Major Chord

14  Whole, Half, Quarter, Eighth Notes › Whole notes are notes that are held out for four (4) beats › Half Notes are held out for two (2) beats › Quarter Notes are held for one (1) beat › Eighth Notes are held for a half (1/2) beat


16  Ceremonial › Dances created or performed for rituals or celebrations › Dances of Native Americans and West Africans to celebrate life events › Harvest, rain, war › Religious ritual worship › Eagle Dance Eagle Dance

17  Recreational › Dancing for recreation (for fun!) › Dancing to support recreational activities › Ballroom, line dancing, aerobic dance, square dancing  Youth Ballroom Dancing Youth Ballroom Dancing › Dance as a hobby

18  Artistic Expression › Dance created with the intent to express or communicate emotion, feelings, ideas, or information › Dances created and performed in a concert or theatrical setting for an audience › Ballet, tap, narrative  Lyrical Dance Lyrical Dance

19  Two Types of Movement › Locomotor – the body moves from one place to another  Walking, Sliding, Hopping, Running › Axial (Non-locomotor) – the body does not move from one place to another; movement is centered on an axis of the body  Bending, Stretching, Twisting, Turning

20  Space › The area around the dancer › Where the dancer moves › Where the dancer directs the eye of the audience  Direction of Motion  Size of Motion  Shape of Motion

21  Time › The use of beat, rhythmic patterns and the duration of movement  Force › Energy › Movement that is heavy or light, sharp or smooth, has tension or relaxation › Uses the weight of the body to demonstrate the effects of gravity

22  Sharing the human experience › To express or communicate emotion, feelings, ideas, and information through dramatic works › Social change, universal themes › Interpret and recreate information, ideas, and emotions › Human Experience Example Human Experience Example

23  Passing on tradition and culture › To express or communicate feelings, ideas, information › Narrative, storytelling, folktales, religious ritual and ceremony › Often passed down through generations by rote, or by mouth  Henry V Speech Henry V Speech

24  Recreational › Drama as recreation and for recreational events › For entertainment, diversion, or festivals › Street Theatre Street Theatre  Artistic Expression › Drama created with the intent to express or communicate emotion, feelings, ideas, or information › Works performed in a theatrical setting for an audience

25  Literary Elements › Plot  Exposition, Conflict, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Conclusion › Character  Protagonist, Antagonist › Suspense › Theme  Underlying Meaning or Idea › Language › Style › Monologue › Dialogue › Stage Directions

26  Technical Elements › Scenery  Suggests a location › Sound  Music, Sound Effects › Lights  Creates a mood, Changes audience perception › Make-up  Creates or enhances character › Costumes  Creates the overall “feel” of a character › Props  Items used by the actors

27 Spectacle Example

28  Performance Elements › Acting  The use of Verbal and Nonverbal skills to communicate character › Communication  Delivers the writer’s words and meaning to the audience › Acting Example Acting Example

29  Ceremonial › Artworks created to support worship ceremonies, rituals, or celebrations  Artistic Expression › Artwork to express or communicate emotion, ideas, feelings › Self expression, to decorate or beautify objects

30  Narrative › Artworks that tell stories, describe and illustrate experiences, or communicate information › Art to document important or historical events › Dorothea Lange’s photography of the Great Depression era


32  Functional › Artistic objects used in everyday life › Pottery, quilts, baskets, etc. › Crafts


34  Persuasive › Artworks that promote ideas, philosophies, or products › Advertising, marketing, propaganda, ideology, etc.


36  Color › Various hues(types) represent emotional qualities › Influences the character of the artwork  Line › Directs the eye where to look › Indicates order

37  Shape › Any two-dimensional image or element used in the artwork  Form › A three-dimensional object › Creates the illusion of depth on flat surfaces

38  Value › Relates to the lightness or darkness of color in an artwork › Used to define the form of objects that are created in the artwork


40  Texture › The feel or touch of a surface  Space › The perception of depth › Brings perspective to the artwork


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