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“Picture This” 2015 Expectations New York State SO Coaches Workshop October 24-25, 2014 Mark Kramer WeatherMark LLC Pace University.

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Presentation on theme: "“Picture This” 2015 Expectations New York State SO Coaches Workshop October 24-25, 2014 Mark Kramer WeatherMark LLC Pace University."— Presentation transcript:


2 “Picture This” 2015 Expectations New York State SO Coaches Workshop October 24-25, 2014 Mark Kramer WeatherMark LLC Pace University

3 Objective: Identify scientific terms or concepts from team drawings Like Pictionary Like Password, but with pictures and no gestures Terms/Concepts Only in the sciences, not scientists Like in “rainbow”

4 The rules Tips Examples Time to play

5 Team = 3 Members Asked NSO if 2 acceptable 10/4/14 Definite rotation order All team members will draw ! Not like a tornado or waterspout!

6 Time Limit = 4 minutes to: Complete < 25 Terms Teams get terms in the Same Order A team may choose to pass, but can not return to the term

7 Timing Begins When Order of draw established, & Event Supervisor gives the 1 st sketcher the 1 st term No other team member can see the terms! Sketcher draws pictures & visual clues on paper. Writing utensils provided by Event Supervisor. Papers kept for documentation.

8 **The Sketcher ** May not speak May not give visual clues with their hands/fingers/feet, bodies or eyes Except For: Demonstrated Event Supervisor Clues, e.g., nodding for "yes" or "no" or to acknowledge a desired response from a teammate.

9 The Sketcher If the term is two (2) or more words, the sketcher may write down any word (not parts of a word) that have been correctly identified But only when the Event Supervisor directs them to do so.

10 Illegal Parts of a Drawing  Any and all numbers such as to the 1, iv, XX, 0.1  Letters of any alphabet, (including Morse Code) Why? To prevent teams from inventing codes and alphabets

11 Acceptable Symbols # of words, not letters may be represented as dashes (underlines) on the paper! _____ ______ _______ _______ Not sh - -, but Happiness is “Picture This”

12 Acceptable Symbols Arrows Minus Sign “-” to shorten a word Plus Sign “+” to lengthen a word For e.g., “sublimate” + = sublimation Remember the exact word (singular or plural) is correct, any other form is incorrect All other symbols, unless they represent the word(s) given are not permitted For example, a crescent for the word moon in moonrise is acceptable.

13 The term in play will be deemed a pass if: The team violates any of the rules regarding the use of:  Alphabets  Numbers  Symbols  Verbal communications  Etc.

14 Does a team get DQed for violating any of the previous rules? (DQ = disqualified) No! But, the term in play at the time of the violation will be counted as a pass.

15 Event judge will indicate when the correct term is given. Forms of the word will not be accepted, except for plurals and singulars which will be accepted interchangeably (rain or rains, but not raining)

16 Correct term is given & accepted by judge, then the next team member will be given a new term until the team has either: 1.Gone through the set of < 25 terms, or 2.Time expires. Whichever comes 1 st !

17 Scoring 1 point/term correctly identified in the 4-minute allotted time Teams ranked by # correct And ties are broken by

18 Scoring Ties Broken in order by: 1.Fewest terms passed, 2.Shortest time to complete list, 3.Longest string of consecutive correct terms, & 4.Team who identifies the 1 st term in the list that was incorrectly identified by the other team.

19 So – What’s more important # of correct terms Then time! Longest string can begin anywhere in the list. So passing # 1 or #2 is not the end.


21 Science terms come from: Indexes, glossaries of science dictionaries & textbooks, and Hopefully represent a cross- sampling of science disciplines at the middle/high school level Terms that cross scientific disciplines e.g., photochemical smog – biology, chemistry, meteorology, astronomy, environment, earth, life & physical sciences, forensics, physics, etc.

22 Terms inspired by current events and news: NY Times Science Times, Weather Channel, NOVA, Discovery Channel, Newspapers, Science, CSI, etc. Such as earthquake, tsunami, volcanic eruption, lava flow, polar vortex, global warming, etc.,

23 Tips for coaches Team members should: Work well together May be friends Have a broad science background, Be quick to think on their feet. Have alternates & backups

24 Team members : Good science vocabulary, Be time wise Know when to pass Understand team’s place is determined by the # correct & then ties are broken.

25 How to make a winning team Teammates: friends, partners in other SO events, classes, art, drama, team sports, etc. Communicators Practice & more practice Start off easy & build the vocabulary Check internet resources e.g., NSO, “Picture This” y.html

26 More tips KISS = Keep Drawings Simple Students - list of terms Practice on line at

27 How to Start- Have Students: Set a goal - learn a given # of scientific terms/day Use textbooks and internet glossaries Write terms on small scrap paper/index cards Separate into two containers Knew and did not know Practice from both containers and work for speed Terms can move from known and confident – back to unsure or forgot (unknown)

28 Keep It Simple: Water Cartoon Style Credit ""

29 Keep it simple 2 or 3 contour lines suffice Contour map – topography map – relief map Unlikely to be isotherms or isobars on a weather map

30 Practice drawing for scientific terms that are often repeated, but Do not develop systems, codes or signals. Judges will be on the lookout for such communications – don’t take a chance – air on the safe side.

31 What scientific terms come to mind?

32 Sample list of terms,16,Sample Terms life earth physical double helix earthquake fulcrum deoxyribonucleic acid new moon base evolution paleozoic electron gamete oceanography fission kingdom solar eclipse refraction herbivores water cycle wavelength

33 2004 National Final Term List anatomy cold front proton fulcrum herbivores isobar simple machine anemometer

34 2004 Terms continued topographic map marsupial virus (enhanced Fujita scale exoskeleton meiosis pH scale astronomical unit digestive system pangea new moon subduction zone coriolis effect

35 My 1 st list of terms sublimation vacuum aorta osmosis symbiosis homeostasis neuron ion diaphragm stratosphere ice pellets acceleration superconductor catalyst accretion gravitational pull equinox adsorption periodic table smog dispersion petrified wood adiabatic process black body radiation freezing point concentration

36 My 2 nd list of terms evaporation cosmic rays vapor pressure unsaturated solution quantitative analysis hardness specific gravity salinity acid erosion vaccine hydrology environment volatile organic compounds glaciation ideal gas law isopleth equation of state avalanche continental drift: evapotranspiration geothermal power electrical circuit advection marine biology

37 My 2010 list of terms swine flu hemorrhage herniated disk spinal column forensic science sedimentary rocks infrared radiation environmental chemistry drought brain volcanic eruption vaccine hydrocarbons potential energy conduction isotact thermodynamics earthquake ice sheet condensation alternative energy solar wind advection ocean current ecology

38 So now it’s time 4 U to play Picture This Let’s split up into Teams of 2, 3 or 4 The Sketchers & The Guessers Sketchers: Please Write Down 1 Easy & 1 Hard Scientific Term to Draw and Guess on a Piece of Paper Then Reverse Roles

39 Thank you for your interest, cooperation & questions to your great team! Picture this without color

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