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AVIS (AVES) aviationaviatorAvian Flu aviary. CANIS (CANES) canineteeth.

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Presentation on theme: "AVIS (AVES) aviationaviatorAvian Flu aviary. CANIS (CANES) canineteeth."— Presentation transcript:

1 AVIS (AVES) aviationaviatorAvian Flu aviary

2 CANIS (CANES) canineteeth

3 EQUUS (EQUI) Olympic equestrian event:

4 FELES (FELES) feline

5 LEO (LEONES) Leo di Caprio leonine Leontyne Price Leonardo Da Vinci

6 LUPUS (LUPI) Prof. Remus Lupin Lupus disease Rome’s lupine emblem

7 MUS (MURES) Murine Neurobiology Murine Mammary Tumor Virus

8 PAPILIO (PAPILIONES) Papillon dog breed Lamb chop en papillote Salmon cooked en papillote Papillon

9 PISCIS (PISCES) Pisces Zodiac Sign piscatorial pursuits

10 PORCUS (PORCI) Porcine beauty porkPorcelain vase porcupine


12 SERPENS (SERPENTES) serpentine road

13 SIMIUS (SIMII) Simian Immuno- deficiency Virus simian crease

14 TAURUS (TAURI) Taurus Zodiac Sign Taurine-- an organic amino acid first isolated in ox bile

15 URSUS (URSI) Ursa Major and Minor Ursula ursine

16 VACCA (VACCAE) Vaccine--since Jenner used cow pox to protect humans from smallpox

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