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Chapter 30 Lesson 2 Treatment for HIV and AIDS. Detecting HIV Antibodies 2 phases of testing that have and accuracy of 99% Takes anywhere from 2 weeks.

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1 Chapter 30 Lesson 2 Treatment for HIV and AIDS

2 Detecting HIV Antibodies 2 phases of testing that have and accuracy of 99% Takes anywhere from 2 weeks to 6 months for the body to produce antibodies following infection After 6 months testing should indicate accurately whether infection is present itn the body HIV- Human Immuno deficiency virus Acquired Immuno deficiency syndrome

3 HIV Testing 1 st Test – ELISA - a test that screens for the presence of HIV antibodies in the blood, not for the HIV or AIDS virus Very sensitive and will be reactive even if there are only one or two antibodies in the blood sample Hemophelia, hepatitis, and pregnancy can cause false reactive readings ELISA will be repeated if you get a positive test the first time

4 HIV Testing 2 nd Test – cnfirmatory test Western Blot, IFA or RIA will be given A positive test on one of these will confirm HIV antibodies present in the blood The person may show no symptoms or sign of infection

5 Symptoms of HIV Infection Asymptomatic – Earliest signs phase of HIV Period of months or years during which the virus is present in the blood but there are no symptoms or sign of the disease Even though symptoms may not appear for 10- 12 years a person infected with HIV will almost always develop AIDS Person goes through different stages of disease

6 Symptoms of HIV Infection 2 nd stage – Symptomatic – Symptoms Fever, rash, headache, body ache, swollen glands – may be mistaken as flu These symptoms may pass over time the person’s ability to fight pathogens decreases, along with the T-Helper cell count

7 Common AIDS- Opportunistic Illnesses Page 666 in Text Book Pneumocystis carinii pnuemonia Kaposi’s sarcoma – a rare skin cancer

8 Kaposi’s Sarcoma

9 Research and Treatment Search for vaccine and treatment is ongoing Once HIV enters body it reproduces itself, about a billion a day Everyday the body produces new immune cells to fight the virus, and eventually the immune system becomes exhausted and overwhelmed by the virus

10 Research and Treatment New medication interfere with HIV’s ability to reproduce Protease inhibitors – when used in combination with other antiviral medications such as zidovudine (AZT) and 3TC, has reduced the amount of HIV in the body SEE PAGE 667

11 Obstacles to Research and Treatment One of the biggest problems is that HIV is in the family of retroviruses which reproduce in a manner that makes it difficult to combat New strains of the virus have emerged Affordability of treatment

12 Preventing the Spread of HIV/AIDS HIV is preventable Avoiding high risk behavior Making informed decisions Making responsible decisions Abstinence is the only 100% sure way of never contracting the disease

13 Abstinence and HIV/AIDS Avoid situations and events where drug use or the pressure to have sexual activity is likely to occur Choose relationships carefully, avoid forming dating relationships with someone whom you know to be sexually active Avoid known drug users

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