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History of Book Burning. When did people start burning books? China, 3 rd century BCE.

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1 History of Book Burning

2 When did people start burning books? China, 3 rd century BCE

3 What motivates book burning? It may be for moral, political or religious Objections to the ideas contained in a book.

4 Today book burning is usually ceremonial. Book burners aren’t trying to destroy every copy of a book (as in Fahrenheit 451). Rather, they are expressing their objections to the material in a ritualized manner.


6 What kinds of books do people tend to burn?




10 Specific History: Nazi Book Burning

11 “The Burning of the Books” May 10, 1933 in Berlin Nazi youth groups burned almost 20,000 books. The books were from an early sexology research centre and books from Humbolt University. The goal was to rid Germany of any books that contained “unGerman” ideas

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