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Your announcement may not be here yet! This is just a systems check! Please be advised teachers and staff this Ram’s Announcements power- point is not.

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Presentation on theme: "Your announcement may not be here yet! This is just a systems check! Please be advised teachers and staff this Ram’s Announcements power- point is not."— Presentation transcript:


2 Your announcement may not be here yet! This is just a systems check! Please be advised teachers and staff this Ram’s Announcements power- point is not yet completely updated. Please be patient! Great things shall come to those who wait.

3 W EEKLY B ULLETIN Monday, September 19 9:40 am English II PLC in 407 1:30 pm Biology plc in 506 5:00 pm JV Volleyball @ Home vs. South View 6:00 pm Varsity Volleyball @ Home vs. South View 7:00 pm Boys Soccer @ Richmond

4 Tuesday, September 20 U NDERCLASSMEN & T EACHER Y EARBOOK P ORTRAITS IN A UX G YM 9:00 am Rung Ceremony 3:15 pm Staff Development Committee Meeting in Conference Meeting 4:00 pm Girls Tennis @ West Bladen 5:00 pm Cross Country @ Home 5:00pm JV Volleyball @ Home vs. Hoke 6:00 pm Varsity Volleyball @ Home vs. Hoke

5 Wednesday, September 21 Underclassmen & Teacher Yearbook Portraits in Aux Gym 8:00 am Music PLC in Chorus Room 1:00 pm Intro to Math PLC in 307 1:30 pm English I & Microsoft Apps PLC in 311 1:40 pm Algebra I/Integrated 2 PLC in 303

6 Wednesday, September 21 3:00 pm US History PLC in 803 3:05 pm Civic & Economics PLC in 813 3:15 pm Advance Maths PLC in 204B 3:15 pm Physical Science PLC in 501 7:00 pm Boy’s Soccer @ Pinecrest

7 Beginning of the Year Checklist: Emergency Lesson Plans Syllabus PLC Meeting Dates Name & Class Schedule Posted Outside Door Turn in Internet Agreement forms to the Media Center (attach classroom roster) Sign off on PSRC Policy Handbook in the Media Center

8 W.O.W Sportsmanship The ability to take winning and losing without gloating or complaining.

9 Scholarship Information

10 The application is now open. Merit based scholarship. Applicants should have strong leadership skills, GPA 3.0, extracurricular activities, including community service. Scholarships range from $10,000 to $20,000. Applicants must apply online at www.coca-

11 *2011-2012 Principal’s Leadership Award Scholarship The National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) and Herff will Co-sponsor the 2011-2012 Principal’s Leadership Award. Scholarships range from $1,000 to $12,000 and will be awarded to 100 outstanding seniors from all 50 states. Winners are selected on the basis of their leadership skills, academic record, volunteer work, etc. Nominees should be in the top 20% of their class.

12 *2011-2012 Principal’s Leadership Award Scholarship School Nomination Required. Any student who would like to be considered for this scholarship See Ms. Roxanne or Ms. Kathy in Guidance to receive the information to apply. Deadline to submit application to Guidance is November 22, 2012.

13 The Gates Millennium Scholars Program (GMS) has opened the on-line scholarship for the 2009 selection process. The Gates Millennium Scholarships are awarded to students who are American Indian/Alaska Native, African American, Asian/Pacific American, and Hispanic American. Applicants should meet the Federal Pell Grant eligibility criteria (Financial Need). Applicants must plan to enter a four-year university and have a GPA of 3.3 on a 4.0 scale (unweighted). Applicants should also demonstrate leadership abilities through participating in community service, extracurricular or other activities.

14 The scholarship can be accessed online at If you have any questions please contact the Gates Office at 1-877- 690-4677 or Ms. Brenda Cummings YDS Counselor, Ms. Roxanne Flanagan or Ms. Kathy Locklear. Scholarship applications must be submitted online by January 10, 2012.



17 *The University of Alabama A completed admissions application will need to be submitted to The University of Alabama before completing the scholarship application. Applicants may complete the scholarship application online, found at ( Deadline: December 1, 2012.

18 *Appalachian State University Students must apply for admission before the first application deadline, December 1, 2010, and must also submit their scholarship application through First Connections by December 1, 2012.

19 College Application Week November 14-18, 2011 Last year… 5 days 116 school districts 470 high schools 44,000 applications 1 common dream achieved

20 SAT Prep 2-Day Workshop October 25 and 26, 2011 Featuring Dr. Joseph Aicher Jr. Day 1: 8:30am -12:30pm Day 2: 8:30am - 12:30pm (On Day 2, at 5:00pm Dr. Aicher will consult with students and parents about their test results) This workshop is limited to 30 students Students MUST bring pencils, paper, and a calculator to the workshop. Sign up in the Guidance Office TODAY!

21 SAT & ACT Announcement Seniors and Juniors: If you eat free or reduced lunch you may be eligible for a fee waiver for the SAT Test and College Applications. See your Guidance Counselor for information.

22 UNCP UNC Pembroke will be holding on- site admissions on campus Tuesday, October 4 th from 9am-12pm in conference room. Must have a UNC-P application, application fee and transcript. Please see Ms. Venega/Ms. Kathy in guidance for more information.

23 FSU Fayetteville State University will be holding on-site admission on campus Monday, October 10 th during lunch. Pleases see Ms. Venega/ Ms. Kathy in guidance for more information.

24 Duke Blue Devils Duke University will be on campus will Friday, October 7 th at 10:30am. If you are a junior or senior interested in learning more information about Duke University, please sign up in guidance.

25 YDS A GATES Scholarship representative will be at Purnell Swett High School on Sept. 27 from 9:30-11:15 am in room 408. Sign up in YDS!!

26 Indian Education Resource Student/ Parent night with IBM, American Indian Science and Engineering Society. When: Monday, October 10 th Refreshments will be served at 6:00 pm Students and parents are invited!

27 ATTENTION STUDENTS Students may register online for the SAT/ACT Test or pick up an application in Guidance. Register before it is too late!

28 STUDENTS Dress for Success every Thursday!!!! Please participate

29 S TUDENT A CCIDENT I NSURANCE Students if you are interested in Student Accident Insurance we do have the forms in the Main Office--- Homeroom teachers also received a handout with a web-site so that you can go on-line and register.

30 Deadline to register for the September 10, 2011 ACT Test was August 12, 2011. Students may register for the test as a walk-in with completed paper copy application. See Guidance.

31 Drivers Education The FIRST class of Driver’s Education will begin on September 21, 2011. 3:10pm – 5:10 pm in MOBILE 1

32 DRIVERS EDUCATION Students who are 15 years old or older, or will be 15 by December 31, 2011, may sign up for Driver’s Ed. at the sign- in/ tardy desk, or see Nancy Hunt or Walt Locklear.

33 If a student signs up for Driver’s Education and then drops the class, they must wait until all students have had a chance to take the class, before signing up again.

34 Listen Up! If you’re not present the first day of Driver’s Education you will not be enrolled on the second day unless you have a doctor’s note.


36 Girl’s Golf Pleases excuse the Girl’s Golf team at 11:00 am today for an away match in Pinehurst.

37 Tennis Please excuse members of the girls Tennis team on Tuesday @ 2:15 pm for an away match at West Bladen.

38 Lady Rams Tennis Team The Lady Rams tennis team defeated rival Lumberton 8 to 0 Thursday for its first win over the Lady Pirates since 2006.

39 TENNIS GIRLS Larissa Lowry, Kali Strickland, Kailey Godwin, April White, Falon Strickland and Jordan Jacobs all won in singles. Larissa and Kali, Kailey and April won in doubles. SUPER, SUPER,SUPER JOB!!

40 RAMS ATHLETICS Top 5 CROSS COUNTRY boy runners: Tyler Baker Mark Locklear Josh “Black Out” Oxendine Shayne Davis Aaron Locklear

41 Top 5 CROSS COUNTRY girl runners: Amber Patrick Chole Worrix Jacquelyn Dubois Crystal Montoya Lillian Bullard

42 FOOTBALL Friday, September 23 NO GAME!!!!


44 PSHS RAMS FOOTBALL SCHEDULE Sept. 9……………….NEW HANOVER Sept. 16……………..@ SOUTH ROBESON Sept. 23……………….OPEN Sept. 30………………..SCOTLAND Oct. 7…………………….@ RICHMOND Oct. 14……………………@ PINECREST Oct. 21……………………HOKE Oct. 28……………………..LUMBERTON

45 The Athletic Dept. will be selling Pre- safe Tickets for Friday Nights Home Football Play- off game. Students may purchase Tickets on all lunches, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. The Cost of each Ticket is $7.00. The General public may purchase Tickets in the Main Office From 8 Am Till 3Pm on those same days. November 9, 2010

46 CLASS OF We're the class of 2012. Don't you wish you could be One-Two?

47 SENIORS Senior Meeting on September 23 rd Jostens will take orders for Seniors on September 30th

48 Attention Seniors, if you have been awarded any scholarships please bring in your letter to Guidance.

49 Working Seniors: Any Seniors working after school, please contact Ms. Harris in Room 210. You might be entitled to a unit of CREDIT toward High School Graduation.

50 Seniors— The scholarship sheet #1 will be available next week online on Purnell Swett’s Web Site under (Guidance) Dept. Also a few copies will be located in Guidance.

51 Attention Seniors, please bring your college, military acceptance paper to Ms. Venega when you receive them.

52 Ring Ceremony The Junior Class Ring Ceremony will be on Tuesday, September 20 th at 9:00 am in the gym. Parents are invited and encouraged to attend and refreshments will be served following the ceremony.

53 Ring Ceremony!! All those involved dress to impress!!

54 Yearbook Photos Underclassmen Photos will be taken on Tuesday and Wednesday September 20 & 21 in the Auxiliary Gym. Even if not buying, please take your pictures for the yearbook. Any questions, ask Coach Leek

55 To the Junior Class: Student of Excellence applications for 11 th grade students are now available in guidance. Deadline to turn in application please see your 11 th grade counselor.

56 10 TH AND 11 TH GRADERS Attention 10 th and 11 th Graders…the PSAT is quickly approaching. It is only offered once a year.

57 This year the PSAT will be given on Wednesday, October 12, 2011 in the media center. The fee is $15.00. See Ms. Demetrice or Mrs. Kathy in Guidance to register by October 10, 2011. Don’t miss out on this opportunity.

58 10 th Graders Any Sophomores interested in the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics please come by and see Ms. Leslie Epps Jacobs.

59 Attention 10 th graders If you are interested in North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics or in North Carolina Governor’s School. Please see Mrs. Karen in Guidance for more information.

60 TEACHER ANNOUNCEMENTS The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book. ~Author Unknown

61 Attention Teachers! All new teachers please stop by media center during planning to see Ms. Denise.

62 Yearbook Photos Underclassmen Photos will be taken Tuesday & Wednesday in the Aux. Gym

63 All 9 th graders – through P, Q, R 10 th grade students will take on Tuesday.

64 Last name starting with S, T, U 10 th Grade students and all 11 th grade students will take Wednesday.

65 Yearbook Photos Encourage all students to take pictures. Even if not buying, to be pictured in the yearbook.

66 TEACHERS Reading Lists to Ms. Shannon Brayboy. If no revisions, place in box. Due by: September 23, 2011

67 English Department will meet Monday @ 3:05 in the Media Center

68 Attention Teachers New minutes sheets for department meetings Grading Criteria needs to be turned in to Mr. Dallas Locklear. Due: September 23, 2011. PLC Minutes and Expectations – Some Departments are not represented – Norms are due September 30

69 Teachers I need your internet agreement forms and rosters ASAP!! -MRS. VAL

70 Teachers: Teaching staff and others need to complete the annual diabetes training online by September 30 th. Submit the post test to the school nurse after reviewing the online information.

71 You need to get your shots! Teachers and staff please sign up in the teacher’s lounge if you are interested in receiving a flu shot and/or Hepatitis B shot on Friday, October 28, 2011.

72 You and your family members, age 4 and up, are invited to participate in the flu shot program.

73 Yearbook Photos Teachers and staff are also asked to take their pictures for the yearbook.

74 Ram Pride!!! =]

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