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Electronic Troubleshooting

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1 Electronic Troubleshooting
Chapter 5 Multistage Amplifiers

2 Overview When more amplification is required than can be supplied by a single stage amp A second stage is added Or more stages are added Aspects that are covered Capacitively Coupled Stages Testing and Troubleshooting Frequency Response of Cascaded Stages Using Negative Feedback Direct Coupled Amplifiers

3 Overview Aspects that are covered Differential Amplifiers
Emitter Followers Analysis of a Complete Amplifier System

4 Two Stage Capacitively Coupled
Characteristics Two stages coupled by Cap – CC Freq of AC signal under amplification High enough to yield insignificant impedance, XC for CC Determining impedance seen by AC signals DC Power supplies appear as a ground/common Equivalent impedance seen by the output of Q1

5 Two Stage Capacitively Coupled
Characteristics Gain of the first stage AV1 = rL1/re1 Gain of the second stage AV2 = rL2/re2 Total Gain AV(tot) = AV1 x AV2 Sample Problem Given: vin = 2mV, AV1 = 40, AV2 = 60 Find voltages at points X and Y on the drawing

6 Testing a two-stage amplifier
Check the output of the last stage Should have non-distorted signal of appropriate magnitude If bad check at the output of each stage Remove from consideration all properly functioning parts of the circuit

7 Troubleshooting Cascade Stages
Test the power supply voltages – If Good ↓ Insert small AC signal Signal Characteristics Few millivolts Into first stage Follow the testing chart Page 95 and 96 Quickly sets focus on defective part of circuit Divide and fix strategy Walk through assuming R2 is an open – 3rd para on page 97

8 Frequency Response of Cascaded Stages
Frequency response of amplifiers is limited At both high and low frequencies around the operating band Low Freq limiting Attenuation of the output is directly related to the increasing impedance of CC as the Freq of the input is decreasing As can be seen in the coupling circuit to the right XC at lower freq decrease the input signal for the second stage At DC CC is an open

9 Frequency Response of Cascaded Stages
Frequency response of amplifiers is limited Low Freq limiting A Thevenin equivalent circuit simplifies the analysis When XC = RC1 + r in(2nd stage) Vin to the second stage is of its max Power delivered is ½ or -3dB The freq at which this happens is the lower -3dB point or f1 Example Problem See middle of page 98

10 Frequency Response of Cascaded Stages
Freq response of amplifiers is limited High Freq limiting Shunting Caps cause high frequency limiting Q1 shunted by CCE Q2 input shunted by CBE or Cin The composite shunting Cap for all the coupling circuit wiring CS is the parallel combination Same for Req f2 is the freq at which XC = Req The half power point or -3dB point See example problem Mid-page on 99

11 Frequency Response of Cascaded Stages
Amplifier Frequency Response Curve

12 Distortion Reduction –Negative Feedback
Prime Cause – Large driving signal Results of such distortion are illustrated below Unequal positive and negative transitions on the output

13 Distortion Reduction –Negative Feedback
Prime Cause – Large driving signal Distortion results from the characteristics of the base-emitter diode The characteristic curve is only linear over a small range See the negative transition of Ib Will yield Distorted Ic Distorted vO

14 Distortion Reduction –Negative Feedback
Characteristics Supplies fraction of the output back to the input Connection to the emitter yields negative feed back Feedback voltage scaling Voltage divider of RE and RF

15 Distortion Reduction –Negative Feedback
Effects of negative feedback Pre-distorts the output of the first stage to yield an undistorted output from the second stage Will help counter act the distortion generated in the second stage IC and collector voltage VQ1 will have the same form

16 Distortion Reduction –Negative Feedback
Effects of negative feedback The more feedback the less distortion However the more feedback the less gain Gain with Feedback Called Closed Loop Gain When open loop gain (without feedback) is large compared to closed loop gain At least a factor of 10 or more between Open and Closed loop gain

17 Direct Coupled Amplifiers
Characteristics Used when low frequency or DC signals are amplified For example DC signals in a power regulator, or the outputs of thermocouples Simple circuit (typical of Output stages) Transistor current controlled by VRE Can be changed by: Changing RE or VE

18 Direct Coupled Amplifiers
Simple Amp without Feedback Characteristics AV1 =RC1/re1 , AV2 =RC2/RE2 , AV2 is usually much smaller than AV1 Problems with circuit As Q1 temperature increases IC increases VC(Q1) decreases Changes are amplified by Q2 Direct coupling increases temperature instability

19 Direct Coupled Amplifiers
Simple Amp with Feedback Characteristics Forward biased on Q1 comes from VRE Divided by R1 and R2 Follow startup Q1 off VB(Q2) goes positive Q2 turns on and VE grows VB(Q1) goes positive Q1 turns on IRC1 increases, VB(Q2) decreases VB(Q1) reaches 0.7V quickly At stability VRE depends on the ratio of R1 & R2

20 Direct Coupled Amplifiers
Simple Amp with Feedback Characteristics Temperature Stability Q1 heats up and IC1 increases VC1 and VB2 decreases VE decreases, thus VB1 decreases Q1 then conducts less Thus VC1 increases End result a temperature change causes less change in output CE was added to make a good low frequency Amp No effect on DC input signals

21 Direct Coupled Amplifiers
Simple Amp with Feedback Characteristics Temperature Stability Q1 heats up and IC1 increases VC1 and VB2 decreases VE decreases, thus VB1 decreases Q1 then conducts less Thus VC1 increases End result a temperature change causes less change in output CE was added to make a good low frequency Amp No effect on DC input signals

22 Direct Coupled Amplifiers
Real Sample Circuit See Figure 5-14 on page 106 Walk-through Collector of transistor X101 is direct coupled to Base of X102 Base of X101 is biased off of R114 through R104 –Temp Stability What is the circuit that links the collector of X102 to the emitter of X101?

23 Differential Amplifiers
Characteristics Used to amplify differences between two signals Can use transistors, Tubes, or Linear ICs This chapter deals with the transistor version Requires two identical transistors and a common emitter resistor Both are forward biased -15 Supply Both emitters at -0.7V Both IE’s ~ 1mA Both collectors = 10V and VD =0V

24 Differential Amplifiers
Characteristics Temperature stability Due to identical transistors if the temperature rises both have the same current increase and VD stays the same Walk through One input has a more positive value That transistor conducts More, VE increases, VC decreases The other transistor conducts less and VC Increases VD is proportional to the inputs but larger Example problem on top of page 108

25 Differential Amplifiers
Characteristics Walk through Impractical to use very high voltage supplies Use a constant current source instead RE can be adjusted for a more accurate current amount

26 Emitter Followers Characteristics Have unity gain
Output in phase with Input No collector resistor Output from emitter Provides current gain without loading the input circuit RE = RL for given circuit rin = 80 x 1kΩ

27 Emitter Followers Actual Circuits Load for the DC Amp
VQ1 sees 5K Ω ||30KΩ The output can drive a 3KΩ with less than 10% change in output

28 Complete Amp System Complete channel of old tape recorder
Input Section Mic jack at top Tape heads below Input amplifier (aka preamp) X101 and X102 Audio Frequency (AF) amplifier Another two stage amp after R119, the volume control pot (top left of part 2 – page113) Output driver Emitter follower, X105, driving the headphone output – top right of part 2 (page 113) C122 couples AC signal only to headphones AC output is also rectified and feed to the Play/Record Level meter. Record amplifier Part 2 (page 113) Mid-page on right

29 Left Channel of Tape Recorder (Part 1)

30 Complete Amp System Complete channel of old tape recorder
Record amplifier Single stage amp for recording, X106. Voltage divider biasing (R138 and R139) Capacitive input coupling C125. High frequency noise roll-off (attenuation) For Example C102 goes from collector of X101 to base It appears to Amp input signal as much larger (value multiplied by gain of that stage) 33pF looks like 3300 pF to the input signal Prevents oscillations caused by high frequency noise Troubleshooting Inject small AC signal on the left (input) side Trace signal through amplifier chain Amplitudes should increase as you move to the right except for X105 – no amplitude gain.

31 Left Channel of Tape Recorder (Part 2)

32 Complete Amp System Complete channel of old tape recorder
Troubleshooting As with all circuits - If output has problems Check supply voltage, if OK Check convenient Mid-point of circuit, if OK Check a convenient midpoint of the remaining part of the circuit that has the malfunction in it Repeat until problem is found Frequency Response (aka Tone Control) S2 used to select from two different R-C circuits for tone control (S1 selects Record or Playback modes) Fig 5-23 shows coupling circuit between TP’s 21 and 28 in Normal Playback (below)

33 Complete Amp System Complete channel of old tape recorder
Frequency Response (aka Tone Control) S2 used to select from two different R-C circuits for tone control (S1 selects Record or Playback modes) At 100Hz (figure 5-24b –next slide) C113 reactance approx. = 39k ohms C114 reactance approx. = 390k ohms As the frequency increases the signal feeding the second two stage amplifier increases. The circuit acts as a High Pass filter. See below S2 in chrome position connects different RC coupling

34 Analyzing the Tone Control

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