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1 © 2013 READING COMPREHENSION Exercise 12

2 © 2013 Read the passage and answer the questions Mr. George Mackie IFS Freight Forwarding 8471 S. Eastern Avenue Chicago, IL 60647 Dear Mr. Mackie, We have just received a complaint about a mishandled delivery from one of our trusted customers, Mr. C. Benson of Butterfly Beauty Care in Dubuque, Iowa. Apparently, a member of your staff delivered two cartons of goods to the Butterfly Beauty Cure facility despite the fact that the items they contained had been damaged in transit. Enclosed, you will find a copy of the transmittal form signed by Mr. Benson, on which he clearly indicated that he noticed goods were damaged while your driver was still on the premises.

3 © 2013 Mr. Benson reports that the driver refused to take the goods back, contrary to your company's stated policy. Furthermore, the driver indicated that our packing was responsible for the breakage. We can assure you that these boxes were packed with the usual care, and left our warehouse in perfect condition. We can only conclude that they were damaged during shipment. We expect you to pick up the hoses immediately at absolutely no cost to Mr. Benson or Smooth Skin. We are far from satisfied with the actions of your employee, and in view of the fact that this is the third complaint we have received in six mouths, my further incidents of this nature will force us to reconsider the renewal of our contract with your firm. Sincerely, Peggy S. Rolf Shipping Manager

4 © 2013 1)What was sent to Mr. Mackie with this letter? a. A check b. Two cartons c. A new contract d. A shipping document 2)According to the letter, what did the delivery driver do? a. Smooth Skin was responsible for the damage b. He refused to take goods back c. The shipment was damaged in transit d. IFS should refund the customer's money 3)Ms. Rolf refers to the IFS policy about? a. Shipping charges b. Returns c. Weight limits d. Travel expenses

5 © 2013 1)What was sent to Mr. Mackie with this letter? a. A check b. Two cartons c. A new contract d. A shipping document 2)According to the letter, what did the delivery driver do? a. Smooth Skin was responsible for the damage b. He refused to take goods back c. The shipment was damaged in transit d. IFS should refund the customer's money 3)Ms. Rolf refers to the IFS policy about? a. Shipping charges b. Returns c. Weight limits d. Travel expenses

6 © 2013 Read the passage and answer the questions Fax Transmission Kleenit Bravo Morella, 320 Portal 4-2, 28020 Madrid Spain Dear fellow computer user, A word of advice. It's time to clean out your computer. If you're like me, you do not remove document that are no longer necessary from your computer. You never know when you need a file, so you don't throw it away. Right? Electronic mail messages pile up too, creating a huge warehouse of obscure file names. I found that a simple software package called Kleanit which gets rid of everything I don’t need. I was so impressed with this package that I decided to share it with others.

7 © 2013 No longer do those bothersome extra messages and computer files who waste processing time and cause my computer to perform inefficiently. Kleanit makes sure that the only files in my computer are files that relate to my current projects or routine tasks. Why don’t you try it? I’ll send you trial copy and if you aren’t satisfied, send it back. If you are, and you will be, send your check for $32.50 at your earliest convenience. Have a nice day, Robert Horstma CEO

8 © 2013 1)According to the fax, what prompted Mr. Horsta to sell Kleanit? a. His e-mail responses b. His poor computer skills c. His need for money d. His satisfaction with the product 2)What suggestion is made in this letter? a. To buy new computers b. To send less mail c. To print out documents d. To purchase new software 3)Besides documents, what else clutters memory on most computers? a.Operating instructions b. Help files c. Electronic mail messages d. Directories

9 © 2013 1)According to the fax, what prompted Mr. Horsta to sell Kleanit? a. His e-mail responses b. His poor computer skills c. His need for money d. His satisfaction with the product 2)What suggestion is made in this letter? a. To buy new computers b. To send less mail c. To print out documents d. To purchase new software 3)Besides documents, what else clutters memory on most computers? a.Operating instructions b. Help files c. Electronic mail messages d. Directories

10 © 2013 4)What effect does clutter have on a computer? a. The computer operates slowly b. The computer runs out of space c. The computer stops working d. The computer erases files 5)Which documents should be in your computer? a. Duplicate files b. Current and routine files c. Files from last year d. Files others have sent you

11 © 2013 4)What effect does clutter have on a computer? a. The computer operates slowly b. The computer runs out of space c. The computer stops working d. The computer erases files 5)Which documents should be in your computer? a. Duplicate files b. Current and routine files c. Files from last year d. Files others have sent you

12 © 2013 Read the passage and answer the questions Now, When You Purchase A Wizard Foreign Language Program, We’ll Send You A FREE GIFT! Order a full Wizard Language Program and we'll send you a portable stereo cassette player absolutely free. A great way to learn a new language and a fully portable way to take your lessons wherever you go. What a great way to enjoy your new language! So, order now. (Retail value $29.95)

13 © 2013 1)What is being offered at no charge? a. A foreign language textbook b. Language tapes c. A cassette player d. Trial materials 2)How can you get the promotional item? a. Pay $29.95 b. Send in a card c. Take a class d. Buy a language program

14 © 2013 1)What is being offered at no charge? a. A foreign language textbook b. Language tapes c. A cassette player d. Trial materials 2)How can you get the promotional item? a. Pay $29.95 b. Send in a card c. Take a class d. Buy a language program

15 © 2013 Read the passage and answer the questions MEMORANDUM To: At office personnel being transferred to the Paris' Office Fm: A. Schneider Re: Suggestions to prepare for move Each day my E-Mail is full of messages concerning this move. Rather than responding to each of you Individually I am forwarding this memo to all of you. Please follow the instructions below carefully. Do not omit any steps and please do not ask me these questions again. Pack all of the items in or on your desk in boxes. Label all boxes clearly to make unpacking easier. Retrieve and delete all messages in your telephone to clear it for the person who will occupy your desk. Change the outgoing message on your answering machine so callers can get your new office number. Provide the network manager with your old password and computer identification number. Notify clients in writing of your new location and phone number.

16 © 2013 1) Why was this memo written? a. To respond to several queries regarding the move b. To train the staff in Paris c. To suggest ways to use the computer d. To propose procedures for answering the telephone 2) What should you pack yourself? a. Items in your files b. Items on your desk c. Your computer equipment d. Your phone system 3) What should you do for the person who will occupy your desk? a. Clear old messages from your phone b. Get a new computer password c. Move boxes to the edge of the room d. Notify clients of your replacement

17 © 2013 1) Why was this memo written? a. To respond to several queries regarding the move b. To train the staff in Paris c. To suggest ways to use the computer d. To propose procedures for answering the telephone 2) What should you pack yourself? a. Items in your files b. Items on your desk c. Your computer equipment d. Your phone system 3) What should you do for the person who will occupy your desk? a. Clear old messages from your phone b. Get a new computer password c. Move boxes to the edge of the room d. Notify clients of your replacement

18 © 2013 4) What do you need to give to the network manager? a. Your computer equipment b. Your computer files c. Your password and ID number d. Your computer 5) What will make the unpacking easier? a. Clear labels on the boxes b. Caution with computers c. Advance shipping d. An empty desk

19 © 2013 4) What do you need to give to the network manager? a. Your computer equipment b. Your computer files c. Your password and ID number d. Your computer 5) What will make the unpacking easier? a. Clear labels on the boxes b. Caution with computers c. Advance shipping d. An empty desk

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