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Malcolm Knowles Adult Learning Theory Patricia Farley MS RN CNE Walden University EdD Student EDUC 8101.

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2 Malcolm Knowles Adult Learning Theory Patricia Farley MS RN CNE Walden University EdD Student EDUC 8101

3 Questions to be addressed? What is andragogy? What is the difference between andragogy and pedagogy? What are Malcolm Knowles assumptions of adult learning? What are some limitations of Knowles adult learning theory?

4 Andragogy Alexander Kapp

5 Malcolm Knowles Father of adult learning Harvard University Director of YMCA Astronomy class The Modern Practice of Adult Education: Andragogy vs. Pedagogy Published over 230 articles & 18 books

6 Pedagogy vs. Andragogy

7 Six Assumptions of Andragogy 1.Self concept 2.Learner’s experience 3.Readiness to learn 4.Orientation to learning 5.Motivation to learn 6.Need to know

8 Self Concept Adults are actively involved in decisions that affect themselves

9 The Role of the Learner’s Experience Adults come into educational activities with experience

10 Readiness to Learn Adults are ready to learn when they need new information to cope effectively with life situations.

11 Orientation to Learning Adult learning experiences should be structured around life situations.

12 Motivation to Learn Adults are motivated by internal pressures

13 The Need to Know Adults must recognize the necessity of learning something prior to starting the process of learning.

14 Strengths of Knowles Theory A set of core adult learning principles Can be applied to all adult learning situations

15 Limitations of Knowles Theory Based on observation and experience No valid measurement tool Various order of assumptions Adult experiences may be negative These assumptions can relate to children The impact of culture, race, gender or environment not mentioned

16 Summary Andragogy remains the best known model of adult learning All theories have strengths/weaknesses. No single theory explains how every adult learns.


18 Please remember to fill out evaluation form and email back to me.

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