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CPALS General Membership Meeting November 8 th, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "CPALS General Membership Meeting November 8 th, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 CPALS General Membership Meeting November 8 th, 2012

2 What have you been up to!? PLEASE SHARE! Meeting a new 1:1 pal/family – Ronnell Green! Fun times in the clinic - halloween New friends? Any difficult situations?

3 Kudos! Ashley McGee: Demonstrating major dedication to the Beads of Courage program and attending the orientation alongside 5 Children's nurses (who thought she was absolutely wonderful!) and already looking ahead to being on the expanding Beads of Courage team next semester! Kelsey Gustaveson: For an amazing ability to hold lots of information about 60+ 1:1 pal matches (plus applications, plus trainings, etc.) in her mind and develop organization systems... invaluable! Sarah Ward: from Meghan, one of the inpatient Rec. Therapy/Child Life folks who works with your 1:1 pal, she can't say enough good things about your work with this girl who is just going through so much...

4 Kudos II Herodes Guzman: For major dedication to a pal who has been in Chapel Hill for months and months Mauricio Barretto for translating our CPALS pamphlet into Spanish! Everyone who helped with Halloween activities Kelsey Gustaveson and Lauren Swords for working two football games Thank you to everyone for everything you do! Patrick French for proactively serving and always asking how he can help; also for coming in for extra time to finish an organizing project

5 Requirements 1 special project, 1 fundraising event (football game), and a third event of any type. Please speak to Courtney or Kelsey with any questions after the meeting It is NOT too late!!! Please COMMUNICATE with us if you need ANY help! Your schedule doesn’t work with scheduled events? Email us and we’ll offer alternatives Sitting a semester out

6 Other notes from Jess… “Housekeeping”-25 hours- going the distance Uniforms, uniforms, uniforms Flu shot requirement Email from Jodie (coming on or around 12/1) Spring clinic shift sign-ups Jess’s hiatus

7 I want feedback! Quick chat session with you all: are you getting what you want from our communications? Emails, websites, meetings, facebook, etc

8 Staff Breakfasts November 20th at 7:30 am Sign up on the google doc You will receive 1 hour credit for attending You will receive a Special Projects requirement if you make or bring something

9 Fundraising Last game this weekend! No more volunteers needed! Email us if you still need to fulfill your requirement Pick up hats from that tall guy who was crying at the NC State game Basketball games in spring THANK YOU!!

10 Special Projects Thank you to everyone who helped at Halloween Look out for Thanksgiving sign-ups Baking for staff breakfast will count as an event! These are the two last opportunities we have planned WE WILL ACCOMMODATE YOU IF YOU NEED ANOTHER S.P. EVENT…CONTACT US!

11 CPALS Bead! The bead is here! What is your preference: make your own keychain (possibly have a social event) or us make them for you? Watch the wording when handing out to your pal

12 T-shirt Update Unlikely that t-shirt will happen this semester We are SO sorry Awesome designs take awesome work…which takes time! As already stated, if you still need a fundraising requirement, email Aaron or Sherilynn

13 1:1s We now have a Spanish flyer! Contact me if you would like a copy or check on the website Next week we will switch to a group email instead of listserv email for updates If you do not receive an email on Tuesday, please contact me so I can add your correct address

14 What’s next? Next/last meeting will be November 29 th likely in the clinic See Courtney/Kelsey for requirements questions AFTER meeting Get your FLU shot in by next Friday! And on to Chase Jones!

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