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General Panorama of Indicators regarding the Contribution of Culture to the Economy Presentation to the V Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Culture.

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Presentation on theme: "General Panorama of Indicators regarding the Contribution of Culture to the Economy Presentation to the V Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Culture."— Presentation transcript:

1 General Panorama of Indicators regarding the Contribution of Culture to the Economy Presentation to the V Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Culture and Highest Appropriate Authorities Organization of American States Washington DC, November 9 & 10, 2011 Dr. Keith Nurse Director Shridath Ramphal Centre for International Trade Law, Policy and Services The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, Barbados, W.I.

2 Copyright Industries’ Contribution to Select Latin American and Caribbean Economies

3 3 Income Streams in the Creative Industries Goods Visible Earnings Books CDs DVDs Paintings Music instruments Garments & jewelry Services Invisible Earnings Live performances Design services Record engineering Legal services Intellectual property Invisible Earnings Royalty income Licensing fees Collective administration Digital rights management Experiential Economy: Cultural, Heritage, Festival Tourism Experiential Economy: Cultural, Heritage, Festival Tourism

4 The Creators Composers/Songwriters Performing artists Authors, Filmmakers Secondary Investors Facilitators Primary Investors Manufacturers (CDs, DVDs, Print) Distribution (Import/export, wholesale) Retailers, Venue operators, Broadcasters Managers Booking agents Ticket agents Lawyers/accountants Promotion/advertising Technical services Purchases of (CDs, books, videos) Audience at public performance venues/exhibitions Live performance (club, concert, theatre) Cultural & festival tourists Listeners to broadcast (radio, TV, Internet) Subscribers to online services Consumer And Audiences The Value – Chain in the Creative Industries Publishers Record Companies Promoters Directors

5 Creative Economy Man’fServicesIPTourismInternetMediaTelecomsICTsEcommerce Typology of Creative Economy and the Wider Economy

6 Creative Capital Creative Economy Creative Industries Creative Arts The Nexus between Creative Arts, Industries, Economies & Capital Arts administration and Development of Artists (1960/70/80s) Arts administration and Development of Artists (1960/70/80s) Industrial, trade, IP, enterprise & industry assoc. (1980/90s) Synergies between CE & tourism, media, man’f, Internet) (1990/00s) Synergies between CE & tourism, media, man’f, Internet) (1990/00s) Creativity as innovation Digital trade, iCloud, IP & destination branding (2000/10s) Creativity as innovation Digital trade, iCloud, IP & destination branding (2000/10s)

7 7 Key Strategic Issues & Questions Trade and border measures Do existing measures raise transaction costs, inputs/imports and retard competitiveness and exports? Organisational issues How organized are the structures and operations of the sector and do they serve the collective interest of entrepreneurs? Incentives regime What types of incentives are available to the sector and level of accessibility and effectiveness? Industrial and Innovation issues What is the level and pace of technological and institutional innovations?

8 Four Stage Process in Creative Industries and Entrepreneurship Economic & Marketing Intelligence and Value Chain Analysis Strategic Planning, Foresighting & Business Modeling Enterprise Development & Investment and Trade Facilitation Human & Institutional Capacity Building

9 9 WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE: Ten Point Strategic Plan Business Support & Development Export Marketing and Sales Human Resource Development Institutional Capacity Building Alignment of Trade, Industrial & Cultural policies Business Support & Development Export Marketing and Sales Human Resource Development Institutional Capacity Building Alignment of Trade, Industrial & Cultural policies Copyright Protection & Administration Anti-Piracy Campaigns Access to development financing Internet & ecommerce readiness Harmonized government policies & investment Copyright Protection & Administration Anti-Piracy Campaigns Access to development financing Internet & ecommerce readiness Harmonized government policies & investment

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