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Fundamental Tools Chapter 1. Fundamental Tools Expectations After this chapter, students will:  understand the basis of the SI system of units  distinguish.

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Presentation on theme: "Fundamental Tools Chapter 1. Fundamental Tools Expectations After this chapter, students will:  understand the basis of the SI system of units  distinguish."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fundamental Tools Chapter 1

2 Fundamental Tools Expectations After this chapter, students will:  understand the basis of the SI system of units  distinguish between units and dimensions  be able to perform dimensional analyses  distinguish between fundamental and derived units  be able to convert a quantity to different units  know standard powers-of-ten prefixes  be able to solve right triangles

3 Fundamental Tools Expectations (continued) After this chapter, students will:  distinguish between vector and scalar quantities  be able to resolve vectors into orthogonal components  be able to add and subtract vectors  know how vectors can be multiplied by scalars  know how vectors can be multiplied by vectors  know how many significant figures are in a given number

4 What is Physics? The mapping of mathematics onto the material world. A mathematical description of the interactions of space, time, matter, and energy. An experimental science: theory is judged by how well it predicts the results of experiments.

5 Numbers and Units “I often say that when you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meager and unsatisfactory kind; it may be the beginning of knowledge, but you have scarcely, in your thoughts, advanced to the stage of Science, whatever the matter may be.” --- William Thomson (Lord Kelvin) 1824 - 1907

6 Numbers and Units Quantity: a characteristic of an object or material that can be expressed quantitatively (in numbers) examples: height, weight, volume, density Dimension: the name of the class or category of units that express a physical quantity examples: length, mass, time, velocity

7 Numbers and Units Unit: a reference standard with an agreed-upon definition that allows quantities to be specified by comparison to it. examples: meter, second, pound

8 Types of Units Base unit: the units of the quantities length, mass, and time. examples: meter, kilogram, second Derived units: units made by combining other units examples: meters / second, kilogram·meters / (second) 2

9 Systems of Units SI (Système International d’Unités) Base units: length: meter (m) mass: kilogram (kg) time: second (s) CGS (“small metric”) Base units: length: centimeter (cm) mass: gram (g) time: second (s)

10 Systems of Units BE (“British engineering”) Base units: length: foot (ft) mass: slug (sl) time: second (s) In this class, we’ll use SI units almost exclusively.

11 Significant Figures The uncertainty in our knowledge of the numerical value of a physical quantity is indicated by the number of significant figures we use to express that value. To determine how many significant figures are in a number (example: 0.0000149 m)  Write the number in proper scientific notation: 1.49×10 -5 m.  Count the digits in this part of the number: 3 digits Note: for “proper” scientific notation: a × 10 n, 1 ≤ a < 10

12 Unit Conversions Basic principles:  1 is the multiplicative identity. Multiplying any quantity by one does not change the value of that quantity.  If a fraction’s numerator and denominator are equal, the fraction is equal to one. Example: convert 3.45 years to seconds fractions equal to one

13 Dimensional Analysis A consistency check for mathematical relationships in physics. A formula or equation that “passes” a dimensional analysis may or may not be correct. However … A formula or equation that “fails” a dimensional analysis cannot be correct.

14 Dimensional Analysis What is a dimensional analysis? How can I do one? Substitute the dimensions represented by each variable for that variable in the equation to be analyzed. Algebraically simplify the equation: exponentiate, multiply, divide, add, subtract, cancel. In simplest terms, both sides of the equation should have the same dimensions.

15 Dimensional Analysis (Simple) example: your geometry is a little fuzzy. But you’re pretty sure that the surface area of a sphere is given by: Check it: … and the analysis fails. That formula can’t be correct.

16 Common Powers-of-Ten power of ten prefixsymbolexample 10 9 giga -GGHz 10 6 mega -MMW 10 3 kilo -kkm 10 -2 centi -ccm 10 -3 milli -mmm 10 -6 micro - mm 10 -9 nano -nnm

17 Right-Triangle Trigonometry Basic relationships

18 Right-Triangle Trigonometry Basic relationships

19 Vector and Scalar Quantities Scalar: completely specified by a magnitude (size) Vector: completely specified by both a magnitude and a direction Examples: Distance (scalar): the airport is 15 km away from here. Displacement (vector): the airport is 15 km southwest from here.

20 Vector and Scalar Quantities Scalar: speed, temperature, time, mass, energy, volume, area, length Vector: velocity, acceleration, momentum, force Note that the ability to take on + or – values does not make a quantity a vector. Example: Celsius or Fahrenheit temperature.

21 Vector Properties Symbol: an arrow (line segment with a point)  arrow length shows vector magnitude  arrow points in vector direction Mathematical notation:  bold-font letter A  arrow on top of letter  “hat” on top of letter (usually a unit vector)

22 Vector Mathematics Vectors can be:  Added  Multiplied  by a scalar  by another vector (in two different ways)  Subtracted  Divided

23 Vector Addition Here’s a graphical look at vector addition: we want to add A and B.

24 Vector Addition First, we note that we can translate a vector to any other location without changing it (either magnitude or direction).

25 Vector Addition So, we translate B so that its “tail” coincides with A’s “point.”

26 Vector Addition Now, we draw a third vector from the beginning point of A (its “tail”) to the ending point of B (its “point”). That third vector is the sum: A + B.

27 Vector Multiplication There are three kinds of multiplication that can be done with vectors. First: multiplication by a scalar. Magnitude of the product vector: magnitude of the factor vector times the scalar. Product vector direction: same or opposite the factor vector direction

28 Vector Multiplication There are three kinds of multiplication that can be done with vectors. Second: scalar product of two vectors (“dot product”). The scalar product is zero if the vectors are perpendicular; a maximum value when they are parallel This kind of vector multiplication is commutative

29 Vector Multiplication There are three kinds of multiplication that can be done with vectors. Third: vector product of two vectors (“cross product”). Direction: perpendicular to both A and B, and in accordance with the right-hand rule The vector product is zero if the vectors are parallel; a maximum value when they are perpendicular This kind of vector multiplication is NOT commutative

30 Vector Subtraction This time, we want A – B. Graphically:

31 Vector Subtraction Our first step is to muliply B by the scalar -1, producing – B:

32 Vector Subtraction And now we move – B to the point of A, just as we did before:

33 Vector Subtraction And we draw in the sum: A + (-B) =A – B.

34 Vector Addition by Components Any vector can be expressed as the sum of two vectors, both orthogonal to the coordinate axes. One is the X component, and one is the Y component.

35 Vector Addition by Components Simple right-triangle trigonometry allows us to calculate the magnitudes of these components:

36 Vector Addition by Components Example: we want to add vectors A and B.

37 Vector Addition by Components First: resolve A and B into components. (Replace A and B with component vectors A X, A Y, B X, and B Y, all orthogonal to the coordinate system.)

38 Vector Addition by Components The components of the sum, C, are the sums of the components of A and B. Since the X components are either parallel or antiparallel, their magnitudes add algebraically. The same is true of the Y components.

39 Vector Addition by Components (magnitude)

40 Vector Addition by Components (magnitude)

41 Vector Addition by Components Pythagoras’ theorem yields the magnitude of C: The direction of C:

42 Vector Addition by Components A couple of things to remember:  You are free to define your coordinate system so that it makes your life easier.  These are always correct: as long as you measure  counterclockwise from the +X direction.

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