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Session # 50 Creating a Student Audience with New Media: SFA via Podcast Dr. Kathleen P. King Fordham University Transformation Education LLC Podcast DEMO.

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Presentation on theme: "Session # 50 Creating a Student Audience with New Media: SFA via Podcast Dr. Kathleen P. King Fordham University Transformation Education LLC Podcast DEMO."— Presentation transcript:

1 Session # 50 Creating a Student Audience with New Media: SFA via Podcast Dr. Kathleen P. King Fordham University Transformation Education LLC Podcast DEMO © 2007, King. All rights reserved.

2 2 Professor & Education Tech Developer Dr Kathleen P. King (Kathy) Fordham University –Professor, Educator, Researcher, Distance Learning Specialist, Adult Learning Specialist, Podcaster Transformation Education LLC – Transformation Education Live – The Teachers’ Podcast –

3 3 Information-on-Demand Learning-on-Demand

4 4 Access and Use Free Digital Media Resources Timeshifting Placeshifting Information-on-demand Learning-on-demand

5 5 Oklahoma Sooners Podcasting

6 6 Access and Use Free Digital Media Resources iTunes- free podcast “catcher” –Search for topics – pick--then –See other episodes OR… Google search podcast + topic

7 7 Play on computer Free subscription to receive next episodes Mobile- take it with you –Cable to sync –Mp3 player – iPod -- Cell phone

8 8 Message in their Media New Media Creating an Audience Options, 2/7, portable Podcast DEMO III Podcast DEMO II Podcast DEMO I

9 9 Change Happens Plan to evolve and grow With that in mind I consider 3 simple models for podcasting configurations Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced

10 10 Basic This diagram is reproduced with permission of authors from Podcasting for Teachers (2007) by Dr. Kathleen P. King and Mark Gura. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

11 11 Recording Options $10 mic $30 mic $50 mic $40 inexp MP3 player digital recorder $120 ( HQ digital recorder)

12 12 Parts This diagram is reproduced with permission of authors from Podcasting for Teachers (2007) by Dr. Kathleen P. King and Mark Gura. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

13 13 Intermediate This diagram is reproduced with permission of authors from Podcasting for Teachers (2007) by Dr. Kathleen P. King and Mark Gura. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

14 14 Approaching the SFA Content Needs Suggested Topics for Podcast Episodes 1) Aid Application Deadlines 2) Financial Aid Basics 3) Grants and Loans 4) Basic Financial Management 5) Basics of being a good borrower

15 15 Getting on the Pod! (AIR) Creation and Production Your Podcast name – brand it Focus on content and message Create your intro and exit scripts Select podsafe (copyright free music) or campus song Have bullet points or script for “body” for each episode Format ideas

16 16 Presentation & Format Likely not just polished- unless you want to project NBC/NPR image.. Gauge choices based on campus culture and student responses

17 17 Options- The New Media Message Be Creative and Personal Student workers as co-hosts? Student interviews SFA officer interviews Life talk show? Blog Talk Radio Special segments- Tip of the week! Snafu to avoid! Mascot participation?

18 18 A Cycle of Continuing Evolution and Renewal From Your Voice > Audience > Focus

19 19 And Your Message Becomes More Engaging Finding your voice, Happens through and helps to grow your audience, In the process you may discover new or additional segments to add to your format, Ultimately it all works in refining your focus >> An engaging message

20 20 Discussion Q & A

21 21 Resources Podcasting resources –SNAPKAST (PC) –PROFCAST (MAC) –AUDACITY (ALL OSes- just record and edit) –BLOG TALK RADIO Live talk show –www.teacherspodcast.ORGwww.teacherspodcast.ORG –Dr. Kathy King © 2007, King. All rights reserved.

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