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11/10/2012 Expert meeting on the commercialization of marine biotechnology.

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Presentation on theme: "11/10/2012 Expert meeting on the commercialization of marine biotechnology."— Presentation transcript:

1 11/10/2012 Expert meeting on the commercialization of marine biotechnology

2 Portugal Ventures 2 50 Employees 26 Funds >150 Portfolio Comp. 600 M€ Invested 140 M€ Available

3 Ignition Successful development of entrepreneurial companies through the financing of innovation and tech based projects with the goal to generate businesses with high growth potential Growth / Venture Capital Investment in Tech based companies in the early stages of development, but which are already generating revenue, but still need financing to grow Private Equity Consolidation, Internationalization and Turnaround of traditional industries in the tradable sectors 3 Tourism Innovative tourism investment projects Investment Focus

4 Funding Ecosystem weaknesses Available amounts in Venture Capital Funds co- invested by FINOVA and under management of Portugal Ventures (~ 20 M€) Recurrent annual funding needs ~20 M€ Fragmentation and difficulty of access to seed capital and the financing of innovation and the development of tech based start-ups Structured process Expedite and organize the deal flow process of projects in the proof of concept and seed stages of development 4 4 The opportunity of the Ignition Program

5 5 The Ignition Program aims to have a relevant impact in the Portuguese technological based entrepreneurial ecosystem Sustainability Financing Talent retention Inclusion Constant monitoring and evaluation of new ideas To finance innovation that fosters economic development Permanent creation of new start-ups Opportunity generation for high-tech investors To promote private investments To improve the job opportunities for highly educated young people To retain the migrant flux of young talent To reinforce the participation of all the Portuguese territory in the development of tech based entrepreneurship Culture and Community To foster the Portuguese tech based culture and community Programa de Ignição 10Set2012 5

6 6 Screening Proof of Concept Business Plan Exit Seed Capital Incubation & Mentoring Venture Capital Deal Flow Ignition Program Standard 6 The Ignition Program promotes an agile and expedited financing process, in partnership

7 7 Entities with relevant, experienced and adequate governance (e.g. General Manager and Board of Directors) Give access to support services (directly or through partners) Track record Access to infrastructures and R&D activities Administrative support services (secretariat, accounting & finance, legal, procurement & purchasing) Advisory boards & mentors Marketing assistance Networking activities PARTNERS ROLE 7 The Ignition Program partners with technology based incubators and accelerators

8 Implementation of the national network of the Ignition Program 8 Anje, Beta-i, Iscte, Cotec, DNA Cascais, Fábrica de StartUps, ICAT, IPN, Net, StartUp Lisboa, Universidade de Aveiro, Universidade do Minho, Biocant, U. Madeira/CEIM, Universidade do Algarve/CRIA, Universidade do Porto, Universidade de Évora IGNITION NETWORK 8

9 The Ignition Program invests in tech-based projects with global market potential 9 Information technologies, communications and electronics, technologies and concepts for social web Life Sciences (biotechnology, assisted living, monitoring and surveillance, and medical devices) Endogenous resources (energy, agro-food, forest and sea) and new materials Product oriented Based in R&D internationally referenced Innovative and unique (international benchmark) Positioned in global value chains High global market potential Doable with existing resources Founders initiative Priority Sectors The Idea 9

10 Portugal Ventures’ limited experience in marine biotech 10 Drug discovery projects present serious challenges (in marine as in on- shore based biotechnology projects): High investment needs Long investment period till commercialization Difficult to attract foreign capital Network development is of the utmost importance Biolibraries have great potential value. But how can they be explored? There are several applications: Cosmetics, Nutraceuticals, Industrial processes,… Selling access to others as well as value added services such as screening; Joint-development. 10

11 Estamos prontos e determinados… … Para ir mais longe, para enfrentar novos desafios em parceria com os nossos empreendedores, ultrapassando obstáculos, levando Portugal ao mundo e trazendo o mundo a Portugal.

12 Thank You Ed. Arcis, Rua Ivone Silva, n.º 6, 12º 1050-138 Lisboa Tel. +351 21 158 91 00

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