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1 ETSI Technical Committee Human Factors July, 2004)

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1 1 ETSI Technical Committee Human Factors July, 2004)

2 2 Technical Committee Human Factors (TC HF)  Responsible for human factors issues in all areas of telecommunications  Responsibility to ensure ETSI takes account of the needs of all users, including those who are older, younger or disabled  Produces standards, guidelines and reports that set the criteria necessary to ensure the widest possible accessibility of converging information and communications technologies Chairman: Stephen Furner (British Telecommunications) Vice Chairmen: Bruno von Niman (ITS) Mike Pluke (Castle Consulting) Lutz Groh (Siemens)

3 3 The eEurope Initiatives  Launched by the European Commission in 2000: “eEurope 2002 – An Information Society For All”  Intended to accelerate positive change in the EU  Building on this success, in June 2002 the initiative was extended into eEurope Action Plan 2005  TC HF very successful in applications aligned with the eEurope Action plan, resulting in successful funding and deliveries

4 4 Address the needs of all users

5 5 Erkki Liikanen  European Commissioner responsible for Enterprise and Information Society (until July, 2005) “We should aim for all citizens to be able to use electronic communications, whether they have less digital skills, are living in remote regions, have less income, or have special physical or mental needs. Everyone should share the benefits of the Information Society in terms of access to services and of greater choice, lower prices and higher quality.” ESO Conference, 2003

6 6 eEurope activities involving ETSI Standardisation in:  VoIP  Secure networks  Electronic signatures  Digital rights management  End user aspects: TC Human Factors:  Inclusive design and accessibility (children, elderly, disabled)  Mobile (terminal and service) user experience  Multimodality  Universal addressing in converging networks

7 7 HF Specialist Task Forces (STF) - 180 Standards for Universal Communications Identification (UCI) Solutions - 181 Requirements for Assistive Technology Devices in ICT - 182 Generic Spoken Commands for ICT Devices and Services - 183 Guidelines on the Multimodality of Icons, Symbols and Pictograms - 184 Guidelines for ICT Products and Services: ‘Design for All’ - 199 UCI for Next Generation Networks - 200 Maximizing the Usability of UCI-based Systems - 201 Access to ICT by Young People; Issues and Guidelines - 202 Alphanumeric Characters in European Languages: Sorting Orders and Assignment to the 12-key Telephone Keypad - 203 Human Factors of Work in Call Centers - 204 Multimodal Interaction, Communication and Navigation - 230 UCI to Improve Communications for Disabled, Young and Elderly - 231 Guidelines for Generic UI Elements of Mobile Terminals and Services

8 8 STFs recently started (March 2004)  Telecare, STF264  User profile management, STF265  Children’s ICT guidelines (part 2), STF266  DUST (Duplex Universal Speech and Text), STF267

9 9 STFs under final negotiation  Drafts:  Enabling Users for Mobile e-Services  Access Symbols for digital TV  Person-to-Person Videotelephony  Guidelines for Multicultural issues in ICT  …expect more in 2005!

10 10 Promotion and dissemination (completed)  Press releases  Numerous papers, presentations and articles:  Mobile Voice 2002  ESO Accessibility Conference 2003  Human Factors in Telecommunications 2001, 2003  3G World Congress 2003  World Handset Forum 2003  ACM CHI 2004  Mobile Human Computer Interaction 2002, 2003  European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference 2002  Telektronikk 2002, 2004  VON Europe 2004  etc.  ETSI eEurope brochures

11 11 STF231: Guidelines for generic mobile terminal and service user interfaces  Contracted experts performing the work:  Ericsson/ITS (Lead), Nokia, Siemens, Sony Ericsson and (Telenor/independent consultant)  In Industry Reference Group:  Motorola, Orange, TeliaSonera, Vodafone, Orange, RNIB/RNID, Fundacion ONE, et cetera  Takes into account work previously performed in ETSI (and ITU-T, CEN/CENELEC and ISO/IEC)  Open, implementation-oriented work  Draft ETSI Guide approved in June 2004  ETSI Guide published in September  Impacting 1.3 billion users!

12 12 STF231 activities  Build industry consensus  September, 2003: Mobile HCI Workshop  October, 2003: First Industry Consensus Workshop (press release)  November, 2003: 3G World Congress presentation  November, 2003: World Handset Forum presentation  December, 2003: Human Factors in Telecom pres.  April, 2004: CHI 2004 presentation  May, 2004: Final Consensus Workshop  May, 2004: DATSCG presentation  September, 2004: World Telecommunications Congress presentation  November, 2004: 3G World Congress 2004  IMPACT candidate:  press release,  presentation package (brochure +)

13 13 STF 230: Using UCI systems to improve communications for disabled, young and elderly people  Earlier STF work proposed and defined a Universal Communications Identifier (UCI)  The UCI helps people control how they communicate across all current and future communications services – and provides them with reliable ways to identify who they are communicating with  Identify how these capabilities can be targeted at aiding disabled, young and elderly people (who are often excluded from effectively using communications services)  Interviews and questionnaires were done with people representing the needs of the above groups  An ETSI Guide giving guidelines on additions to and usage of UCI was produced

14 14 STF230 downstreaming  An ETSI/eEurope leaflet on UCI was produced in order to help the STF communicate with non-technical bodies – this has been very widely distributed  The work of STF230 was presented to an audience of Human Factors experts from major telecommunications companies in the form of 2 papers at the 19th th Human Factors in Telecommunications Symposium (2003) in Berlin  A presentation on UCI was given at the VON Europe 2004 (Voice over IP) conference (London, June 2004)  An article about UCI will be published shortly in Telektronikk (a publicly distributed Telenor)

15 15 STF230 planned downstreaming  TISPAN has agreed to have a “Birds of a Feather” session at its September meeting to determine how TISPAN can support the introduction of UCI  UCI has recently been mentioned on the IETF’s ENUM mailing list as being an important area that should be investigated (ENUM is an IETF “standard” that defines how a single telephone number can be used to contact a person using a number of different communications services)  No current funded work on UCI so support to other bodies (in ETSI and outside) showing interest in UCI is difficult to achieve  Requirements on IMPACT :  Further publicity may be required  Multimodal demonstrator?

16 16 STF264: Telecare solutions (end user aspects)  Demand from customers for ICT services on the integrated potentials offered by new narrow- and broadband, fixed and mobile technologies (GSM, GPRS, IP, UMTS), to support delivery of care services  Supported independence through the delivery of care services through public and private networks will give vulnerable customers greater access to an independent life within the wider community and reduce the need for institutional care  This is not exclusively services for older members of the community; it includes young people who need care at home, permanent heart monitor wearers, pregnant women, etc.

17 17 STF264: Telecare solutions (end user aspects)  Intelligencia Ambiental 2004  UBICARE 2004  National workshops in Spain, Sweden, Norway and UK in 2004 (Q3/Q4)  3G World Congress 2004  ETSI workshop in 2005  IMPACT candidate:  press relesse,  presentation package (brochure +)

18 18 STF 265: User Profile Management  User profiles - increasingly important for customisation of terminals and services to provide efficient communications.  Proper user profile management will be critical to the universal acceptance and success of new and advanced communication services.

19 19 Events - presentations and leaflets  Leaflet “Opening up the Information Society to All - Human Factors in Telecommunications” - ETSI and eEurope, 2003  info about STF on User Profile Management  AT#9 at ETSI Sophia Antipolis  21 April 2004 presentation by STF leader Françoise Petersen  MESA#8 in Denver  27 April 2004 presentation by Walt Brown  TISPAN#3 at ETSI Sophia Antipolis  28 April 2004 mid-plenary presentation by Françoise Petersen  VON Europe 2004 Conference & Expo in London  7 June 2004, leaflets distributed and discussions on user profile management allowing easier adoption of advanced services, by Mike Pluke STF 265: User Profile Management

20 20 External contacts/events  21 October 2004, workshop planned  would be good to promote this event, possibly co-ordinated with promotion of the ETSI-Casa Nova workshop on Digital Home & HF, 22 October  Workshops and presentations at different events to be planned  we would appreciate help to promote these events  IMPACT candidate:  press release,  presentation package (brochure +) STF 265 on User Profile Management

21 21 STF 266: Guidelines for access to ICT by children  Presentation was made at the recent DATSCG Meeting  CHI2004 in April in Vienna  Web-based discussion forum set up at p?showforum=6  Workshop on "Human Factors Guidelines for the design and use of ICT by children" on June 21-22  ETSI colloquium  Paper at Digital Generations Conference in London in July 2004: "Children - Masters of Technology?“  Workshops in Norway and UK  2005 Workshop  IMPACT candidate:  press release,  presentation package (brochure +)

22 22 STF267: Duplex Universal Speech and Text  Set out requirements for a Duplex Universal Speech and Text (DUST) protocol that would provide enhanced real time text and speech conversation for all users  To facilitate the compatibility of telecommunications text and videophone equipment for all people in Europe and across the World and let deaf people into the mainstream community

23 23 STF267 External contacts  Project introduced at London Conference “Magic Dust – Beyond the Textphone – A seminar”  Interest received from over 75 Stakeholders  “Access to the Information Society for deaf and hard of hearing people” organised by RNIB in Brussels  Seminar entitled "Is anyone answering – Now?” Organised by Hearing Concern and PhoneAbility in London  Conference on disability access issues in IP based services organised by FCC in Washington – Presented paper on work  IMPACT candidate:  press release,  presentation package (brochure +)

24 24 User-oriented handling of multicultural issues in broadband and narrowband multimedia communications New STF work to start October 2004

25 25 Rationale, scope, tasks  The eEurope programme envisages widespread availability of online public services  European citizens and visitors to Europe come from a very wide range of different cultures  There are two major requirements:  to avoid users having to manually select from a long list of different versions of a service each time they use one  to support those introducing services by not expecting them to produce variants of the service for every possible different culture  The proposed work addresses these issues by identifying ways in which services can access a user’s language and other cultural preferences/ abilities and deliver a service variant most suited to those preferences/abilities

26 26 Planned liaison/downstreaming activities  It is proposed to involve the cultural localisation community in the work of the STF  This will include:  a number of ISO and CEN committees working in the field of cultural issues related to ICT services  LISA (the Localization Industry Standards Association)

27 27 Expectations from ETSI PR  The STF, like previous STFs, would benefit from:  high quality “leaflets+” which give a relatively non- technical description of the proposed work of the STF  press releases corresponding to the start of the STF and to key outputs of the STF’s work  The availability of the above would facilitate successful initial contacts with individuals and organizations that could benefit the work of the STF

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