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Presentation on theme: "STATE CONTRACTS MEETING TRACY LITTLE APRIL 21, 2015."— Presentation transcript:


2 Tracy Little – Managing Partner Greg Natvig – Vice President of Operations Bridget Bailey – Project Manager Devin Netter – Project Manager MEET OUR TEAM!

3 Count the F’s in this Sentence James River Solutions is a full service fuel provider. We are proud of our partnership to deliver heating oil and off road fuel to The Commonwealth of Virginia and think highly of our customers. We will continue to increase your knowledge of the Petroleum Industry. If you ever have any questions feel free to call us!

4 CORRECT ANSWER 12 F’s!!! James River Solutions is a full service fuel provider. We are proud of our partnership to deliver heating oil and off road fuel to The Commonwealth of Virginia and think highly of our customers. We will continue to increase your knowledge of the Petroleum Industry. If you ever have any questions feel free to call us!

5 James River provides complete fuel products & services to our customers: National e Card Program Strategic Bulk Fuel Delivery across the U.S. Terminal Access across the U.S. with National Supply Agreements Complete Inventory Management Mobile Fueling Capability Consultative Approach Project Management Methodology Multiple Pricing Options Environmental Compliance On-site Vendor Services RFP & Procurement Consulting Services One Day Assessment Services 24/7 Customer Service PRODUCTS & SERVICES

6 Will Call Deliveries Call in or email your order and we will deliver within 24 hours Automatic Deliveries We can set up deliveries on a set schedule so you never have to worry about ordering fuel DELIVERY OPTIONS

7 Fuel Requests: Email all fuel delivery requests to VP of Sales: Tracy Little-804-399-8900 VP of Operations Greg Natvig-540-672-8901 Project Management: Bridget Bailey- 757-375-1525 Devin Netter-804-358-9000 x 317 Customer Service Representatives: Allyn Cook-Swartz-804-358-9000 x 303 Cleveland Planz-804-358-9000 x 337 Becky Gaskins-804-358-9000 x 330 Customer Service Manager: Darlene Harris-804-358-9000 x 318 Emergency Line: 804-393-1150. If no one answers please leave a message and your call will be returned ASAP. Fax: 804-359-6307 Toll Free: 1-800-825-5599 SERVICE PROTOCOL

8 6 th Coldest February on record since 1979 with temperature averages around 31.4° (9.5 ° below normal) 9 th Snowiest Winter in Virginia on record beating out 1996 and 1952 Estimates that temperature-related energy demand was 35% above average This created a tight supply for propane, natural gas and heating oil Many governors declared states of emergency Department of Transportation allowed truck drivers to drive longer hours due to increased need and demand WINTER 2015

9 Plan Ahead, Be Proactive! Know all emergency contact information Don’t Panic! We will do our best to get you everything you need Understand that you may need to be flexible Know your generator run time and let us know when it’s running! ESCALATE any emergency to Tracy, Greg, and Bridget. Customer Service is our number one priority and our goal is to always make sure you are taken care of! WHAT TO DO IN AN EMERGENCY

10 FIXED PRICING We can purchase fixed pricing contracts based on your needs. A fixed pricing agreement can help you gain control over a very volatile market. It will also help you manage your fuel expenses as you increase efficiencies and maneuver your business structures. This pricing option provides an answer to an unknown variable in the budgeting equation, allowing you to prioritize and focus on other important business decisions.

11 A bottoming out process for oil prices is likely achievable only if the trajectory of increased demand and supply adjustment holds firm momentum not only to clear the current market surplus but also to draw down inventories built over 2014 Currently however supply and demand dynamics show a high degree of divergences, rather than a strong trend, and are not moving in the direction to tighten the market balances THE CURRNET FUEL MARKET



14 Average temperature for US Winter was 31.3 degrees Fahrenheit (One degree below the 20 th Century average) Coldest winter since 2009-2010 and the 34 th coldest on record Estimates that temperature-related energy demand was 35% above average This created a tight supply for propane, natural gas and heating oil Many governors declared states of emergency Department of Transportation allowed truck drivers to drive longer hours due to increased need and demand WINTER 2014 SMARTank is a completely wireless tank-level monitoring system designed to provide our customers with the ultimate in flexibility and performance. Requires no external power, telephone connection, or control boxes Simple instillation and unparalleled ease of use SMARTank is the simplest, most dependable solution available to distributors and their customers. It is completely wireless with flexible features that make it easy to install and implement in a variety of configurations on single tanks as well as multi- tanks. The secure website makes tracking activity second nature for both the customer as well as our team at James River. SMARTank TECHNOLOGY

15 Implementing our SMARTank Monitoring technology on your tanks will help you increase your bottom line while allowing your personnel to focus attention on other important tasks This technology allows us to see exactly how much fuel is in each tank and provides us complete control to set up automatic deliveries Eliminate costly emergency deliveries Never run out of product Never need to stick tanks Never need to call or fax orders Cut out administrative costs of personnel checking tank levels Allows you to be more proactive before emergencies Save time and money! SMARTank ADVANTAGES



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