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Crisis & Absolutism Chapter 14.

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1 Crisis & Absolutism Chapter 14

2 Europe in Crisis: The War of Religion
Read about the following topics below. Incorporate any relevant information, terms, and ideas. Formulate 3 questions which pertain to each section. Complete the section review on a separate sheet of paper. Europe in Crisis: The War of Religion

3 In groups of two discuss the homework from last night.
What did you learn? What did you not understand? Homework Review!

4 Social Crisis, War, and Revolution

5 Economic and Social Conflicts
1600’s economy starts to slow down Spanish silver mines producing less Loss of Jewish/Muslin artisans and merchants exiled Population declining Warfare, Plague, and Famine Creation of social tensions Economic and Social Conflicts

6 Witchcraft: belief in magic which was apart of traditional village culture for century
Used as a scapegoat during era of social crisis Trials held against witches as hysteria grew Common people/poor 75% single or widowed women over 50 years old Intense torture caused people to confess The Witchcraft Trials

7 The Hammer of Witches Open to page 459
Read the “Printed Publication” on the Hammer of Witches Answer the two questions which relate The Hammer of Witches

8 The Thirty Years War Causes Effects Religion played an important role
“Last of the religious wars” Political/territorial motives as well Holy Roman Empire Catholics vs. Protestants Soon Denmark, Sweden, France and Spain entered Major destruction of Holy Roman Empire (Germany) Peace of Westphalia Officially ends the war Sweden becomes powerful in Baltic Sea German states divided The Thirty Years War

9 Thirty Year War

10 Revolutions in England
Open to page 461 Read all information and complete the organizer Once completed grab the reading on the Glorious Revolution Homework: Complete Packet for Friday Revolutions in England

11 Response to Crisis 14-3

12 Richelieu and Mazarin Louis XIII: King of France at age 9
Nobles not too happy about this Threatened by the Huguenots Cardinal Richelieu: Chief minister under Louis XIII Strengthened the power of the monarchy Stripped Huguenots of political and military rights Set up network of spies Louis XIV: King of France at age 4 Cardinal Mazarin: Chief minister under Louis XIV Crushed revolt by nobles Richelieu and Mazarin

13 France Under Louis XIV Absolutism: the ruler has total power.
Divine Right of Kings Ability to make laws, collect taxes, administer justice, control officials, and determine foreign policy Louis XIV: best example of absolutism in the 17th century French culture, language, and manners adopted by many Europeans Court imitated as well France Under Louis XIV

14 Louis the SUN KING Cardinal Mazarin dies in 1661
Louis XIV takes supreme power at age 23 “up to this moment I have been pleased to entrust the government of my affairs to the late cardinal Mazarin. It is now time that I govern them myself. You [secretaries and ministers of state] will assist me with your counsels when I ask for them. I request and order you to seal no orders except by my command. I order you not to sign anything, not even a passport without my command; to render account to me personally each day and to favor no one” Does Louis XIV sound self-assured or timid? Polite or rude? Serious or Frivolous? Louis the SUN KING

15 DBQ Louis XIV and Absolutism
Open to page 465 Read the excerpt Answer questions 1-2 in your notes DBQ Louis XIV and Absolutism

16 Government and Religion
Versailles: Royal palace where government/court was located Kept nobles preoccupied at royal court Louis XIV Consolidated power Strengthened his role Head of foreign policy, church, and taxes Desired religious harmony Anti-Protestant Policy Government and Religion

17 Building palaces, maintaining a happy court, and pursuing wars costs a lot of money!
Finances very important to Louis XIV Jean-Baptiste Colbert: controller-general of finances for France Increase France’s wealth through mercantilism Decrease imports/increase exports (tariffs) Subsidies for emerging industries Building roads and canals The Economy

18 Legacy of Louis XIV France left with a huge debt!
Enemies surround France “Soon you will be King of a great kingdom… try to remain at peace with your neighbors. I loved war too much. Do not follow me in that or in overspending… lighten your people’s burden as soon as possible, and do what I have had the misfortune not to do myself” Legacy of Louis XIV

19 Videos History of Versailles

20 The Emergence of Prussia
Frederick William the Great Elector: laid the foundation for the Prussian state. Built a large and efficient standing army 40,000 men 4th largest in Europe Set up the General War Commissariat Levy taxes and oversee growth Used to govern the new state The Emergence of Prussia


22 The New Austrian Empire
Austrian Hapsburgs: royal family who played a significant role in the politics of the Holy Roman Empire as Emperors After Thirty Years War, dream of creating a unified German empire died Establish control in eastern and southeastern Europe Present day Austria, Czech Republic, and Hungary Unable to establish a highly centralized absolutist state Made up of too many nationalities What effect do you think the lack of a strong central government among many nationalities will have on the Austrian Empire? The New Austrian Empire


24 Ivan IV: 16th century prince who unified the Russian state.
Czar: Ivan was given this title which means Caesar Expanded territories of Russia eastward Hoped to crush the power of the boyars: Russian nobility Ruthless leader, stabbed his own son in a heated argument Dynasty ends in 1598 Time of Troubles: period of anarchy Michael Romanov: Next Czar of Russia in whose dynasty would last until 1917 (300 year reign) Monarchy established under the Zemsky Sobor: National assembly Leaders of Russia

25 Peter the Great: One of the most prominent czar who took leadership in 1689.
Absolute Monarch who claimed divine right to rule Determined to westernize, or Europeanize Russia Borrow European Technology Modernization of the army/navy Bring western Ideas to Russia Peter the Great

26 Cultural Changes and a New Capital
Peter Visits the west Brings Western customs, practices, and manners to Russia Men should shave their beards/shorten their coats Women should remove their traditional face covering veils and move out into society “open window to the west” Port with ready access to Europe Baltic Sea is the most likely option Long war with Sweden for control in the area St. Petersburg: base of the Russian navy and a window to the west. This becomes the official capital of the empire Cultural Changes and a New Capital


28 Military and Governmental Changes
Used Russian and Western officers Drafted peasants for 25 years of service Built a standing army of 210,000 soldiers Government Divided Russia into provinces “Police State” Well ordered community governed by law Military and Governmental Changes

29 Ivan the Terrible

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