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Fiber to the Premise: Best Practices, Technologies and others CHRISTOS B OURAS Professor Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics, University.

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Presentation on theme: "Fiber to the Premise: Best Practices, Technologies and others CHRISTOS B OURAS Professor Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics, University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fiber to the Premise: Best Practices, Technologies and others CHRISTOS B OURAS Professor Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics, University of Patras, Greece Research Academic Computer Technology Institute (RACTI) Broadband Cities 2008 -Trikala, Greece October 20-23,2008

2 BroadBand Cities 2008 – Trikala, Greece October 20-23,2008 Best practices (1/2)  The term “best practices” includes the actions, the strategies, the practices and the laws that several countries, cities or communities have applied for development of broadband 2

3 BroadBand Cities 2008 – Trikala, Greece October 20-23,2008 Best practices (2/2)  Factors that influence : The regulatory framework The foundational changes that take place in the Information Technology and Technology markets The changes in bandwidth services and their use The technology development The users’ need for faster access to content The cost The electronic readiness (e-readiness) and in general the technological level of a country 3

4 BroadBand Cities 2008 – Trikala, Greece October 20-23,2008 Use cases in the world  Sweden Stokab, Sollentuna, Hudiksvall, Västerås  Finland  Netherlands Amsterdam, the Hague, Tilburg, Almere, Nuenen  Switzerland  Norway  Ireland  United Kingdom  France Siperec, Paris  Austria Vienna και Ried  Denmark  Germany  Italy  Spain LocalRet  Portugal  Russia  Slovenia  Slovakia  Lithuania  USA UTOPIA project, Lafayette  Canada  New Zealand 4

5 BroadBand Cities 2008 – Trikala, Greece October 20-23,2008 Broadband connections worldwide (1/4) Subscribers share worldwide – Q1 2008 Penetration and Development during the 1 st trimester of 2008 5

6 BroadBand Cities 2008 – Trikala, Greece October 20-23,2008 Broadband connections worldwide (2/4) Technological Tendencies Q1 2008 Broadband per Access Technology Q1 2008 6

7 BroadBand Cities 2008 – Trikala, Greece October 20-23,2008 Broadband connections worldwide(3/4) DSL market share Cable modem market share 7

8 BroadBand Cities 2008 – Trikala, Greece October 20-23,2008 Broadband connections worldwide (4/4) FTTH market share 8

9 BroadBand Cities 2008 – Trikala, Greece October 20-23,2008  To the electronic communications and services. Everything is at the edges of the Network!!! Change of paradigm Services Applications Knowledge Innovation 9

10 BroadBand Cities 2008 – Trikala, Greece October 20-23,2008 ADSL? No Thanx!  ADSL makes us consumers and not PRODUCERS Internet 1 ADSL 1 7 10

11 BroadBand Cities 2008 – Trikala, Greece October 20-23,2008 Speed in relation to the distance 11

12 BroadBand Cities 2008 – Trikala, Greece October 20-23,2008 12

13 BroadBand Cities 2008 – Trikala, Greece October 20-23,2008 Bandwidth requirements per service 13

14 BroadBand Cities 2008 – Trikala, Greece October 20-23,2008  Architectural design Fiber To The Home (FTTH) ‏ Fiber To The Node (FTTN) ‏  Technological Choices Active Ethernet Passive Optical Network (PON) ‏  Type of Services Dedicated dark fiber, Wavelength bid (λ) Bitstream services ‏ Fiber Optical Access Networks FTTx 14

15 BroadBand Cities 2008 – Trikala, Greece October 20-23,2008 Challenges(1)‏  Public Networks Network Neutrality Open Access Management Schema Should we consider global infrastructure network?a backbone network?  Business Models & Services Symmetric high-speed connections New broadband services Profits & viability 15

16 BroadBand Cities 2008 – Trikala, Greece October 20-23,2008 Challenges (2)‏  Implementation Network architectures Technological solutions Structural Choices  Management & Operation Providers – Public networks cooperation Update of legislative and regulative frame Επικαιροποίηση νομοθετικού και ρυθμιστικού πλαισίου Define Quality of Service level Urban encumbrance 16

17 BroadBand Cities 2008 – Trikala, Greece October 20-23,2008 FTTΗ architectures  Home Run Fiber (HFR)  Passive Optical Netowrk (PON)  WDM PON  Active Ethernet 17

18 BroadBand Cities 2008 – Trikala, Greece October 20-23,2008 Features ArchtecturesPoint-to- point Point-to- multipoint ActivePassive Home Run√√ PON (TDM)√√ WDM PON√ (Logical Level) √ (Physical level) √ Active Ethernet √√ 18

19 BroadBand Cities 2008 – Trikala, Greece October 20-23,2008 Quality Comparison (1/2) Characteristic B(G) PON (in brackets the related data for GPON) E(GE) PONActive Ethernet Home Run Fiber Distribution Network Type Passive Active- StandardITU-T G.983 (G.984)IEEE 802.3ah - CapacityUp to 32 (64) users per passive tree 16 users per passive tree -- Range20 km from OLT20 km10 km from active node Depends on equipment Transmission ratesUp to 2,4 Gbps per PONUp to1,2 Gbps per PON Up to 1,2 Gbps per user Depends on equipment Bandwidth utilization efficiency HighLow ServicesTime Division Multiplexing Voice (TDM), RF video, Data, IPTV andVoIP over data connection VoIP, Data, IP video Anything 19

20 BroadBand Cities 2008 – Trikala, Greece October 20-23,2008 CharacteristicB(G) PONE(GE) PONActive EthernetHome Run Fiber QoS supportStandarizedPartially Standarized Partially Standarized Depends on equipment SecurityAES Depends on equipment Scalability More users are supported by more fiber optics and equipment More users are supported by more fiber optics and equipment More users are supported by more fiber optics and equipment Theoretically unlimited capacity depends on equipment in use MaturityProducts from many manufacturers Products from many manufacturers Products from many manufacturers Products from many manufacturers AcceptabilityLarge providers, especially in the US Large providers, especially out of the US Municipalities and services Installation of virgin networks (in contradiction to already existing ones) Quality Comparison (2/2) 20

21 BroadBand Cities 2008 – Trikala, Greece October 20-23,2008 Comparative study point-to- point versus point-to-multipoint AdvantagesDisadvantages Point-to- point  Better Technology with no flexibility and improvement limitations  Better network managemenet. Easier handling  Unbundling Capability  Higher CAPEX costs (initial costs  Higher OPEX costs (operational costs ) due to space needs and probably current needs (for active networks) Point-to- multipoi nt  Lower CAPEX costs (initial costs )  Lower OPEX costs  improvement uncertainty  Unbundling difficulties  Cost increases as subscribers increase 21

22 BroadBand Cities 2008 – Trikala, Greece October 20-23,2008 Important Strategic Decisions Network Management Services Passive Infrastructure, Cables, Nodes Material, … EDA Fiber Access (P2P) Point-to-Point topology EDA GPON (P2MP) Point-to- Multipoint topology 22

23 BroadBand Cities 2008 – Trikala, Greece October 20-23,2008 Competition Models Competition in NGA infrastructures Access in pipes Under mutuality terms? Non discretional Treatment? In which pipes?/ Market definition issues Pricing Issues cable/Mobile role Infrastructure monopoly, under private funds quid Open Access? FttN vs. FttH High cost geographic regions Market Role? Government support 23

24 BroadBand Cities 2008 – Trikala, Greece October 20-23,2008 From “copper era” … to “fiber era” 24

25 BroadBand Cities 2008 – Trikala, Greece October 20-23,2008 FTTH Potential Development from 2006 to 2011 25

26 BroadBand Cities 2008 – Trikala, Greece October 20-23,2008 Broadband Performance Index (1/2) Πηγή: EU 26

27 BroadBand Cities 2008 – Trikala, Greece October 20-23,2008 Broadband Performance Index (2/2)  European broadband market is developing at a fast pace  Some of the European countries are globally at head  As long as the market grows, there is a need for evaluating European Union’s alertness for promoting the development of broadband access  The new Broadband Performance Index (BPI) is the current standard for measuring the presence of member countries in a commercial level, that inludes Speeds Rural areas coverage Financial tolerance Innovation More Social-financial components 27

28 Cost Factors  The cost depends on: FTTH Architecture Material Prices Existing Infrastructure (underground or air infrastructure) Characteristics of ground/ underground Cost for Working Urban/Suburban/Rural (houses/km 2 ) 28

29 BroadBand Cities 2008 – Trikala, Greece October 20-23,2008 Costs in percentage during the first year of the installation of a new optical fiber network 29

30 BroadBand Cities 2008 – Trikala, Greece October 20-23,2008 Implementation cost in different markets 30

31 BroadBand Cities 2008 – Trikala, Greece October 20-23,2008 Implementation cost per technology per area  Areas: Α: Rural B: Urban C: Remote 31

32 Installation of Optical fiber network & CapEx 32

33 BroadBand Cities 2008 – Trikala, Greece October 20-23,2008 Who and How will realize it  There are several schemas Partial State intervention Full State intervention  Or… combination of the above  What is the role of local authorities?  What is the position of the market?  What will happen with the MANs? 33

34 Argument in favor of government- sponsored broadband networks 34

35 Argument against government- sponsored broadband networks 35

36 Note  Streets were built in order to provide transportation for all vehicles (OPEN ACCESS)  BROADBAND IS A PUBLIC INFRASTUCTURE WITH GREAT IMPACT ON LOCAL ECONOMY AND DEVELOPMENT 36

37 Verdict 37

38 BroadBand Cities 2008 – Trikala, Greece October 20-23,2008 Thank you for your attention Web sites http://interreg-broadband.cti.gr 38

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