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Hang Seven Launch Readiness Review Lucas Migliorini, Becca Lidvall, Paul Smith Chase Goodman, Ethan Hollenbach, Nikhil Desai, Abby Caballero, Sierra Williams.

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Presentation on theme: "Hang Seven Launch Readiness Review Lucas Migliorini, Becca Lidvall, Paul Smith Chase Goodman, Ethan Hollenbach, Nikhil Desai, Abby Caballero, Sierra Williams."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hang Seven Launch Readiness Review Lucas Migliorini, Becca Lidvall, Paul Smith Chase Goodman, Ethan Hollenbach, Nikhil Desai, Abby Caballero, Sierra Williams November 26, 2012

2 Mission Overview Build three geiger counters Measure Gamma Radiation as Altitude Increases Test the effectiveness of aluminum and carbon fiber on reducing radiation levels

3 Design Overview Hexagonal Design o Centripetal Acceleration Foam Core o Thermal Insulation Geiger Tubes o One will be covered with Carbon Fiber Tubing o One will be covered with Aluminum Tubing o One will not be covered, as a control Arduino o Will control all sensors and Camera

4 External Diagram Camera On/Off-Arduino Camera on/off

5 Internal Diagram Camera Arduino with Sensors Geiger Counters(3) Batteries Heater

6 Test Results Part 1 Geiger Counters (Oscilloscope Reading):

7 Test Results Part 2 Other Internal: Key Orange -Temperature Green - Humidity Blue - Pressure Red/Purple/Gray - Accelerometer

8 Key Orange=Accel X Blue=Accel Y Green=Accel Z Sensor Test Cont.

9 Internal: Dry Ice Test o Dry ice test results were inconclusive o We plan to look into the problem and do more testing to ensure that the internal components can withstand the temperatures they will be exposed to.

10 Test Results Part 3 Structural: Drop Test o Two drop tests were performed o A few dents around the corners after the first test were found o A tear occurred after the second drop test on one of the sidewalls o The structure supported the maximum amount of weight allowed

11 Structural: Kick Test o One kick test was performed o Minimal damage was done o The structure supported the maximum amount of weight allowed

12 Structural: Whip Test o Two whip tests performed o No damage was found o The structure supported the maximum amount of weight allowed

13 Structural: Test Conclusion o The three different structural tests performed show that our structure will withstand the ascent and descent of the flight with minimal damage

14 GroundOzone30 km Control1250400600 Aluminum175100200 Carbon Fiber1150200300 Prediction

15 Biggest Worries Hardware/Software -Geiger Counter Failure -Faulty Programing -Sensor Failure -Battery Life Data -Insufficient data -Inaccurate data -Inconsistent data

16 LevelNumberRequirements Fulfillment 01 Payload must ascend to an altitude of 30 kilometers via balloon Have not flown yet 02Payload must store and collect data from our sensors With the exception of external temperature all sensors have been tested and will store and collect data 03The payload mass must not exceed 1.125kg Our estimated total weight is around 1030g 04The payload must be ready for launch by 1 December, 2012 It will be 05The team and project must obey all safety precautions Yes, we have abided by all safety requirements Requirements Checklist

17 LevelNumberRequirementsFulfillment 11The payload must be able to hold all electronics and sensors All of our equipment fits within the satellite 12The payload must contain a heater We made a heater which has been tested and confirmed to work 13The payload must contain a power source Success, we are using seven 9v batteries 14The payload must be constructed solely of foam core We successfully constructed a hexagonal structure using foam core 15The payload must contain three working geiger counters All three of our Geiger counting are functioning correctly but the tubes are weak for low radiation levels 16Geiger counters will be shielded with different materials We have the aluminum tubing shielding one counter and the carbon fiber has not yet been added 17An American flag will be attached to the BalloonSat We have our American Flag that is to be attached to the BalloonSat

18 LevelNumberRequirements Fulfillment 21The internal temperature of the payload must not drop below -10° celsius Our insulation is thick enough for our internal temperature to not drop below -10 ° Celsius 22The Geiger counters will be connected to the Arduino microcontroller The Geiger counters are connected to the Arduinos so we can store data 23One Geiger counter will be used as a control for radiation measurement One of our Geiger counters are not going to be covered by a material 24The structure will be sturdy enough to survive the ascent and descent The structure is sturdy enough to survive the ascent and descent as proven by testing 25The Arduino microcontroller will be programmed to collect information Both of our Arduinos are programmed to collect the data from the sensors and Geiger counters 26Aluminum and carbon fiber tubes will each be used to shield one Geiger counter from radiation We have the materials and Geiger counters in order to shield and test the effectiveness of each material

19 LevelNumberRequirementsFulfillment 31The measurements from the Geiger counters will be plotted as to look for trends After our mission, we will plot our data to observe trends 32The structure will be a hexagonal shape for strength and the generation of centripetal force Our structure is a hexagonal shape 33Homemade Geiger counters will be calibrated to an industry standard Geiger counter Our Geiger tubes do not detect low levels of radiation well so we calibrated them to the best of our ability

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