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Presentation on theme: "GoTo Webinar FY 2013 GRANTS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS."— Presentation transcript:


2 FY 2013 Grants Management System Improvements For More Information Contact: Todd Mason,; (602) 364-1989 Technical Issues: Sarah Hendrix,; (602) 542-4494 Or Visit: for recording of this Webinar and materials Welcome! ADE Grants Management Division 8/28/2012

3 What the Attendee Sees

4 Using the GoTo Panel Open and hide your control panel Join audio: Choose “Mic & Speakers” to use VoIP Choose “Telephone” and dial using the information provided Submit questions and comments via the Questions panel Note: Today’s presentation is being recorded and will be provided within 48 hours. Your Participation ADE Grants Management Division 8/28/2012

5 Questions Please continue to submit your text questions and comments using the Questions Panel Please raise your hand to be unmuted for verbal questions. For more information, please [insert contact information] Note: Today’s presentation is being recorded and will be provided within 48 hours. Your Participation ADE Grants Management Division 8/28/2012

6 Guiding Principles 1.Improve the customer experience with grants management while maintaining shared accountability. 2.Lessen unnecessary and duplicative work among ADE and grantee staff, freeing time for functions that improve student achievement. ADE Grants Management Division 8/28/2012

7 More frequent payments Pay grantees more quickly Implement new GME system Resolve Single Audit findings Reduce application processing time Reduce re-work with applications, amendments, payment requests, completion reports Increase consistency of grantee service ADE Grants Management Division 8/28/2012 Improvement Objectives

8 Grants Management System RFP – Closed and Being Evaluated Interim GME Modifications – Ready for Roll-Out September/Early October GP Integration – Complete and Reporting Functionality Being Implemented Meeting with County and LEA Representatives on Changes to GME and Grants Management Structure, Processes – Ongoing! USFR Modifications – Ready for Roll-Out New Grants Management Handbook – Final Draft Ready for Publication in Early September Improvement Milestones ADE Grants Management Division 8/28/2012

9 MS Dynamics GP integration Payment Request System replaces Cash Management Reports Payment Requests can be submitted at any time within a month Payments processed daily through accounting system More Frequent Payments ADE Grants Management Division 8/28/2012

10 Payment Request Form 1 1.LEA enters Total Project Expense. 2.Provide an email address 3.If requested more than 20% of the budget total, provide a justification. Process LEA Submits Payment Request Request < 20% of budget total : approved by system Request > 20% of budget total : Justification required ADE approval or disapproval (email notification) ADE Grants Management Division 8/28/2012

11 Modified Reimbursement Method (for Grants with non-scheduled payments) LEA can submit a Payment Request Form any time Expenditures realized or to be realized in the next 15 days are allowable for reimbursement (e.g., request a payment on Monday for Friday payroll) Payment Request Form 2 ADE Grants Management Division 8/28/2012

12 Direct communication between LEA and ADE Payment Request > 20% of the budget total: ADE is required to enter evaluation comment regardless of approval / disapproval Email notification to LEA Payment Request Receipt ADE Grants Management Division 8/28/2012

13 Grantee must submit a Payment Request at least every 60 days Grantee will be notified by e-mail if they have not submitted timely Grantee must provide explanation of project progress if not requesting payment Program areas will monitor grantees not requesting payment Payment Request Frequency ADE Grants Management Division 8/28/2012

14 Place all funds in RSP currently No more initial payment through application Grantee can request payment as soon as the application is approved Application – Initial Payment ADE Grants Management Division 8/28/2012

15 Ongoing work with counties and grantees to accept ACH (direct deposit) payments Work with counties to deliver data needed to expedite payments to Districts and Schools (Report Sample /Search Engine Sample Next Slide ) Automatic payments processed 2-3 days; Individually evaluated payments processed 10- 15 days Payment Speed ADE Grants Management Division 8/28/2012

16 County Report Search Engine County Report Sample Payment Speed ADE Grants Management Division 8/28/2012

17 Completion Reports Due 90 days after project close date Payment Request process feeds final expenditure detail in Completion Report Consistency in review and requirements for additional information Completion Reports ADE Grants Management Division 8/28/2012

18 Return all interest accrued at least quarterly Previously $100 per grant was “excess” Federal guidance states $100 per entity is “excess” Report on interest accrued Excludes Johnson O’Malley Indian Education and State grants Working with USDOE to determine detail needed on returned interest Interest on Federal Funds ADE Grants Management Division 8/28/2012

19 Contacts: Todd Mason,; (602) 364-1989 General Questions: Technical Issues: Sarah Hendrix,; (602) 542-4494 Visit: for recording of this Webinar and materials Questions? ADE Grants Management Division 8/28/2012


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