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CERN - IT Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland t Vidyo Pilot – Results and Plans Video Conferencing Service 9 th August 2010 Tim Smith.

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Presentation on theme: "CERN - IT Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland t Vidyo Pilot – Results and Plans Video Conferencing Service 9 th August 2010 Tim Smith."— Presentation transcript:

1 CERN - IT Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland t Vidyo Pilot – Results and Plans Video Conferencing Service 9 th August 2010 Tim Smith Thomas Baron, João Correia Fernandes

2 CERN - IT Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland t Vidyo Pilot - GLM [Aug 2010] - 2 Background 2006 –CERN room refurbishments RCTF (Remote Collaboration Task Force) 2007 –EVO no longer free (DoE budget cuts) 2008 –ATLAS and CMS significant contributions EVO Oversight Board 2009 –LCEB (LHC Collaborative Environment Board) Service provision responsibility transferred to CERN-IT (EVO commercial offering; one amongst others) –Selection of product Q1: Establish LHC Experiment requirements Q2: Market assessment; 20 potential, 4 retained

3 CERN - IT Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland t Vidyo Pilot - GLM [Aug 2010] - 3 Vidyo Business –Venture capital startup (2008) –Google; Gmail video chat –Cisco, Hitachi, Teleris –Apr 2010 HP announced strategic partnership with Vidyo –Numerous awards; “the next big thing” Technology –Developed H.264/SVC video compression standard –Granted patent “System and Method for a Conference Server Architecture for Low Delay and Distributed Conferencing Applications” Avoids centralised MCU (multipoint control unit) Low latency, increased quality, network error tolerance Automatic scalable bit rate adaption Automatic scalable resolution adaption

4 CERN - IT Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland t Vidyo Pilot - GLM [Aug 2010] - 4 Vidyo Pilot: phase I 2009 Aug –Vidyo Pilot purchased; 50 ports & 50 licences 2010 Apr –LHC experiments agreed to test Vidyo –LCEB defines 2 month pilot (May-June) –Experiments to answer on 1 st July “Does Vidyo meet your needs?” Vidyo Pilot setup extended –100 ports & 400 licences –Audio bridge –Beta release Linux client provided

5 CERN - IT Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland t Vidyo Pilot - GLM [Aug 2010] - 5 Vidyo Pilot: results Technical issues –Login/download problems CERN certificate handling issue –Linux client problems –No chat functionality –Wide scale test (>50) not performed ALICE: “accepts Vidyo can serve their needs” LHCb: “testing positive” ATLAS –“feedback positive, quality higher than EVO” –Linux client and chat mean cant conclude yet CMS –“When users connect, audio & video better than EVO” –Is promising but not ready yet for LHC production LCEB: extend pilot, run systems in parallel

6 CERN - IT Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland t Vidyo Pilot - GLM [Aug 2010] - 6 Vidyo Pilot: plan Extend pilot with goal: –Linux client at same level as other platforms –Meet maximum scale (500 connections) –IT to test as well as experiments Setup –100 ports, 650 licences –MCU bridge to allow EVO and Vidyo clients –Audio bridge Timescales –Linux client GA in September –Router cascading GA in November –Experiments to express result... End of year?

7 CERN - IT Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland t Vidyo Pilot - GLM [Aug 2010] - 7 Backup slides

8 CERN - IT Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland t Vidyo Pilot - GLM [Aug 2010] - 8 Vidyo indicative costs

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