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1 The Yellow Jacket Centralia Middle School September 2013 Dates to Remember Sept. 27 th – Early Release 12:40 Sept. 30 th – Picture Retakes Sept. 30 th.

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Presentation on theme: "1 The Yellow Jacket Centralia Middle School September 2013 Dates to Remember Sept. 27 th – Early Release 12:40 Sept. 30 th – Picture Retakes Sept. 30 th."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 The Yellow Jacket Centralia Middle School September 2013 Dates to Remember Sept. 27 th – Early Release 12:40 Sept. 30 th – Picture Retakes Sept. 30 th – Oct. 4 th is swim week for PE Oct.4 th - Dance 3:00 to 5:30 pm Oct. 11 th – No School (Professional Day) Oct. 14th – 18 th – Conferences Oct 24 th –Kiwanis Football Game Centralia @Chehalis Admission - $3 adults, $2 kids (with ASB free), $5 family Oct. 25 th – Early Release 12:40 Smile Picture Retake Day September 30th For students who were absent the day pictures were taken or if they need to have retakes. Sending Notes to Students Please try to make arrangements with students before school and only call if it’s an emergency. If it is necessary to get a note to a student please call as early in the day as possible. Phone calls after 2:00 pm may or may not get to them before the end of the day, we will try but we won’t promise. ATTENDANCE CALLS If you have a new phone number or have moved please contact the school to update your information. If your student is marked absent in any classes and we have not received a parent call to excuse the absence prior to the end of school you will receive an automated phone call. If you receive a phone call that your student was absent, please contact the school at 330-7619 ext. 6024 to excuse the absence or if you have questions regarding the absence. You may also email our attendance secretary at or send a note to excuse absences. Attendance can also be viewed on Skyward through our CMS FALL PARENT CONFERENCES!! BY APPOINTMENT See attached sign-up sheet Monday, October 14th3:10 – 5:10 Tuesday, October 15th4:30 – 7:20 Wednesday, October 16th 3:10 – 5:10 Thursday, October 17 th 4:30 – 7:20 Friday, October 18 th 3:10 – 5:10 SIGN UP! All students will have conferences scheduled with team teachers. Parents, please sign up on the attached form and you will receive an invitation from your student for that conference. Parents who do not sign up for your time slot by September 27th will have a conference time assigned and you will be informed by mail.

2 2 Jump Start after school! Does your child struggle with getting their homework done? Then Jump Start after school program is just the place they should be! This is an exciting program that is designed to help students finish assignments and aid with preparing for the HSPE Test. However, there’s more to this program; it’s not just a homework club! After students finish their assignments, there are daily activities to try. This program meets in the commons Monday through Thursday, 2:45- 5:00 pm. There is also an activity bus (with limited stops) to transport students home at 5pm if needed. This program is free to students but does have a limited amount of spots, and it is starting September 16 th. For further information feel free to contact Nicoe King, Site Coordinator @ 330-7619, ext 6028 or after 3:30pm call 827-6235 DID YOU KNOW? We have a website for Centralia School District! Select schools, then Centralia Middle School. This is a wonderful resource for parents! Check out the site and find out information like sports schedules, game times, approximate arrival times back from away games, etc. The Calendar has all kinds of important information for you. Check it out!! When the weather starts to change, this is a great place to see if school is on time, delayed, or canceled. It is posted on the sight as soon as the decision is made. You can also check your child's grades on line. Homework Requests If your child is absent and you would like to request homework for them, all request MUST in by 9:00 am in order to give the teachers time to process them. It will be ready to be picked up between 2:45 and 3:30 pm. Weather If you want to know if school is running late or canceled check the Centralia School District Website It will be posted there immediately after the decision is made. You can also listen to the Radio or watch the news on TV. We ask that you check the website or listen to the radio rather than calling the school. Would you like to receive a text and email message? Go to, on the top right corner in the gray box click register, it will prompt you to put in your birthdate (you must be over 12 yrs old) then click submit. Fill out the form. At the bottom of the form make sure the box is checked that says “Please send me e-alerts from this site”. Click Submit, then you will be prompted to sign- in. Click sign in located at the top right corner in the gray box Select my account Select Edit account settings Click on e-alert setting on the left side of the page Now enter your 10 digit mobile number in the box provided Choose your mobile provider At the bottom of the page click “yes” for emergency only or click “no” for any general or emergency messages Click save changes. ONE KIND WORD CAN CHANGE SOMEONE’S ENTIRE DAY!

3 IMPORTANT: College Bound Scholarship Program What: The College Bound Scholarship promises tuition and a small book allowance for income-eligible students When: June 30 of their 8th grade year Who: You can apply for the College Bound Scholarship if: You are eligible for free and reduced-price lunch Your family is receiving TANF benefits You are a foster youth Your family meets the income standards Where: Fill out your application today @ egeBound/EligibilityAndApplications or stop by the counselor’s office for a brochure and application! egeBound/EligibilityAndApplications Updating Records Parents / Guardians, If you have not done so this year, would you please make sure your child's information is up to date. It is also important that the emergency contact list is also up do date. You may view this information online trough skyward or call the school at 330-7619 Dance Friday October 4th 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm Pre Paid Tickets: $3.00 with ASB Card $6.00 without ASB $8.00 at the door *Any students who receives a major referral or ISS after Sept. 20 th will not be able to attend. Also students who have outstanding fines or a negative lunch balance will not be able to attend until it is paid. Grade Checks / Attendance Checks Grade and attendance checks will be run twice a month. If a student has an “F” in any class or has absenteeism of more than 20%, they will be required to attend “Jump Start” after school for the next 2 weeks. Jump Start is our after school program designed to offer assistance to student in an effort to improve their grades or complete any assignments missed due to absenteeism. Jump start hours are from 2:40 pm – 5:00 pm. Transportation home is provided with limited stops. Students are dropped off at the elementary school nearest your home and Scammon Creek Apartments. The bus leaves the school at 5:00pm or students may be picked up in front of the school at 5:00pm.. CMS is now collecting Box Tops for Education There is a box in the office where they can be dropped off Tissue – Tissue – Tissue We can always use extra boxes of tissue. We would greatly appreciate any donations as we are approaching cold and flu season shortly.

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