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Thomas J. Russo Metals & Machinery Branch Chief National Commodity Specialist Division (NCSD)- New York.

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2 Thomas J. Russo Metals & Machinery Branch Chief National Commodity Specialist Division (NCSD)- New York

3 NATIONAL COMMODITY SPECIALIST DIVISION (NCSD)  The NCSD is located at 1 Penn Plaza (previously 6 WTC) in New York and is composed of 48 National Import Specialists (NISs) and 45 National Import Specialist Assistants (NISAs)  The NISs are the recognized Commodity and Harmonized Tariff Classification experts in CBP  The NISs area of responsibility is defined and assigned by HTS number  The NCSD is a Division of the Regulations and Rulings (R&R) located in Washington D.C.  R&R is under the new Office of International Trade (OT)

4 National Commodity Specialist Division (NCSD) Division Director Branch 1 Metals & Machinery Electronics Heavy Machinery Steel Branch 2 Special Products Chemicals Food Wood Branch 3 Textiles & Apparel Wearing Apparel Fibers & Fabric Luggage

5 National Commodity Specialist Division (NCSD) Major Functions to Achieve National Uniformity and Informed Compliance  Technical advice to Headquarters and Other Government Offices/Agencies  Information/Advice to Field Offices  Risk Assessment/Database Maintenance  Advice to the Public

6 Technical advice to Headquarters and other government offices/agencies  CIT/Assistant Chief Counsel/Department of Justice case preparation, stipulations  International Agreements Staff – HQ – Review and comment on draft agenda matters before the HSC of the WCO  ITC – US Tariff language, new provisions, etc.  Commerce Department - AD/CVD scope determinations, new statistical breakouts

7 Information/Advice to Field Offices  Responding to internal electronic HTS classification questions from ports  Issuing internal electronic Alerts on HTS changes/issues  National Commodity Training Sessions (seminar program)  Mini-seminars/port visits – address issues specific to a port or group of ports  Email network messages or telephone contacts  Responses to Focused Assessment Team inquiries

8 Advice to the Public  Issue Binding Rulings – Classification, free trade agreements, country of origin, marking  Informed Compliance Publications  Informed Compliance Seminars, Commodity Specific Training Sessions  Presentations to trade associations – e.g., LIIEA, AAEI, American Footwear Assoc., etc.  Telephone advice – urgent or unusual issues, especially admissibility

9 Binding Rulings Authority 19 C.F.R. 177 Basic Requirements  Name, address, email address, of requesting party  Description of transaction - Prospective v. Current  Statements – No issues pending  Complete description of goods in imported condition  Type of Ruling Request (e.g. Classification etc.)

10 Types of Rulings  Classification  Marking  Country of Origin  Free Trade agreements

11 eRulings program  Via email since 2003  eRulings Template created in December 2005  Found on  Fill in the blanks  Attach Pictures, Illustrations, Manuals  Electronic signature  Electronic Ruling Program eliminates mailing on both ends to reduce overall processing time and expedite receipt of decisions.  EXCEPTION - No samples permitted

12 BY THE NUMBERS  A total of over 9000 binding ruling requests were filed in FY 2007.  Over 25% or approximately 2,400 requests were eRulings.  Over 2000 ( 225 per month) since the start of the new web template in December of 2005.  Average response time is approximately 20 days.

13 KEY BINDING RULING CBP WEBSITES  CBP Main Site -  What are Rulings  ml  eRulings Requirements ments.xml  eRulings Template   Customs Rulings Online Search Systems - CROSS

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