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1 UNIX Systems Programming Interprocess communication.

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1 1 UNIX Systems Programming Interprocess communication

2 2 Overview 1. Pipes 2. Co-processes 3. FIFOs 4. Message queues 5. Semaphores & Shared memory continued

3 3 1. Pipes v A form of interprocess communication v Between processes that have a common ancestor v Typical use: –Pipe created by a process –Process calls fork() –Pipe used between parent and child

4 4 Differences between versions v All systems support half-duplex –Data flows in only one direction v Many newer systems support full duplex –Data flows in two directions v For portability, assume only half-duplex

5 5 Differences between versions v All systems support half-duplex –Data flows in only one direction v Many newer systems support full duplex –Data flows in two directions v For portability, assume only half-duplex

6 6 Creating a pipe #include #include int pipe(int filedes[2]); int pipe(int filedes[2]); v Returns 0 if ok, -1 on error v Returns two file descriptors – filedes[0] is open for reading –filedes[1] is open for writing –Output of filedes[1] is input to filedes[0]

7 7 After the pipe() call 0 stdin stdin 1 stdout stdout 2 stderr stderr 3 4 5 3 4 Filedes 0 1

8 8 The process then calls fork() 0stdin 1stdout 2stderr 3 4 5 0stdin 1stdout 2stderr 3 4 5 Parent Child

9 9 And then …. v We close the read end in one process v And close the write end in the other process v To get ….

10 10 Parent writing to child 0stdin 1stdout 2stderr 3 X 4 5 0stdin 1stdout 2stderr 3 4 X 5 Parent Child

11 11 Child writing to parent 0stdin 1stdout 2stderr 3 4 X 5 0stdin 1stdout 2stderr 3 X 4 5 Parent Child

12 12 After one end of the pipe is closed … v Reading from a empty pipe whose write end has been closed returns 0 (indicating EOF) v Writing to a pipe whose read end has been closed generates a SIGPIPE signal –If we ignore the signal or catch and return, handler returns -1, and errno set to EPIPE

13 13 Example … #include #include int main(void){ int n; // to keep track of num bytes read int n; // to keep track of num bytes read int fd[2]; // to hold fds of both ends of pipe int fd[2]; // to hold fds of both ends of pipe pid_t pid; // pid of child process pid_t pid; // pid of child process char line[80]; // buffer to hold text read/written char line[80]; // buffer to hold text read/written …

14 14 Continued … if (pipe(fd) < 0) // create the pipe perror("pipe error"); perror("pipe error"); if ((pid = fork()) < 0) { // fork off a child perror("fork error"); perror("fork error"); } else if (pid > 0) { // parent process } else if (pid > 0) { // parent process close(fd[0]); // close read end close(fd[0]); // close read end write(fd[1], "hello world\n", 12); // write to it write(fd[1], "hello world\n", 12); // write to it}…

15 15 continued } else { // child process } else { // child process close(fd[1]); // close write end close(fd[1]); // close write end n = read(fd[0], line, 80); // read from pipe n = read(fd[0], line, 80); // read from pipe write(1, line, n); // echo to screen write(1, line, n); // echo to screen } exit(0); exit(0);}

16 16 dup() and dup2 dup() and dup2 #include #include int dup(int filedes); int dup2(int filedes, int filedes2); v Both will duplicate an existing file descriptor v dup() returns lowest available file descriptor, now referring to whatever filedes refers to v dup2() - filedes2 (if open) will be closed and then set to refer to whatever filedes refers to

17 17 Redirection v See command_pipe.C command_pipe.C

18 18 popen and pclose #include #include FILE *popen(const char *cmdstring, const char *type); Returns file pointer if OK, NULL on error int pclose(FILE *fp); Returns: termination status of cmdstring, or -1 on error v Handle the “dirty work” of creating pipe, forking child, closing unused ends, executing shell to run program, waiting for command to terminate v popen runs cmdstring with output directed to fp returned by call

19 19 example

20 20 FIFOs

21 21 Message Queues

22 22 Semaphores and Shared Memory

23 23 Directory Structure v A directory ‘file’ is a sequence of lines; each line holds an i-node number and a file name.  The data is stored as binary, so we cannot simply use to view it  The data is stored as binary, so we cannot simply use cat to view it

24 24 v I-node: –The administrative information about a file is kept in a structure known as an inode. u Inodes in a file system, in general, are structured as an array known as an inode table. –An inode number, which is an index to the inode table, uniquely identifies a file in a file system.

25 25 i-node and Data Blocks

26 26 2. Links 2.1What is a Link? 2.2Creating a Link 2.3Seeing Links 2.4Removing a Link 2.5Symbolic Links 2.6 Implementation

27 27 2.1. What is a Link? v A link is a pointer to a file. v Useful for sharing files: –a file can be shared by giving each person their own link (pointer) to it.

28 28 2.2. Creating a Link ln existing-file new-pointer v Jenny types: ln draft /home/bob/letter / home bobjenny memoplanning /home/bob/draft and /home/jenny/letter

29 29  Changes to a file affects every link:  Changes to a file affects every link: $ cat file_a This is file A. $ ln file_a file_b $ cat file_b This is file A. $ vi file_b : $ cat file_b This is file B after the change. $ cat file_a This is file B after the change.

30 30 2.3. Seeing Links v Compare status information: $ ls -l file_a file_b file_c file_d -rw-r--r-- 2 dkl 33 May 24 10:52 file_a -rw-r--r-- 2 dkl 33 May 24 10:52 file_b -rw-r--r-- 1 dkl 16 May 24 10:55 file_c -rw-r--r-- 1 dkl 33 May 24 10:57 file_d v Look at inode number: $ $ ls -i file_a file_b file_c file_d 3534 file_a 3534 file_b 5800 file_c 7328 file_d

31 31 2.4. Removing a Link v Deleting a link does not remove the file. v Only when the file and every link is gone will the file be removed.

32 32 2.5. Symbolic Links v The links described so far are often called hard links –a hard link is a pointer to a file which must be on the same file system v A symbolic link is an indirect pointer to a file –it stores the pathname of the pointed-to file –it can link across file systems

33 33 v Jenny types: ln -s shared /home/dkl/project / home dkljenny memoplanning /home/jenny/shared and /home/dkl/project separate file system

34 34 v Symbolic links are listed differently: $ ln -s pics /home/mh/img $ ls -lF pics /home/mh/img drw-r--r-- 1 dkl staff 981 May 24 10:55 pics lrwxrwxrxw 1 dkl staff 4 May 24 10:57/home/mh/img --> pics

35 35 ? abc update newdelete new XY abc newbobnewbob new 2.6 Link Creation, Update & Removal continued abc cp bob new abc ln bob new ln -s bob new bob abc new XY

36 36 2.7 and unlink() 2.7 link() and unlink() #include int link( const char *oldpath, const char *newpath );  Meaning of:  Meaning of: link( “abc”, “xyz” ) : : 120 207 135 “fred.html” “abc” “bookmark.c” 207 “xyz” continued

37 37  clears the directory record  unlink() clears the directory record –usually means that the i-node number is set to 0 v The i-node is only deleted when the last link to it is removed; the data block for the file is also deleted (reclaimed) & no process have the file opened

38 38 Example: unlink #include int main(void) { if( open( "tempfile", O_RDWR ) < 0 ) { perror( "open error“ ); exit( 1 ); } if( unlink( "tempfile“ ) < 0 ) { perror( "unlink error“ ); exit( 1 ); } printf( "file unlinked\n“ ); exit(0); }

39 39symlink() #include int symlink(const char *oldpath, const char *newpath); v Creates a symbolic link named newpath which contains the string oldpath. v Symbolic links are interpreted at run-time. v Dangling link – may point to an non-existing file. v If newpath exists it will not be overwritten.

40 40 readlink() #include int readlink( const char *path, char *buf, size_t bufsiz ); v v Read value of a symbolic link (does not follow the link). – –Places the contents of the symbolic link path in the buffer buf, which has size bufsiz. – –Does not append a NULL character to buf. v v Return value – –The count of characters placed in the buffer if it succeeds. u u -1 if an error occurs.

41 41 3. Subdirectory Creation  causes:  “mkdir uga” causes: –the creation of a uga directory file and an i- node for it –an i-node number and name are added to the parent directory file : : 120 207 135 “fred.html” “abc” “bookmark.c” 201 “uga”

42 42 4. “. ” and “.. ”  “. ” and “.. ” are stored as ordinary file names with i-node numbers pointing to the correct directory files. v Example: dkl bookmemos continued

43 43 In more detail: 123 247 260 “.” “..” “book” 401“memos” Directory ben 260 123 56 6 “.” “..” “chap1” 567“chap2” Directory book “chap3”590 401 123 80 0 “.” “..” “kh” 81 00 77 “kd” Directory memos “mw”590

44 44 5. mkdir()   #include #include #include int mkdir(char *pathname, mode_t mode);  Creates a new directory with the specified : return 0 if ok, -1 on error  Creates a new directory with the specified mode : return 0 if ok, -1 on error continued

45 45  “. ” and “.. ” entries are added automatically  mode must include execute permissions so the user(s) can use.  mode must include execute permissions so the user(s) can use cd. e.g.0755

46 46 6. rmdir()   #include int rmdir(char *pathname); v Delete an empty directory; return 0 if ok, -1 on error. v Will delay until other processes have stopped using the directory.

47 47 7. Reading Directories v v #include #include DIR *opendir(char *pathname); struct dirent *readdir(DIR *dp); int closedir(DIR *dp); returns a pointer if ok, NULL on error returns a pointer if ok, NULL at end or on error

48 48 dirent and DIR v v struct dirent { long d_ino; /* i-node number */ char d_name[NAME_MAX+1]; /* fname */ off_t d_off; /* offset to next rec */ unsigned short d_reclen; /* record length */ }  is a directory stream (similar to )  DIR is a directory stream (similar to FILE ) –when a directory is first opened, the stream points to the first entry in the directory

49 49 Example: listdir.c #include #include int main() { DIR *dp; struct dirent *dir; if( (dp = opendir(“.”)) == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, “Cannot open dir\n” ); exit(1); } continued List the contents of the current directory.

50 50 /* read entries */ while( (dir = readdir(dp)) != NULL ) { /* ignore empty records */ if( dir->d_ino != 0 ) printf( “%s\n”, dir->d_name ); } closedir( dp ); return 0; } /* end main */

51 51 8. chdir() #include int chdir( char *pathname ); int fchdir( int fd ); v Change the current working directory (cwd) of the calling process; return 0 if ok, -1 on error.

52 52 Example: cd to /tmp  Part of c :  Part of to_tmp.c : : if( chdir(“/tmp” ) < 0 printf( “chdir error\n”) ; else printf( “In /tmp\n” );

53 53 Directory Change is Local v The directory change is limited to within the program. v e.g. $ pwd /usr/lib $ to_tmp /* from last slide */ In /tmp $ pwd /usr/lib

54 54 9. getcwd()   #include char *getcwd(char *buf, int size);  Store the cwd of the calling process in buf ; return buf if ok, NULL on error.  buf must be big enough for the pathname string ( size specifies the length of buf ).

55 55 Example #include #include #include /* for NAME_MAX */ int main() { char name[NAME_MAX+1]; if( getcwd( name, NAME_MAX+1 ) == NULL ) printf( “getcwd error\n” ); else printf( “cwd = %s\n”, name ): :

56 56 10. Walking over Directories v 'Visit' every file in a specified directory and all of its subdirectories –visit means get the name of the file v Apply a user-defined function to every visited file.

57 57 Function Prototypes v v #include /* ftw means file tree walk, starting at directory */ int ftw( char *directory, MyFunc *fp, int depth ); /* apply MyFunc() to each visited file */ typedef int MyFunc( const char *file, struct stat *sbuf, int flag ); continued

58 58  depth is the maximum number of directories that can be open at once. Safest value is 1, although it slows down ftw().  Result of ftw() : 0 for a successful visit of every file, -1 on error.

59 59 MyFunc Details  The file argument is the pathname relative to the start directory –it will be passed to MyFunc() automatically by ftw() as it visits each file  sbuf argument is a pointer to the stat information for the file being examined. continued

60 60  The flag argument will be set to one of the following for the item being examined: –FTW_F Item is a regular file. –FTW_D Item is a directory. –FTW_NS Could not get stat info for item. –FTW_DNR Directory cannot be read.  If the MyFunc function returns a non-zero value then the ftw() walk will terminate.

61 61 Example: shower.c #include #include #include #include int shower(const char *file, const struct stat *sbuf, int flag); void main() { ftw(“.”, shower, 1); } continued Print the names of all the files found below the current directory.

62 62 int shower(const char *file, const struct stat *sbuf, int flag) { if (flag == FTW_F) /* is a file */ printf("Found: %s\n", file); return 0; }

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