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Account/Media Strategy and Planning. Campaign Strategy Objectives – What are your goals? Targeting – Who are your best prospects? Competitive advantage.

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Presentation on theme: "Account/Media Strategy and Planning. Campaign Strategy Objectives – What are your goals? Targeting – Who are your best prospects? Competitive advantage."— Presentation transcript:

1 Account/Media Strategy and Planning

2 Campaign Strategy Objectives – What are your goals? Targeting – Who are your best prospects? Competitive advantage – What differentiate your brand? Brand personality – Human characteristics of brand? Positioning – What’s your place relative to competition? Geographic – Where to concentrate your efforts? Seasonality – When to market the product/service?

3 Objectives Sales objectives – focused on direct action, such as a buying response Goal: generate short-term increases in sales. Be realistic. 1-2% increase Communications objectives – focused on building awareness or image. Goal: create and improve knowledge or favorable perception of the product.

4 Targeting Determining your best prospects Not all prospect groups should be targets Must prioritize among possibilities Primary, secondary, tertiary markets Users, buyers, and influencers Research identified prospects Strategy defined targets

5 Competitive Advantage What give you an edge on competitors? A unique set of features that are seen as significant and superior by consumer Key to brand loyalty and brand equity Cost – Maximize value to consumers (Walmart) Differentiation – Unique experience (Apple) Niche – Focus on narrow market (Rolex)

6 Position and Personality What is your place in the market? How are you understood by consumers? What can you deliver to consumers? What human characteristics/personality traits can be attributed to your brand? Must be something consumer can relate to

7 Geographic and Seasonal What parts of the country? What types of markets? What areas of a market? Regions, DMAs, metro rings What times of the year? What holiday seasons? What other timing factors? Time of year, month, week, and day

8 Outline Function of Media Planning Media Planning Objectives/Strategies Media Selection Media Information Sources Media Outlets and Options

9 Functions of Media Planning Goal: Delivering ad to target audience Decisions: Which audience? Where? When? How long? Increasing complexity of media planning

10 Aperture in Media Planning The ideal moment for exposure to ad Consumer in info-seeking mode Consumer in purchase mode Interest and attention are high

11 Media Planning Objectives Reaching the target Sales geography: Where to advertise Timing: when to advertising Duration: how long to advertise

12 Reaching the Target Matching info on: Target audience profile Mass media audiences Categories of information: Audience demographics Product user characteristics

13 Sales Geography: Where Geographic sales differences Differential dollar allocations Regional distribution patterns Focused advertising expenditures Targeted markets or hubs Such are airlines or hotel chains

14 Timing: When Season timing Holiday timing Days-of-the-week timing Hours-of-the-day timing When is as important as Where

15 Duration: How Long Size of the advertising budget May need to select times to focus Consumer-use cycles When are sales highest, when is purchase? Competitors’ advertising Share of voice / Share of dollars

16 Timing/Duration Strategies Continuity Flighting w/ hiatus Pulsing

17 The Media Environment Content context: compatibility with product Media clutter Share of voice in a given medium

18 Staging the Media Plan Starting point: Situation Analysis Media objectives What are the media goals? Strategy: Media selection Finding the most appropriate media Flow Chart Scheduling Month-by-month budget allocation

19 Marketing Sources Important factors: Area sales patterns Month-by-month sales patterns Distribution patterns Competitors’ advertising patterns

20 Media Sources Media selection based on: Audience research Media costs Important factors: Media popularity/usage Media audience profiles Media cost forecasting Media characteristics

21 Strategic Use of Advertising Media Purpose Coverage Targeting Support Audience/Product Involvement High vs. Low Involvement Type of Appeal Rational (Cognitive) Emotional (Affective)

22 Advertising Media Print Media Place Media Broadcast Media Narrowcast Media

23 Print Media Newspapers Magazines

24 National and Local Newspapers National Newspapers Metro Daily Newspapers Regional Daily Newspapers Local Weekly Newspapers

25 Newspaper Readers Mass market (relatively wide reach) Readership increases with: Age Education Income

26 Types of Newspaper Ads Classified Display Local vs. National Supplements

27 Advantages of Newspapers Geographic targeting High credibility Permanence/User-paced High information potential

28 Disadvantages of Newspapers Limited color Poor reproduction quality One day life span Unattractive layouts Hard to measure actual exposure Massive decline in readership

29 Decline Across Ages

30 Strategic Use of Newspapers Coverage medium Geographic targeting Local retail ads High involvement consumers/products Rational appeals

31 Magazines General circulation magazines Specialized Magazines Target marketing Trade Magazines

32 Advantages of Magazines High color reproduction quality High credibility Permanence/User-paced Pass along factor High information potential

33 Disadvantages of Magazines Hard to measure actual exposure Long lead times Expensive: High CPMs Decline in news magazines

34 Strategic Use of Magazines Highly specialized target marketing Geographic targeting with zip editions High involvement consumers/products Rational and emotional appeals

35 Place/Outdoor Media Billboards Transit Ambient

36 Billboards / Ambient

37 Advantages of Billboards High frequency Geographic flexibility Low cost per exposure

38 Disadvantages of Billboards Fleeting message Limited information Long lead times Location unavailability Visual pollution

39 Strategic Use of Billboards Good coverage medium Localized support medium Low involvement products

40 Transit Advertising

41 Advantages of Transit Captive audience Low cost Supports mass transit systems

42 Disadvantages of Transit Lack of status Cluttered environment Limited information potential

43 Strategic Use of Transit Localized support medium High and low involvement products

44 Explosion of Ambient Reasons for growth of ambient media: A decline in power of traditional media. Greater demand for point-of-sale contact. Narrowcasting to specific audience. Extremely versatile.


46 Broadcast Media National Television Local Television Cable Television Syndicated Television Radio

47 Advantages of National Television Mass coverage Low cost per thousand (CPM) Some content-based targeting High impact Creativity/stopping power

48 Disadvantages of National Television High production costs High absolute media costs Brevity Impermanence/Not user-paced Low information potential Clutter Zipping and Zapping

49 Strategic Use of National Television Coverage medium Low involvement consumers/products Emotional appeals

50 Local (Spot) Television Local Affiliates Local Independents

51 Cable Television Superstations News channels Entertainment channels Specialized channels

52 Advantages of Cable TV Similar to National Television Low cost: absolute and CPM More specialized audiences

53 Disadvantages of Cable TV Similar to National Television Lower quality ads Limited reach Fragmented audience

54 Strategic Use of Cable TV Targeting with television Some high involvement consumers with specialized channels Emotional / rationale appeals

55 Syndicated Television First-run syndication Rerun syndication (off network)

56 First-run Syndication

57 Rerun Syndication

58 Forms of Television Advertising Sponsorships Infomercials Participation Breaks within a program Spot announcements Breaks between programs

59 Radio Network Radio Syndication Unwired networks Satellite Radio Local Spot Radio

60 Advantages of Radio Low media cost Low production costs Short lead times Captive audiences Specialized audiences

61 Disadvantages of Radio No visuals Low information potential Impermanence/Not user-paced Fragmented audiences Complicated media buys Clutter

62 Strategic Use of Radio Good targeting medium Localized support medium High and low involvement products/consumers Rational and emotional appeals

63 Narrowcast Media Direct marketing Telemarketing Direct mail Yellow pages Interactive media (The Internet)

64 Direct Media Direct Mail Catalogues Broadcast media Infomercials 800 numbers Telemarketing

65 Advantages of Direct Personalized impact Elaborate databases for targeting Reaches inaccessible audience Measurable exposure/success

66 Disadvantages of Direct High CPMs Junk mail High audience refusal rates Environmental concerns Key is a high quality mailing list

67 Strategic Use of Direct Target marketing Relationship marketing High involvement consumers/products

68 The Internet Rapid adoption/growth Importance as an advertising medium Massive shift in advertising dollars

69 Adoption Curves for Various Media 1922 ‘26 ‘30 ‘34 ‘38 ‘42 ‘46 ‘50 ‘54 ‘58 ‘62 ‘66 ‘70 ‘74 ‘78 ‘82 ‘86 ‘90 ‘94 ‘98 Est 120 80 60 50 40 20 0 Millions of Users Radio TV CableInternet Years to reach 50 MM users Radio38 TV13 Cable10* Internet 5** The Internet is the fastest growing medium in history * Launch of HBO in 1976 was used to estimate the beginning of cable as an entertainment/ad medium. ** Morgan Stanley Technology Research estimate (Chart shows the Internet beginning as an entertainment/ad medium in 1994 because its earlier use was restricted to governmental activities)

70 Advantages of the Internet Interactive medium/Active audience Affluent market Permanence/User-paced High information potential Immediate response

71 Disadvantages of the Internet Untested medium Fragmented audience Slow downloads Security and privacy issues

72 Strategic Use of the Internet Target marketing High involvement consumers/products

73 Miscellaneous Advertising Movie trailers Controlled by motion picture companies and distributors, not theaters Blimps and planes Sporting events Grocery carts Ticket backs Rapidly growing list of other ad media

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