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Presentation on theme: "HOW TO easily MAKE A YOUTUBE VIDEO FOR NONPROFIT FUNDRAISING WITH POWERPOINT"— Presentation transcript:


2 A Tested & Proven 12 SLIDE Template Instructions: Go through each slide and replace the sample content with info and images, audio or videos relevant to your organization. Keep it simple with a very basic layout (plain white slides with good info and few distractions typically perform well).

3 12-Slide Outline 1.Grab their attention 2.Identify the problem 3.Establish scarcity 4.Aggravate the problem 5.Provide the solution (i.e. your project) 6.Features and benefits 7.Call to Action #1 8.Present your credentials (proof, results, examples, testimonials, etc.) 9.Give a guarantee 10.Call to Action #2 11.Give warnings (deadline, scarcity) 12.Call to Action #3

4 SLIDE 1: GRAB THEIR ATTENTION You are about to discover the secret to happiness. ✴ (Remember: These slides are examples. Fill in with your own content. You can use more than one slide per step as well - use as many as it takes to tell your story. Add images, video and audio as well to support your story.)

5 SLIDE 2: IDENTIFY THE PROBLEM Although this is a wealthy community, more than half the children live below the poverty line.

6 SLIDE 3: ESTABLISH SCARCITY Although many people care, few step up.

7 SLIDE 4: AGGRAVATE THE PROBLEM As the saying goes, “Many are called, but few are chosen.” People have good intentions, but meanwhile, these children lack opportunities that could easily be available in our community.

8 SLIDE 5: PROVIDE THE SOLUTION Introducing: Up Up and Away

9 SLIDE 6: FEATURES AND BENEFITS Up Up and Away ‣ Change the life of a child in your community. ‣ Give a “day away” to kids that rarely get to go anywhere. ‣ Open the eyes to the possibility of going to college, flying to another city, learning about jobs for their futures.

10 SLIDE 7: CALL TO ACTION #1 Add the web URL for your call to action (your call to action can be anything you want your visitor to do, including filling out a web form to give you their name and email, buying something, donating online, etc.) - It’s important to track your conversions** (successful calls to action) for each video you create so that you can see if your video is doing what you want it to do (if not, make changes and post a new version and retest the new version). There is no right or wrong way to do it - just try something and test it to see if it works and make adjustments until you figure out what works best for your audience. To Donate CLICK HERE to visit our website: www.YOURWEBSITE.COM ** Using Google Analytics is an inexpensive way to help track the effectiveness of your videos. see for more

11 SLIDE 8: PRESENT CREDENTIALS Proof, results, examples, testimonials, etc. “These children don’t need handouts. They need life experiences.” - Sean Gorban, Principal Up Up and Away has given 147 children the opportunity to explore things they would never be exposed to. For example: ✓ Learning about wind-turbines from a college science professor. ✓ Cooking with the chef at a 4-star hotel. ✓ Climbing aboard a private jet. ✓ Meeting air traffic controllers. ✓ Learning to kayak. ✓ Driving a ship. (After each outing, they return to school and explain it to their classmates.) “In a small town, changing the lives of just a few children can make a huge difference to the whole community.” - Susan Sherry, Board of Education

12 SLIDE 9: GIVE GUARANTEES “If you want to be happy, be giving.” ➡ When you join our team of supporters, you change the life of one child - guaranteed - and make a difference to our whole community. ➡ You will serve alongside community leaders dedicated to the future of our city. ➡ You will be invited to … etc.

13 SLIDE 10: CALL TO ACTION #2 To Donate CLICK HERE to visit our website: www.YOURWEBSITE.COM Again add the call to action (your call to action can be anything you want your visitor to do, including filling out a web form to give you their name and email, buying something, donating online, etc.) - It’s important to track your conversions** (successful calls to action) for each video you create so that you can see if your video is doing what you want it to do (if not, make changes and post a new version and retest the new version). There is no right or wrong way to do it - just try something and test it to see if it works and make adjustments until you figure out what works best for your audience. ** Using Google Analytics is an inexpensive way to help track the effectiveness of your videos. see for more

14 SLIDE 11: GIVE WARNINGS ➡ These children are at a critical turning point. They are making important choices. Waiting might be too late. They need your help NOW. ➡ What better thing could you do today that will improve the future? ➡ Running away from a problem is a race we can never win. ➡ The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. ➡ Can we let another generation of 5th graders slip away from us?

15 SLIDE 12: CALL TO ACTION #3 To Donate CLICK HERE to visit our website: www.YOURWEBSITE.COM Again add the call to action (your call to action can be anything you want your visitor to do, including filling out a web form to give you their name and email, buying something, donating online, etc.) - It’s important to track your conversions** (successful calls to action) for each video you create so that you can see if your video is doing what you want it to do (if not, make changes and post a new version and retest the new version). There is no right or wrong way to do it - just try something and test it to see if it works and make adjustments until you figure out what works best for your audience. ** Using Google Analytics is an inexpensive way to help track the effectiveness of your videos. see for more

16 OPTIONAL STEP - ADD A VOICEOVER TO YOUR VIDEO (Mac Instructions) Now that we have completed the 12 steps for creating our story we can go back and add audio by narrating each slide if we want. (If you don’t want to do the voiceover yourself you can hire somebody to read the voiceover or get somebody else in your office to read it.) On a Mac, we do this by selecting the slide # that you want to add audio to and clicking on the SETUP Inspector and clicking the Audio pane - there you will be able to click RECORD and in the screen layout will change and you can press the red dot to start the recording for that part - speak clearly into the mic and when you’re done you click the red dot at the bottom of the window to stop the recording.

17 OPTIONAL STEP - ADD A VOICEOVER TO YOUR VIDEO - PC Instructions On a PC** using Powerpoint 2010 or later we can add a voiceover narration to our completed slideshow by following these instructions as provided by Microsoft (CLICK TO VIEW FULL INSTRUCTIONS FROM WEB):CLICK TO VIEW FULL INSTRUCTIONS FROM WEB To Record a narration before or during a slide show: 1.When you record a narration, you run through the presentation and record each slide. You can pause and resume recording any time. 2.Ensure your microphone is set up and in working order prior to recording your slide show. 3.On the Slide Show tab, in the Set Up group, click Record Slide Show Button image. 4.Select one of the following: Start Recording from Beginning Start Recording from Current Slide 5.In the Record Slide Show dialog box, select the Narrations and laser pointer check box, and if appropriate, select or deselect the Slide and animation timings check box. 6.Click Start Recording. TIP To pause the narration, in the Recording shortcut menu, click Pause. And to resume your narration, click Resume Recording. 7.To end your slide show recording, right click the slide, and then click End Show. 8.The recorded slide show timings are automatically saved and the slide show appears in Slide Sorter view with timings beneath each slide. ** Your computer must be equipped with a sound card, microphone and speakers

18 UPLOAD YOUR 12 SLIDES TO YOUTUBE Finally, convert your slideshow to a video. To do this click “File-Save As” then click “Save as type” and choose “Windows Media Video” (on a Mac click “Share-Send a Copy-YouTube”). View your finished video and adjust slide transition times if necessary. When you are satisfied with your final video, simply upload it to YouTube using your keywords in your title, description and tags. Then insert hyperlinks pointing to your call to action using the YouTube editor to insert “Annotations” with links enabled. For more in depth training on how to easily make even more compelling videos about your non profit and a SPECIAL OFFER:

19 NOW SPREAD THE WORD! For more in depth training on how to easily make even more compelling videos about your non profit and a SPECIAL OFFER: Now it’s time to share your newly created video (by embedding or sharing links) on your blog, social media sites, emails, websites, newsletters and everywhere you can. Urge your supporters to share your links with their lists as well and encourage them to like, retweet, reblog, +1 your videos as well as comment on them. The more engaging the better. Wash - Rinse - Repeat! The more you do it the better you will get at creating video content that will attract and engage your visitors. Pretty soon you will have a library of compelling videos that will keep your supporters coming back regularly for more.

20 Now, in the words of St. Ignatius Loyola: “Go forth and set the world on fire.” For more in depth training on how to easily make even more compelling videos about your non profit and a SPECIAL OFFER:

21 Brought to you by: Brought to you by: provides its customers with unique opportunities to grow their nonprofit organizations strategically. We believe the advice presented to customers in our published resources and at our seminars is the best and most useful to nonprofits today. The recommendations and analysis presented is for the exclusive use of customers. Customers should be aware that any strategies we share have inherent risks and there can be no guarantee of future growth or profits. Likewise, past performance does not secure future results. Recommendations are subject to change at any time, so members are encouraged to make regular use of our website, © | 24360 Widgeon Place 9, St Michaels MD 21663 Protected by the copyright laws of the United States and international treaties. This content may only be used pursuant to the customer agreement and any reproduction, copying, or redistribution (electronic or otherwise, including on the world wide web), in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited without the express written permission of Information contained herein is obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. You are entitled to review and act on any recommendations made in this document. does not act as a business advisor. Strategies recommended in this content should be undertaken only after consulting with your own organization and advisors as to the benefits and risks. For tips and strategies for fundraising, leadership, volunteers, marketing and other information to help your nonprofit please visit us at:


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