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Introduction to Crown Business. Business Belongs to the Lord 68% 34 of 50 parables of Jesus were set… 93% 37 of 40 miracles In the Book of Acts were set…

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Crown Business. Business Belongs to the Lord 68% 34 of 50 parables of Jesus were set… 93% 37 of 40 miracles In the Book of Acts were set…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Crown Business

2 Business Belongs to the Lord 68% 34 of 50 parables of Jesus were set… 93% 37 of 40 miracles In the Book of Acts were set… Lydia supported the church in Asia by selling clothing… Most public appearances of Jesus were set… …in the MARKETPLACE The apostle Paul worked as a tentmaker…

3 Roofing Company CEO Company Description $12m in Revenue 100 employees $600k of earnings Equity Value = $3.5m CEO Goal Sell the company and start a ministry of some sort to better serve the Lord

4 Believers 63 million Americans go to CHURCH 3 million 198 million Americans go to WORK Unbelievers 140 million ¼ hour PASTOR influence per week 46 hours CEO influence per week 6.5 billion hours of weekly unbeliever influence 750 thousand hours of weekly unbeliever influence CEOS HAVE 8,212x MORE UNBELIEVER MINDSHARE THAN PASTORS

5 WHY? To INSPIRE, INSTRUCT, INCUBATE, and INVEST in KINGDOM Entrepreneurs HOW? Use PROVEN practices and principles to help entrepreneurs expand their KINGDOM Impact WHAT? A global FAITH-BASED business and entrepreneurship destination with content of KINGDOM Quality The Crown Business Channel Offering

6 Crown Business Channel Content Blog Q&A Survey Video Training Business planning tools Advisory/mentoring Networking Conferences Incubation Investment Other

7 Current Products PID Career Direct Team PID Venture Academy Opportunity IQ Startup Financial Model BizDevDocs [Your products here]

8 The End

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