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Scale / Proportion ppt Lilli Kayes. Voice Tunnel by Rafael Lozano-Hemmer.

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Presentation on theme: "Scale / Proportion ppt Lilli Kayes. Voice Tunnel by Rafael Lozano-Hemmer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scale / Proportion ppt Lilli Kayes

2 Voice Tunnel by Rafael Lozano-Hemmer

3 Rafael Lozano-Hemmer 1967 – born in Mexico City 1989 – B.Sc. in Physical Chemistry (Concordia University in Montreal, Canada) Currently faculty associate of the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University. Electronic Artist Interactive Installations – architecture & performance Public participation

4 Voice Tunnel


6 Large scale installation : tunnel = 1,400 feet long Transform the Park Avenue Tunnel during the “Summer Streets” Annual Celebration in New York City. Goes from 33 rd to 40 th streets 300 powerful theatrical spotlights Intensity of the light – controlled by voice recording 150 loud-speakers placed along the tunnel

7 Voice Tunnel

8 How it works: Participant speaks into an intercom A recording is captured Silence = zero intensity Speech = brightness of lights Computer plays recording as a loop The lights closest to the intercom light up based upon the speech – Lights are set off – Recording of speech played over loud speaker Recordings start near the intercom and move downward as new recordings come in.

9 Conceptual… “Here is a chance, it’s an open mic, to have your voice converse with others….people are also listening and replying to what is happening in the past. “ Freedom of speech Constant systems tracking us – Important for us as artists to intervene in that Creating environments that create community – That are poetic or connective or critical “Art help create these cohesive bonds that ultimately make us safer.”

10 Conceptual… Being able to explore your city Exploring a space where you're already not allowed. 1 st time able to see underneath the city Interested in light The quality of surveillance Urban cacophony rendered by the lights

11 Voice Tunnel Video http://www.lozano- http://www.lozano-

12 Sandbox

13 Large scale installation created for Glow Santa Monica Two sandboxes for people to interact with A camera records their movements and projects them live from one of the two of the world’s brightest projectors Projects over 8,000 square feet Amplifying human presence Materializing surveillance - misuse them to create environments of connection instead of environments of suspicion.

14 Sandbox Video http://www.lozano- http://www.lozano-

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