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 Rodrigues: Reading, Language Arts, and Social Studies  Toribio: Science and Math.

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2  Rodrigues: Reading, Language Arts, and Social Studies  Toribio: Science and Math

3  Students should be dropped off by 8:00 am. School starts promptly at 8:15 am. After 8:15 am the student will be marked as tardy and will a late slip to enter the classroom. Students who arrive late miss critical instruction.  They must be picked up between 2:45pm-3:00 pm (After 3 pm they will be sent to the office. Late fees may apply).  If your child has been absent, you must send me a note/e-mail to document the reason for the absence. If I don’t receive a note the absence will remain unexcused.

4  If you wish to have a birthday party during the school day, you may do so during lunch. Our lunch is from 11:43 – 12:13 pm.  Toys: Toys are not permitted in school. If brought to school they will be held until the December or summer break whichever comes first.

5  Remember, no checks under $20.  I prefer that if you are sending your child to school with cash it be exact. If you are forced to send cash to school and need change I will not be able to provide you with change right away. So, please be patient.

6 Quarter 1- Spanish (P.1), Music (P.2) PE – Mondays (P.1)/Tuesdays (P.2) (PE uniform and sneakers are required) Library will be visited on Mondays (P.2) and Tuesdays (P.1) *** Every Monday/Tuesday, we will visit the media center. Students will be able to check out library books at that time. Books are due back prior to the next visit. Please make sure the books are kept in a safe place and remain in good condition. If a book is lost, parents will be responsible for the cost of the book.

7  School planners will be used as a daily form of communication. Any question or comment you may have may be addressed inside.  Email is the best way to reach me:  Please make sure to spell Rodrigues with an “s” and not a “z.”  : The class website can be accessed by going to  I have important class information posted. The website will be updated weekly.

8  On February 18, 2014, the State Board of Education revised elements of the Common Core State Standards and renamed the benchmarks the Florida Standards.

9  The LAFS consist of Six Strands: › READING STANDARDS FOR LITERATURE › READING STANDARDS: FOUNDATIONAL SKILLS › READING STANDARDS FOR INFORMATIONAL TEXT › WRITING STANDARDS › STANDARDS FOR SPEAKING AND LISTENING › LANGUAGE STANDARDS *Writing is incorporated within the Language Arts standards. Extended responses and writing will be based on textual evidence. *The use of digital tools and technology to conduct research and publish writing using keyboarding skills is required.

10  With new, more rigorous standards in place to help Florida students succeed, the FCAT 2.0 no longer serves the purpose of measuring student progress and achievement.  It is important that each and every child in this state have the opportunity to learn and succeed in college, career and in life. This new method of assessment will allow teachers to emphasize critical thinking, which will provide our students with even greater opportunities to live and learn in Florida. *Note: Will any students be taking the FCAT 2.0 in 2014-15? The FCAT 2.0 science exam will be used in grades 5 and 8.

11  The new exam to assess students in English/Language Arts and Mathematics is the Florida Standards Assessments (FSA).  The new test will provide a more authentic assessment of the Florida Standards, because it will include more than multiple choice questions. Students will be asked to create graphs, interact with test content and write and respond in different ways than on traditional tests. New question types will assess students’ higher-order thinking skills in keeping with the higher expectations of the Florida Standards.

12  March 2-13 FSA Writing (4 th -paper based and 5 th -computer based)  March 31-April 10 FSA English/Language Arts and Mathematics (3 rd & 4 th grade-paper based)  April 13-May 8 FSA English/Language Arts and Mathematics (5 th Grade-computer based) FCAT 2.0 Science (5 th grade-paper based)

13  Typing Web  Dance Mat Typing  ABC YA!  Slime Kids hyper-spider-typer.html  Fun To Type  Free Typing Games  Learning Games for Kids  Sense-Lang http://games.sense-  Typing Club  Typing Ace (Free Trial)  Edutyping (Free Trial)

14  FLDOE:  LAFS:  MAFS:  CPALMS: ter.aspx  FSA Portal:

15  Title I is the largest federal assistance program for our nation’s schools.  The goal of Title I is a higher quality of education for every child.  We are a Title I school because a certain percentage of our student population qualifies for free or reduced lunch.  The federal government provides funding that help by bringing extra materials and support into our school.  Somerset Miramar implements a school wide Title I program. This means that all students receive the benefits of our Title I funding.

16  As part of our Title I compliance, we are expected to reach certain achievement levels dictated by our School Improvement Plan.  We utilize FCAT (grades 3-8 for previous years), FSA (grades 3-8 from this year on), Primary Reading and Math tests (grades 1-2), and FAIR tests (grade K) to determine our achievement levels.  Our elementary school and our middle school are both “A” rated schools!!

17  Assists in preparation and evaluation of The School Improvement Plan (SIP)  Decides how school improvement funds are spent  Assists principal with the school budget  Making suggestions relating to the improvement of the school in all areas Works hand in hand together for the success of the students and the school!

18  SAC meetings are held quarterly  Students are notified of SAC meetings by distribution of flyers, parent link notifications, teacher emails and the Somerset School website.  Meetings are usually held at 6:00 p.m. in the Media Center  2 volunteer hours are given for attending these meetings

19 Social Studies- Social Studies Weekly  Hispanic Heritage Month  Black History Month  Multicultural Week  U.S. History

20 ELA- Journeys & Grammar Book  Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently.  Compare and contrast texts.  Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects  Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.  Write arguments to support claims  Using evidence to prove points  Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions.  Writing and Grammar

21  Homework: Students will receive daily Reading/Language Arts homework. Reading Plus will be assigned on a weekly basis. Students are to read 30 minutes each day.  Conferences: There are two mandatory parent/teacher conferences in a year.  Textbooks: Textbooks should never be taken home. If a book happens to go home with your child by mistake please send it back.

22 Remember you need 30 hours!!! We need your help! Parents are needed to help with... A. donating/contributing items for classroom use:  MOST USEFUL ITEMS AT THIS TIME:  - Balls/ Jump ropes/ hoola hoops to be used during recess  - Snacks to be used as rewards in the classroom (chips – big bags or individualized bags, popcorn (already popped), chocolate chip cookies, cheese balls, lucky grams cereal, fruit loops cereal)  - Candy for raffle day and rewards  - Toys for raffle day (If you need ideas check out  - Lysol to kill germs and keep the flu away!  - Laminating sheets For each $4 spent, you will receive one volunteer hour.

23  Homework is MANDATORY. It is used to reinforce the skills learned during the day.  Late Work Policy: › 1 day late: -10 points › 2 days late: -20 points › 3 days late: -30 points › 4 or more: NO LONGER ACCEPTED

24  What is my late work policy?  How often will your child have homework?

25  What is the best way to reach me?  Why is my last name unique even though it sounds familiar?

26  If you’d like to schedule a conference, please make sure to do so in Ms. Toribio’s class. We will hold our conferences together.  Remember: You must meet with me at least two times this year.  If you only have a question, please write it on the index card. Please make sure to include your e-mail address so that I can get back to you ASAP.

27  Please make sure to sign in prior to leaving.

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