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REACH! for the Stars July 2-27, 2012 2815 Saint Lo Drive PARENT ORIENTATION Image Source: "Free Start Clipart and Animated Graphics of Stars." Webweaver's.

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Presentation on theme: "REACH! for the Stars July 2-27, 2012 2815 Saint Lo Drive PARENT ORIENTATION Image Source: "Free Start Clipart and Animated Graphics of Stars." Webweaver's."— Presentation transcript:

1 REACH! for the Stars July 2-27, 2012 2815 Saint Lo Drive PARENT ORIENTATION Image Source: "Free Start Clipart and Animated Graphics of Stars." Webweaver's Free Clipart. Webweaver, n.d. Web. 16 May 2011..

2 Directions Read the following web page about bears. What is bear farming? Why do some people think that bear farming is wrong?


4 Consider… Why do some students “shut down” in the face of an independent class project? On what reading level are City Schools textbooks written? How would reading difficulties cause difficulties in all classes that a child takes? How would reading difficulties cause difficulties in later life?

5 What if your child could advance one reading level during July, 2012? What difference would that make in September?

6 REACH! for the Stars July 2-27, 2012 9:00-12:30 REACH! Partnership Middle/High School 2815 Saint Lo Drive Then you need to enroll your child in Image Source: "Free Start Clipart and Animated Graphics of Stars." Webweaver's Free Clipart. Webweaver, n.d. Web. 16 May 2011..

7 Program Goals Increase reading levels through the use of FastForWord© software. Model teamwork and a sense of community through a variety of activities. Increase writing skills by writing for the program newsletter. Read at least one novel by July 27. Participate in the Enoch Pratt Free Library summer reading program.

8 Program Components

9 Dates and Times July 2-27, 2012 Monday through Friday 9:00 until 12:30

10 A Typical Day for a Student By 8:599:00- 10:30 10:30- 12:00 12:00- 12:30 Time Activity Teaches.. Prompt Arrival Self-Pacing Responsibility Reading Improvement via FastForWord Software Strategies for: tackling difficult reading selections And raising one’s reading level Critical Thinking Enrichment Project Home Skills Following Directions Computer Skills Fitness Teamwork Lunch in Cafeteria Social Skills In addition: Each student gets one 45 minute library period each week. Main Street Culminating Activity 9-12 on the last day of the program.

11 Transportation Details Bus tickets available if needed.

12 Lunch will be provided in the school cafeteria from 12:00 until 12:30.

13 Dress Code

14 Because of the variety of activities that will be taking place during the REACH! for the Stars program, school uniforms are not required. However, we ask that all students dress appropriately and follow these guidelines:

15 Underwear No undergarments worn as outerwear are allowed. Undershirts do not count as outerwear, and underwear should not be visible, not even a little. Printed Matter on Clothes No wearing apparel printed with vulgar statements or statements promoting the use of drugs, alcohol, sex, and/or violence is allowed. Footwear No footwear such as slippers, thongs, and flip-flops is allowed. Headwear No hats, hair rollers, scarves, or hair curlers are allowed. Bedtime Apparel No pajama-type attire, undershirts, or other bedtime attire is allowed. Shorts, Skirts, and Tops No shorts above the knee (when student is standing), halter tops, tank tops, muscle shirts, or see-through tops are allowed. No mini-skirts are allowed.

16 Sweat Suits and Jogging Suits No sweat pants or jogging pants with elastic at the bottom of the legs are allowed. No elastic fabric sportswear is allowed. Torn Clothing No clothing designed or altered to expose undergarments or parts of the body except arms or legs, as defined throughout these rules, is allowed. Personal Electronics School is a safe, deliberately controlled environment. Students should not bring personal electronics such as radios, iPods, and cell phones to school. Entertainment devices distract from the purpose of the program and diminish student focus upon their work. Cell phones, in addition to being a distraction, can compromise the safety of individual students and the entire school, especially in cases of bullying and rumors. While we We understand that cell phones can be an important link between family members, but we are requiring that all cell phones be out of use during school hours. Parents who need to contact their children during school hours should leave a message to the student at 443-642-2291, and the message will promptly be delivered to the student. This preserves the atmosphere and safety of the school, while still allowing you to communicate with your child.

17 Introducing Our Staff

18 How We Communicate By phone Especially by email Home visits

19 When We Communicate When your child is late When your child is absent When you child is getting behind—and we won’t wait long! Classroom disruption

20 REACH! for the Stars July 2-27, 2011 2801 Saint Lo Drive ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES Image Source: "Free Start Clipart and Animated Graphics of Stars." Webweaver's Free Clipart. Webweaver, n.d. Web. 16 May 2011..

21 All leading up to a “Main Street” Festival on July 27!

22 Enrichment Debbie Taylor Summer Reading Program

23 What the Research Shows =ff From 2nd Grade Reading Level to LSU Scholarship

24 Questions?

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