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- What are Ionic Bonds? - Writing Compounds. - Naming Ionic Bonds - Writing Ionic Compounds from names.

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Presentation on theme: "- What are Ionic Bonds? - Writing Compounds. - Naming Ionic Bonds - Writing Ionic Compounds from names."— Presentation transcript:

1 - What are Ionic Bonds? - Writing Compounds. - Naming Ionic Bonds - Writing Ionic Compounds from names.

2 Bonds:  Chemical Bond – a force that holds two atoms together Caused by: ○ Attraction between ions ○ Attraction of a positively charged nucleus and the negatively charged electrons of a different atom.

3 Bonds:  Two Types of Bonds: Ionic Compounds ○ A bond between two elements where electrons are transferred from one element to another Covalent Compounds ○ A bond between two elements where electrons are shared between the elements Bonds form between the valence electrons of each atom!

4 Ionic Bonds:  Ionic bonds are formed between ions, and include both a metal and a nonmetal. Ion: a charged particle Cation: loses one or more electrons to become positively charged (metals) Anion: gains one or more electrons to become negatively charged (nonmetals)

5 Ionic Bonds/Compounds:  Simple Ionic Compounds are also known as Binary Compounds  There are ONLY 2 elements present  Always a metal and a nonmetal  The elements always come from the s and p blocks on the periodic table.

6 Oxidation Numbers/States: What are the charges of each family?

7 Let’s Review/Practice: Element:Symbol:Oxidation State: Iodine Calcium Oxygen Neon Carbon Boron Phosphorous Sodium

8 Ionic Bonds: Writing Compounds  Compounds MUST be neutral Charges MUST cancel each other  The metal (cation) ALWAYS comes first  The nonmetal (anion) ALWAYS comes second  Example: Sodium (Na +1 ) and Oxygen (O -2 ) ○ Oxygen’s -2 charge needs to be cancelled out by sodium’s +1 charge. ○ We will need 2 sodium ions to cancel the 1 oxygen ion. +1 + 1 + -2 = 0 (this would be neutral) So our compounds formula is: Na 2 O (2 sodiums and 1 oxygen)

9 Drop and Swap:  The method that is used to make compounds out of ions.  Bring down and over the numerical value (WITHOUT the charge sign) Na 2 O DO NOT WRITE THE 1’S

10 Drop and Swap:  Subscripts MUST be at the simplest whole number ratio Calcium (+2) and Oxygen (-2) Ca +2 O -2 Ca 2 O 2 CaO

11 Drop and Swap Practice: MetalNonmetalDrop and Swap Form Simplest Whole Number Ratio Form CalciumFluorine BariumSulfur LithiumPhosphorous MagnesiumOxygen BoronPhosphorous CesiumOxygen

12 Practice Time:  You have 5 minutes to complete the handout.  This will be turned in for a grade.

13 Practice Problem Answers: 1. KI 2. CaCl 2 3. NaCl 4. Li 3 P 5. MgS

14 Naming Simple Ionic Compounds  Rules to Follow: 1. The name of the metal ALWAYS comes first ○ The metal’s name is the same as it is on the periodic table 2. The name of the nonmetal ALWAYS comes last ○ The nonmetal’s name changes. The ending of the nonmetal will change to “ide”

15 Naming Simple Ionic Compounds: 1. The name of the metal ALWAYS comes first ○ The metal’s name is the same as it is on the periodic table 2. The name of the nonmetal ALWAYS comes last ○ The nonmetal’s name changes. The ending of the nonmetal will change to “ide” Na 2 O Name the metal directly (rule 1): Sodium Change the ending of the nonmetal (rule 2): oxide Sodium Oxide

16 Naming Simple Ionic Compounds: 1. The name of the metal ALWAYS comes first ○ The metal’s name is the same as it is on the periodic table 2. The name of the nonmetal ALWAYS comes last ○ The nonmetal’s name changes. The ending of the nonmetal will change to “ide” CaCl 2 Name the metal directly (rule 1): Calcium Change the ending of the nonmetal (rule 2): chloride Calcium Chloride

17 Naming Simple Ionic Compounds: Simple Ionic Compound Formula Ionic Compound Name KF Al 2 O 3 CaBr 2 Li 3 P Li 2 S

18 Practice Time:  You have 5 minutes to complete the handout.  This will be turned in for a grade.

19 Practice Problem Answers: 1. Sodium Sulfide 2. Barium Bromide 3. Potassium Iodide 4. Lithium Nitride 5. Gallium Sulfide

20 Naming Simple Ionic Compounds:  Writing Names from formulas: 1. Write out the ions (symbol and charge) for each of the elements present 2. Drop and Swap 3. Simplify if Necessary Strontium Oxide Sr +2 O -2 Sr 2 O 2 SrO

21 Naming Simple Ionic Compounds: Simple Ionic Compound: Formula (not simplified) Formula (simplified) Sodium Nitride Calcium Chloride Aluminum Sulfide Barium Fluoride Potassium Phosphide

22 Practice Time:  You have 5 minutes to complete the handout.  This will be turned in for a grade.

23 Practice Problem Answers: 1. Al 2 O 3 2. MgS 3. Na 3 P 4. K 3 N 5. AlF 3

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