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Homework Task 1 Unit 1 - Measurement 10 mm = 1 m 100 mm = 10 m

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Presentation on theme: "Homework Task 1 Unit 1 - Measurement 10 mm = 1 m 100 mm = 10 m"— Presentation transcript:

1 Homework Task 1 Unit 1 - Measurement 10 mm = 1 m 100 mm = 10 m Use the scale given above to obtain the following information. Write your answers in your jotter. the height to the eaves. the height to the ridge. the height to the door. the dimensions of window A. (length x height) the dimensions of window B. (length x height) the dimensions of window C. (length x height) the length of the house. You can use either your rule to measure the sizes or you could use a pair of compasses to lift the sizes.

2 Homework Task 2 Unit 1 - Measurement The diagram above shows a toy road roller drawn actual size. Measure and record the following dimensions in your jotter: diameter of front roller. diameter of flywheel. diameter of back wheel. height of top of canopy from the ground. length of canopy. distance between centre of flywheel and the centre of the back wheel. height to top of funnel from the ground.

3 Homework Task 3 Unit 2 - Isometric Sketching Complete this work on Isometric Grid paper. Draw the rectangular block shown opposite. The dimensions are: Length squares Breadth - 4 squares Height squares Homework Task 4 Unit 2 - Isometric Sketching Complete this work on Isometric Grid paper. Draw the rectangular block shown opposite. The dimensions are: Length squares Breadth - 4 squares Height squares

4 Homework Task 5 Unit 2 - Isometric Sketching Complete this work on Isometric Grid paper. Draw the rectangular block shown opposite. The dimensions are: Length squares Breadth - 4 squares Height squares

5 Homework Task 6 Unit 3 - Isometric Drawing Name the piece of drawing equipment shown below: Name the piece of drawing equipment shown below and the angle used to draw an isometric. What are the 3 main dimensions used in isometric drawing. L _ _ _ _ _ B _ _ _ _ _ _ H _ _ _ _ _

6 Homework Task 7 Unit 4 – Introduction to Orthographic Projection What is orthographic projection? What is 3rd Angle Projection? Make a sketch of the symbol which shows that a drawing has been produced in 3rd Angle Projection. Sketch the orthographic projection shown below and then name each of the 3 views.

7 Homework Task 8 Unit 4 – Introduction to Orthographic Projection In your jotter write down the code letter of the objects shown below. Study each one and imagine you are looking in the direction of the arrow. Look at the views in the bottom half of the page and match each view to one of the lettered objects you have listed.


9 Homework Task 9 Unit 5 - Orthographic Sketching Draw the four views of the coloured block in the direction of the arrows. Use the squares in your jotters as a guide for measuring and drawing. Leave 3 squares between each view. Homework Task 10 Unit 5 - Orthographic Sketching Draw the four views of the coloured block in the direction of the arrows. Use the squares in your jotters as a guide for measuring and drawing. Leave 3 squares between each view.

10 Homework Task 11 Unit 5 - Orthographic Sketching Draw the four views of the coloured block in the direction of the arrows. Use the squares in your jotters as a guide for measuring and drawing. Leave 3 squares between each view.

11 Homework Task 12 Unit 6 – Orthographic Drawing Draw a line which would indicate a Centre Line on an Orthographic drawing. Draw a line which would indicate a Hidden Line on an Orthographic drawing. Where on an Orthographic drawing would a Continuous Thin Line be used? Where on an Orthographic drawing would a Continuous Thick Line be used? Where would the following type of line be used?

12 Homework Task 13 Trace the symbols shown below into your jotters and add the correct colour from the descriptions below. Yellow Triangle/Black Border Yellow most easily seen even in poor light. Black provides a striking contrast. White Circle/ Red Border/ Red Cross Bar Red is associated with danger. Blue Circle Easily seen Good contrast with white. Green Square/Rectangle Green is associated with safety. Red Square/Rectangle Red is associated with fire.

13 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Homework Task 14 Symbol Types
Prohibition Sign Safe Condition Sign Warning Sign Mandatory Sign Name the types of symbols shown below and what information they are giving. Use the symbol types above and the possible meanings given below to assist. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Caution toxic hazard, Remove glasses, No smoking, Caution risk of fire, Eye protection must be worn, Smoking in this area only. Caution risk of explosion, Emergency stop, Caution laser beam, Pedestrians prohibited, People crossing, Caution risk of electric shock.

14 Homework Task 15 Copy or trace the colour wheel above. Fill in the missing colours

15 Homework Task 16 List the three primary colours List the tree secondary colours What colour is described as a hot, bold colour? What colour is described as a cool, serene colour? Green is the most _________ of all the colours. White is assossiated with _________. What colour is described as rich and regal?

16 Homework Task 17 Look at the following chart: Who buys the most sweets in the month? Who spends the most on fashion? How much do boys spend on sports per month? How much do girls spend on music per month? How much do the boys spend per month? How much do the girls spend per month?

17 Homework Task 17 Study the pictograph below: What type of vehicle uses the motorway most each day? How many motorbikes use the motorway? How may trucks use the motorway? Why do you think this type of graphical chart is easy to read?

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