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eCopy PDF Pro Office V6 December, 2012

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1 eCopy PDF Pro Office V6 December, 2012
For internal use only. R3 eCopy PDF Pro Office V6 December, 2012 *Top Secret (R1) - Highly sensitive information such as mergers and acquisitions, CEOC protocols and strategic planning. Please verify that all participants in the presentation are allowed to be view the content. Sensitive (R2) - Sensitive information such as pre-embargoed product specifications, HR information and legal contracts. Please verify that all participants in the presentation are allowed to view the content. Internal (R3) - Internal information that employees need to access, based on their job role, such as company policies and company announcements. Public (R4) - Information that can be released to the public. If unsure, please verify content with your line manager or with Corporate and Marketing Communications before releasing information to the public. 21-Apr-17

2 How are documents consumed?
Yesterday Today/Tomorrow How are documents read? How are documents stored? How are documents shared?

3 PDFs are the one format that crosses all platforms
4/21/2017 PDFs are the one format that crosses all platforms 80%+ of scan jobs are saved as PDFs PDFs are a preferred download file type since formatting is maintained Documents are shared as PDFs to keep formatting and meet file size limits Because it is the electronic standard for documents, workers are receiving PDF documents more and more. We’ve already discussed the amount of PDF documents generated from MFPs and scanners. PDFs are also a preferred download format from the Web – documents are made available for download as PDF because formatting is maintained, everyone can access the document – regardless of browser and OS. People that access documents on their mobile devices – tablets and smartphones – prefer to receive information as PDFs because of their small file sizes and compatibility with any device. And PDF is being used more and more by people sharing documents via – and through cloud services – because they can keep within file size limits, while ensuring the document formatting is maintained. Mobile users prefer PDF documents for their small file sizes and compatibility CONFIDENTIAL | © Nuance Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.

4 PDF software remains “elite”
4/21/2017 PDF software remains “elite” 6 out of 10 professionals indicate a strong need for full-featured PDF tools 1 of 10 professionals have the PDF tools they need However, while more and more PDFs are being generated…most users don’t have the software tools necessary to get the most out of the PDF format. But it’s not because they don’t want them. In a survey conducted by Nuance of business professionals: Nearly 2/3 of professionals surveyed have a strong need for PDF tools But only 10% of professionals have them. The result -- PDF software creates a caste system inside businesses. Leaving the “haves” and the “have nots”. CONFIDENTIAL | © Nuance Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.

5 Why is PDF still an “elite” tool?
4/21/2017 Why is PDF still an “elite” tool? High license costs Adobe Acrobat Professional is $449 per seat Perception that PDFs are not supposed to be modified Free PDF Readers only offer limited mark-up capabilities, akin to working with a paper document Every employee has a PDF viewer, and can use Microsoft Office to work with documents PDF creation, conversion and editing can be done by someone else PDF software is complex and hard-to-use Too many options such as rich media creation and digital publishing features What is holding back organizations from making PDF software a standard part of every office worker’s software stack – just like Microsoft Office? Cost – Adobe is the gorilla of the PDF business. And as such, it demands a high cost for its software. Pricing – per seat – can be upwards of $449 per seat. That’s more than twice the cost of Microsoft Office 2010…and understandably is out of the reach of most organization’s budgets. Perception – Because every user has access to free PDF readers – which only allow for viewing, saving and limited mark-up capabilities – they aren’t aware that they could be doing more. They view PDFs much like “electronic paper”. The 10% - Some users do have advanced PDF capabilities – often times this includes Marketing professionals and some IT staff. And many organizations lean on those workers to handle PDF requirements of other users, like converting a PDF to another format. But that is not a good use of highly-compensated professionals’ time – they have more important things to do. Complexity – Adobe Acrobat is a tool built for graphics professionals. As such, it includes features like rich media creation and digital publishing tools that confuse the average knowledge worker. They think “I can’t possibly use a graphic design tool’. But there is an alternative to Adobe…and one that makes putting PDF software on every desktop both affordable, and a smart decision. CONFIDENTIAL | © Nuance Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.

6 Introducing eCopy PDF Pro Office 6
4/21/2017 Introducing eCopy PDF Pro Office 6 AFFORDABLE PDF SOFTWARE FOR EVERY WORKER PDF software that’s ‘Better PDF for Business’ Makes deployment of PDF software to every worker affordable Superior OCR technology = more accurate document conversion Work faster with the ability to Create, View and Edit PDF files A true complement to MFP-based scanning eCopy PDF Pro Office, from Nuance, is the better PDF-conversion software for business. It’s a lightweight, affordable, easy-to-use PDF solution that delivers all of the features and functions you might expect from Adobe… but also, essential qualities you won’t find anywhere else, including: Pricing that’s makes deployment to every office worker not just affordable, but a no-brainer Superior OCR technology – producing more accurate conversion, which in turn saves time and effort; An intuitive user experience that’s optimized for the business user – as opposed to the graphic artist; Complete integration with the MFP scanning/workflow solutions, like eCopy ShareScan CONFIDENTIAL | © Nuance Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.

7 New Feature Segmentation against Adobe
eCopy PDF Pro Office Acrobat X Standard Pro Advanced Edit - word processing capabilities within your PDF file Add notes using speech through Dragon technology Connection to the cloud with Dropbox, Evernote and PaperPort Anywhere Connectors New stamp capabilities, right click creation and add to all pages Additional workflow options from MS Office to append Ability to send files to DMS from Portfolios Ability to send files to the PaperPort desktop Ability to send files to DMS from Internet Explorer Batch TIFF Converter Utility Preferred File Folder Shortcuts in Open and Save Ease of PDF/A creation and PDF/A and 508 Compliance Checker Collaboration Features - chat, voice, screensharing, document sharing and multiuser editing Data Extraction from forms - single form and batch extraction Support for Digital Rights Management with FileOpen  ˜ Highlight area tool Connectors for Microsoft SharePoint, Autonomy iManage, Hummingbird/Opentext/eDocs, LiveLink, NetDocuments, Worldox, Therefore, Documentum and Docushare Reduce file size Preview PDF in Outlook 2007 and 2010 Fax via

8 Existing Key Features (1)
OCR Scanning Accuracy Small installation footprint eCopy PDF Pro Acrobat Std Acrobat Pro Acrobat .5GB eCopy 1GB 2.1GB Convert PDFs directly into xls, doc, ppt MFD Scanning solution

9 Existing Key Features (1)
100% ISO Compliant Forms Converter An eCopy PDF meets the same standard as Adobe set by the ISO Turn PDFs or Paper forms into editable forms automatically Text to Speech Compare Documents Text to Speech Turn PDFs to speech files Then listen to them on the move Compare versions of documents to identify changes that may have been made

10 Key New Features of eCopy PDF Pro Office 6
Advanced Edit – This is a new technology that is not available in any other PDF application which makes it simpler and quicker than ever to make major edits to PDF documents Dragon Notes - use your voice to capture ideas and comments directly within your PDF files. Simply speak to create text notes in far less time than it takes to type. It’s a fast, accurate and convenient way to boost productivity when working with PDFs. Cloud Connectors - New connectors allow you to open files from popular cloud services, such as PaperPort Anywhere®, Box, Google Docs™, Windows Live® SkyDrive®, Office 365, Evernote® and Dropbox. PDF/A Compliance Checker - submit PDFs through the PDF/A compliance checker, if PDF fails a report of issues is generated and a process to resolve them is available at the click of a button. Batch Forms Extraction - Extract data from multiple forms into a database to enable simple collation of information from numerous forms

11 Demo 21-Apr-17

12 Word Processing right within your PDF
Advanced Edit Word Processing right within your PDF PDF wasn’t designed with editing in mind, but we now give users all the PDF editing capabilities they need! The new Advanced Edit tab converts and displays PDF documents into fully editable at the click of a button This exclusive feature allows faster and more natural editing using word processor-like features without the hassle of converting, saving and opening your file in a word processing application This feature turns our PDF Converter Professional and Enterprise software into a fully functional word processor for PDF files! The Advanced Edit feature is a new proprietary technology that is not available in any other PDF application and makes it simpler and quicker than ever to make major edits to PDF documents

13 How To Use Advanced Edit
PDF View: The normal PDF Converter Professional interface that has been available in previous versions Advanced Edit: This new interface provides word processing functionalities right within your PDF file Clicking the “Advanced Edit” tab will unlock the text objects in the PDF file and converts it into an editable PDF document

14 How To Use Advanced Edit (continued)
When you switch from PDF View to Advanced Edit you will be presented with a dialog box with the following: To inform you that items such as tags and layers will be removed Click the option to select the conversion method for a Document or a Form, and whether to automatically adjust character spacing during the conversion We also suggest that you make a backup copy of the original PDF file. This is because the conversion process may slightly alter the formatting, text flow and/or character spacing within the document Click Convert for the conversion to editable PDF to be processed

15 How To Use Advanced Edit (continued)
Once you are in the Advanced Edit mode, you will see that you now have access to word processing type options for you to make more complex edits to your PDF file than ever before Convert for Advanced Edit: Only available after using the Finalize Advanced Edit button. Finalize Advanced Edit: Makes the changes made in the Advanced Edit mode permanent and removes metadata from the document. Paragraph Style List: Adjusts the style of the selected text. Font: Changes the font type of the selected text. Font Size: Changes the font size of the selected text. Highlight tool: Highlights the selected text. Select the drop-down arrow to change the highlight color. Font color: Changes the font color of the selected text. Bold: Bolds the selected text. Italics: Italicizes the selected text. Underline: Underlines the selected text. Bullets: Creates an unordered bullet list. Numbering: Creates an ordered numbered list. Decrease indent: Decrease the line indent. Increase indent: Increase the line indent. Left alignment: Align the selected text to the left margin. Centered alignment: Align the selected text to the center of the document. Right alignment: Align the selected text to the right margin. Justified alignment: Extend the selected text to both margins. Borders and Shading: Adjust the borders and shading properties of the document. The Borders and Shading dialog allows the user to select the type of border along with the color and style of the line, or the shading color to be used, and then apply those changes to specific areas of the document.

16 How To Use Advanced Edit (continued)
Begin Editing *Please note that converting either an Image PDF or a Searchable PDF file may result in an unsatisfactory conversion.  Image PDF and Searchable PDF files require OCR (Optical Character Recognition) first in order to be processed successfully by Advanced Edit.

17 Connect to the Cloud Connect to the Cloud
“open” or “save” your documents from PDF 8 from these new popular cloud services directly from your toolbar Provides the convenience - the ability to access documents anytime, anywhere

18 Connect to the Cloud (continued))
Access cloud connections directly from the Open and Save As menu – streamlines access to documents stored in the cloud

19 Speak Your Notes Integrates world- famous speech recognition within your PDF with Dragon Notes Simply speak to create text – it’s three times faster than typing Connects PDF with Dragon customers that are accustomed to using speech Noise-cancelling headset microphone and internet connection required for Dragon Notes”

20 Quickly Collect Data From Forms
Options right from the Forms menu Batch export: Exports now to .csv or .xml Data Extraction from Forms Exports now to .xfdf, .xml and .txt Adds significant functionality to form extraction and matches Adobe X functionality

21 Ease of PDF/A Creation Create PDF/A directly from the “Save As” menu, which will default to PDF/A-1b To select a different PDF/A level, select the Settings button and then select one for the following options: PDF/A-1a PDF/A-1b PDF/A-2a PDF/A-2u PDF/A-2b

22 Verify and fix your PDF/A files
Complete PDF/A and 508 Compliance Checker which gives users the ability to fix files that do not comply with regulations Upon opening PDF/A compliant documents, notification that the document is PDF/A is prompted This feature eliminates the need for Adobe altogether

23 Reduce File Size Even Smaller PDF Files!!
PDF Converter Professional users previously been able to make scanned color PDF documents smaller with PDF-MRC (Mixed Raster Content) technology. But that only worked for scanned color PDF files The new Reduce File Size feature works on all PDF files (especially those that are graphic intensive) Reduce File Size primarily compresses images to adjust for overages in resolution. For example, a JPG may be converted to JPG2000 Plus, PDF Converter Professional 8 gives you the option to reduce the size of multiple files at once in batch mode

24 Automatic Document Assembly from Microsoft Office
Files that are being printed to the PDF printer from a Microsoft Office application will open in PDF Converter Professional or Enterprise without having to save it locally first. Further files printed can either be appended to an existing PDF file or created as a new PDF file. Feature enabled under printer driver properties > Destination> Send to PDF Pro

25 Faster Stamp creation and application
Ease of Stamp Creation Use Select Area tool to select area that you would like to be your stamp Right click and select Create Stamp Model Stamp panel is opened for you to name and save your new stamp Applying a stamp to all pages Place your stamp on a page in your desired location Right click and select “apply to all pages

26 Fast access to Document Management Systems
Save to DMS from Porfolios DMS Integration to IE

27 More DMS destinations Connectors to these popular DMS applications in order to meet our customers' needs: Documentum Xerox Docushare Adds significant functionality for DMS users by providing access within many new areas of the application

28 Securing PDF documents without using passwords
Support for Digital Rights Management Prevents copying, forwarding, save as, printing, searching etc. FileOpen controls and protects PDF content via a security handler A critical addition to support Digital Rights Management based on our customers’ needs

29 Preferred File Folder Shortcuts in Open and Save
Create a more controlled and streamlined business process by setting preferred folders to Open from and Save to Great for specific work groups so that they don’t have to go and hunt for documents Able to search for files in all selected folders for quick retrieval Feature enabled under Preferences > General > File Storage

30 Microsoft Outlook Preview
Supported in MS Outlook 2007 and 2010 Integration with Outlook is better than ever including giving you an instant visual preview of PDF attachments without having to open them.

31 Connect multiple Sharescan Inboxes
Ability to specify additional folders to monitor for notification When a scanned document arrives you will get notified in the Windows System Tray Open your Scan Inbox and retrieve the scanned document

32 Automated TIFF Converter Utility
Assemble groups of files in one format and automatically convert them to another Valid input is TIFF or PDF; output to PDF (image-only) or Searchable PDF TIFF PDF PDF

33 Highlight anything – text or images
Ability to select “Highlight Area” in order to create a freeform highlighted area that can be over text and images

34 Fax to 1 2 Direct PDF files via to a fax machine using a pre-defined Microsoft Outlook address either connecting to a local Fax Client or to an Exchange server Setup under Preference settings

35 Additional Enhancements
Ability to continue working in PDF 8 while PDF file is being printed Enhanced PDF “Print to” options by having the ability to “Send to PaperPort” - Print PDF files to the PaperPort desktop application from the Nuance PDF Create printer and from the PDF Create Assistant Improve link functionality by having the ability to save settings Support for a Multilingual User Interface Change PDF icon to page thumbnail in Vista & Win7 Ability to print selected pages Tested under Microsoft Application Virtualization

36 Collateral 21-Apr-17

37 eCopy Document Centric Solutions Packs
4/21/2017 Customer Presentation E-Shot Telephone Call Script 2 Page Flyer CONFIDENTIAL | © Nuance Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.

38 Product & Sales Materials - ENGAGE
4/21/2017 Product & Sales Materials - ENGAGE CONFIDENTIAL | © Nuance Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.

39 Evaluation and NFR Requests - ENGAGE

40 Upgrades Customers with valid M&S can upgrade their existing license keys to eCopy PDF Pro Office 6 through the eCopy Registration site:

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