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2004 IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management Yingqi Xu, Julian Winter, Wang-Chien Lee.

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Presentation on theme: "2004 IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management Yingqi Xu, Julian Winter, Wang-Chien Lee."— Presentation transcript:

1 2004 IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management Yingqi Xu, Julian Winter, Wang-Chien Lee

2 Contents  The direction of designing energy-aware object tracking algorithms  A prediction-based energy saving scheme.  An extensive performance evaluation  A sensor node: a logical representation of a set of sensor nodes which collaboratively decide the properties of a moving object. A sensing leader/cluster head in a multi-level sensor network.

3 Impacting factors Factors impacting the energy consumptions.  Number of moving objects  Reporting frequency  Data precision  Sensor sampling frequency  Higher object speed  higher sampling frequency  Object moving speed  Location models

4 Object Track problem  Requirements: A sensor network with S sensor nodes is equipped to track O moving objects. Each sampling duration takes X seconds. The application requires the sensor nodes to report the objects location (represented by Sensor ID) every T seconds.  Problem Definition: Given the requirements for the object tracking application, develop energy saving schemes which minimize overall energy consumption of the OTSN under an acceptable missing rate.

5 Basic scheme  Naïve: all the sensor nodes stays in active mode to monitor their detection areas all the time.  Scheduled Monitoring (SM): all the S nodes will be activated for X second then go to sleep for (T − X) seconds.  Continuous Monitoring (CM): only the sensor node who has the object in its detection area will be activated (stay awake).

6 Solution space of energy saving schemes

7 Prediction-based Energy Saving Scheme  How to reduce the missing of objects?  Prediction, Wake up  How to re-locate the missing object?  Recovery

8 Prediction model  Object movement usually remains constant for a certain period of time.  Direction, speed  Heuristics INSTANT  Assume the moving objects stay in the current speed and direction.  Heuristics AVERAGE  The average of the object movement history.  Comm overhead (the size of history)  Heuristics EXP AVG  Assign weights to the historical stages  Compress the history info, reduce the comm overhead

9 Wake up mechanisms  Do not expect 100% prediction accuracy.  To accommodate the prediction errors, a set of nodes are woken up.  Heuristic DESTINATION  Only inform the destination node  Heuristic ROUTE  Also include the nodes on the route  Heuristic ALL NBR  Dest + Route + neighbors


11 Recovery mechanism 1. All neighbors 2. Flooding recovery

12 Simulation  Total energy consumption  Radio, sensing, computing …  Missing rate  Failing to report on time

13 Workload

14 Pause time The frequency a moving object changes its state in terms of speed and direction.

15 Moving speed

16 Sampling frequency

17 Q & A

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