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1 Creating Better Podcasts Dan Medakovic, Operitel Richard Nantel, Brandon Hall Research September 26, 1:15 p.m.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Creating Better Podcasts Dan Medakovic, Operitel Richard Nantel, Brandon Hall Research September 26, 1:15 p.m."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Creating Better Podcasts Dan Medakovic, Operitel Richard Nantel, Brandon Hall Research September 26, 1:15 p.m.

2 2 So Many Questions… What is a podcast? Why have they become popular? Why use them for learning? What software/hardware do you need? What are the steps to produce, publish, and subscribe to a podcast? Tips, tricks, and resources Integrating podcasting into learning architecture

3 3 What Is a Podcast? iPod + Broadcasting = Podcasting Usually audio (but not always) Syndication/subscription (always)

4 4 Why Have Podcasts Become Popular?

5 5

6 6 Why Use Podcasts for Learning

7 Podcasting Options 7 Audacity / Freeware apps ProTools LE / Mbox Phone in Services Professional Audio Production Facility / Marketing & Communications Co. Garage Band (Mac) Cubase/Vegas/Cakewalk etc. Web Based V/O Services 1000’s Free 100’s

8 8 DIY- What You Need (Audio Podcast) Text

9 Zoom H2 Microphone ($200)

10 Audacity (Free)

11 11 Podcasting Workflow RSS mp3

12 12 Let’s Record!

13 Let’s Edit!

14 14 Let’s Publish! (A few options) Use a commercial hosting service (Easy and low-cost) Upload it to a Blog (Easy and free!) Host your own podcasts (Medium easy and free!)

15 15 Creating the RSS file Brandon Hall Research Podcasts Richard Nantel no Audio Blogs Listen to Brandon Hall Research podcasts to for the latest research about learning and talent management. en-us All rights reserved Mon, 17 Sep 2007 01:36:27 GMT 60 Richard Test Podacst Richard Nantel Audio Blogs 00:09 no (Running Time 00:09) Mon, 17 Sep 2007 01:30:24 GMT

16 Free RSS Generators bin/sa/podcast/podcast.cgi bin/sa/podcast/podcast.cgi es/podcast-generator.php es/podcast-generator.php

17 Online Resources 17 NameDescriptionURLCost Audio Bag Royalty free music. Pro. Intro/Outro with Music $7-$29 / music clip $57 / $77 (both) ClickCaster Podcast publishing/hosting site. Support audio and video podcasts. - $29.99 / mo. GabCast Podcasting service. Let’s you phone in your audio. $12/mo/channel

18 Software/Hardware Audacity – Free, Open Source audio recording and editing software Garage Band – Free on new Macintosh Pro Tools LE and M Box hardware $400 Microphone - $100 (get a metal one) Recommend SURE SM57 18

19 Integrating Podcasts into Learning Architecture Simply create a PodCast area on your website with RSS feed or include in Blogs, Wikis, etc. (one to many) Use a Document Library such as SharePoint Rich search, meta data, content management Audience Targeting One to many groups 19

20 Integrating Podcasts into Learning Architecture Assign them to learners via an LMS Target community, region, location, business unit, job position, competency Include link in course registration message Use a self-assessment button to track completion Create a short post-assessment to test comprehension Include them in blended Learning Tracks (podcast assigned upon Success or Failure of Learning Event) Sell them via E-Commerce engine 20

21 Audio Tips Start with the best source recording You can hear the room – avoid large rooms, reflective/hard surfaces Use a good microphone and audio interface Use a pop-screen Use a mic stand (table top or boom stand) Watch your levels Normalize your audio 21

22 Audio Tips Cont’d Think of quality production values: –Interesting, dynamically varied voice(s) –Imagine the audience (perform, don’t just read) –Include musical breaks/intros 22

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