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Presentation on theme: "CLOSING THE GAPS IN INFORMATION AND ANALYSIS: THE GLOBAL CLEARINGHOUSE INITIATIVE Dr. Barbara C. Samuels, II President Samuels Associates Contact:"— Presentation transcript:

1 CLOSING THE GAPS IN INFORMATION AND ANALYSIS: THE GLOBAL CLEARINGHOUSE INITIATIVE Dr. Barbara C. Samuels, II President Samuels Associates Contact: Presentation Given at The International Business Forum The United Nations Financing for Development Conference Monterrey, Mexico March 18, 2002

2 UN Talk.3.18.02.ppt -1- Executive Summary The Imperative for Closing the Gaps in Information and Analysis The Imperative for Closing the Gaps in Information and Analysis –The Monterrey Challenge: Greater Information Access and Policy Consultation –The Monterrey Consensus: A Common Set of Objectives The Global Clearinghouse: an Independent Information Initiative Bridging Government and Investors The Global Clearinghouse: an Independent Information Initiative Bridging Government and Investors –Evolution of Concept –The Need to Improve Information and Analysis in Decision-Making –Linking Needs to Solutions –The Missing Link: Expert-Based Networks Focussed on Meeting Investor Needs The Four Proposed Networking Functions of the Clearinghouse: Uses and Benefits The Four Proposed Networking Functions of the Clearinghouse: Uses and Benefits –The Global Information Clearinghouse Portal –Government - Investor Networks –Independent Expert Groups –Independent Audits and Performance Benchmarking Status and Next Steps Status and Next Steps The Imperative for Closing the Gaps in Information and Analysis The Imperative for Closing the Gaps in Information and Analysis –The Monterrey Challenge: Greater Information Access and Policy Consultation –The Monterrey Consensus: A Common Set of Objectives The Global Clearinghouse: an Independent Information Initiative Bridging Government and Investors The Global Clearinghouse: an Independent Information Initiative Bridging Government and Investors –Evolution of Concept –The Need to Improve Information and Analysis in Decision-Making –Linking Needs to Solutions –The Missing Link: Expert-Based Networks Focussed on Meeting Investor Needs The Four Proposed Networking Functions of the Clearinghouse: Uses and Benefits The Four Proposed Networking Functions of the Clearinghouse: Uses and Benefits –The Global Information Clearinghouse Portal –Government - Investor Networks –Independent Expert Groups –Independent Audits and Performance Benchmarking Status and Next Steps Status and Next Steps

3 UN Talk.3.18.02.ppt -2- The Imperative for Closing the Gaps in Information and Analysis Progressive Deterioration in Risk Predictive Capacity in Countries and Markets (Examples: Asia, Long-Term Capital, Enron, Terrorism) Progressive Deterioration in Risk Predictive Capacity in Countries and Markets (Examples: Asia, Long-Term Capital, Enron, Terrorism) Failures in Policymaking and Investor Decision-Making with Massive Social Costs Failures in Policymaking and Investor Decision-Making with Massive Social Costs Widespread Skepticism Undermining Confidence in Governments, International Institutions, and Markets Widespread Skepticism Undermining Confidence in Governments, International Institutions, and Markets Universal Call for Enhanced “Accountabilities” Universal Call for Enhanced “Accountabilities” Progressive Deterioration in Risk Predictive Capacity in Countries and Markets (Examples: Asia, Long-Term Capital, Enron, Terrorism) Progressive Deterioration in Risk Predictive Capacity in Countries and Markets (Examples: Asia, Long-Term Capital, Enron, Terrorism) Failures in Policymaking and Investor Decision-Making with Massive Social Costs Failures in Policymaking and Investor Decision-Making with Massive Social Costs Widespread Skepticism Undermining Confidence in Governments, International Institutions, and Markets Widespread Skepticism Undermining Confidence in Governments, International Institutions, and Markets Universal Call for Enhanced “Accountabilities” Universal Call for Enhanced “Accountabilities” Imperative for Cost-Effective Action

4 UN Talk.3.18.02.ppt -3- The Monterrey Challenge: Greater Information Access and Policy Consultation Access: “…enhancing the ease of access, accuracy, timeliness, and coverage of information on countries and financial markets… would strengthen capacities of risk assessment” (p.4). Policy Consultation: “…public/private initiatives could include the development of policy consultation mechanisms between international and regional financial organizations and national governments with the private sector in both source and recipient countries as a means to create business-enabling environments” (p.4). Political Consensus Exists for Solving the Problem

5 UN Talk.3.18.02.ppt -4- The Monterrey Consensus: A Common Set of Objectives Domestic: Create enabling environments, mobilize domestic resources; make more efficient use of international investment and assistance; consolidate policy and regulatory frameworks; improve early warning, crisis prevention, and debt management...... International: Attract investment flows to a much larger number of countries; achieve transparent, stable and predictable investment climates...that allow operate efficiently and profitably...with maximum development impact.... Systemic:Systemic: Enhance coordination among all relevant ministries and other domestic institutions; strengthen surveillance... and the timely detection of external vulnerability; ensure progressive voluntary compliance with... codes and standards and... ensure... participation in the formulation...and implementation..... Consensus Exists on How to Solve the Problem

6 UN Talk.3.18.02.ppt -5- The Global Clearinghouse: An Independent Information Initiative Bridging Governments and Investors Objective: Bridge costly gaps between investors and governments in areas critical to effective mobilization of domestic and international private sector capital Functions:Functions: Provision of credible timely relevant information on countries and markets Provision of credible timely relevant information on countries and markets Timely, quality assessment of risks and opportunities Timely, quality assessment of risks and opportunities Use of effective risk management services and strategies Use of effective risk management services and strategies Formulation of effective crisis prevention policies and country development strategies Formulation of effective crisis prevention policies and country development strategies Development of innovative and effective financing mechanisms Development of innovative and effective financing mechanisms Provision of credible timely relevant information on countries and markets Provision of credible timely relevant information on countries and markets Timely, quality assessment of risks and opportunities Timely, quality assessment of risks and opportunities Use of effective risk management services and strategies Use of effective risk management services and strategies Formulation of effective crisis prevention policies and country development strategies Formulation of effective crisis prevention policies and country development strategies Development of innovative and effective financing mechanisms Development of innovative and effective financing mechanisms

7 UN Talk.3.18.02.ppt -6- Evolution of Global Clearinghouse Concept Two years of Roundtable discussions with developing country investors, analysts, and policymakers (U.S. Council on Foreign Relations) Two years of Roundtable discussions with developing country investors, analysts, and policymakers (U.S. Council on Foreign Relations) Follow-up UN-sponsored study refining recommendations (100 interviews with investors and policymakers) Follow-up UN-sponsored study refining recommendations (100 interviews with investors and policymakers) Personal experience (Director of Country Assessment, Chase Manhattan Bank; Managing Director, Moody’s Emerging Markets Service; President, Association of Political Risk Analysts) Personal experience (Director of Country Assessment, Chase Manhattan Bank; Managing Director, Moody’s Emerging Markets Service; President, Association of Political Risk Analysts) Two years of Roundtable discussions with developing country investors, analysts, and policymakers (U.S. Council on Foreign Relations) Two years of Roundtable discussions with developing country investors, analysts, and policymakers (U.S. Council on Foreign Relations) Follow-up UN-sponsored study refining recommendations (100 interviews with investors and policymakers) Follow-up UN-sponsored study refining recommendations (100 interviews with investors and policymakers) Personal experience (Director of Country Assessment, Chase Manhattan Bank; Managing Director, Moody’s Emerging Markets Service; President, Association of Political Risk Analysts) Personal experience (Director of Country Assessment, Chase Manhattan Bank; Managing Director, Moody’s Emerging Markets Service; President, Association of Political Risk Analysts)

8 UN Talk.3.18.02.ppt -7- The Need to Improve Information and Analysis in Decision-Making Daunting Challenge for Information and Analysis Daunting Challenge for Information and Analysis –Inherent complexity of economic, political, social systems –Growing importance of exogenous variables (given increased economic, political, and social cross-border integration) –Increased influence of financial market behavior and perception Limited Supply of Easily Available, Credible, Timely, Relevant Information on Countries and Markets Limited Supply of Easily Available, Credible, Timely, Relevant Information on Countries and Markets –Vastly enlarged potential investor and issuer base (domestic and international) with limited internal analytic capabilities –Vested interests of free information and analysis (business, political) –Narrow focus of easily-accessible independent research (for example, sovereign fixed income ratings) –Insufficient detailed information relevant to investor and issuer needs (for example, limited evaluations of compliance with codes and standards; major gaps in assessments in rule of law, markets, global risk factors) Weak Linkage between Information & Analysis and Decision-Making Weak Linkage between Information & Analysis and Decision-Making –Incentives and compensation systems Daunting Challenge for Information and Analysis Daunting Challenge for Information and Analysis –Inherent complexity of economic, political, social systems –Growing importance of exogenous variables (given increased economic, political, and social cross-border integration) –Increased influence of financial market behavior and perception Limited Supply of Easily Available, Credible, Timely, Relevant Information on Countries and Markets Limited Supply of Easily Available, Credible, Timely, Relevant Information on Countries and Markets –Vastly enlarged potential investor and issuer base (domestic and international) with limited internal analytic capabilities –Vested interests of free information and analysis (business, political) –Narrow focus of easily-accessible independent research (for example, sovereign fixed income ratings) –Insufficient detailed information relevant to investor and issuer needs (for example, limited evaluations of compliance with codes and standards; major gaps in assessments in rule of law, markets, global risk factors) Weak Linkage between Information & Analysis and Decision-Making Weak Linkage between Information & Analysis and Decision-Making –Incentives and compensation systems

9 UN Talk.3.18.02.ppt -8- Linking Needs to Solutions Complexity and Scope of Countries, Markets, and Expanded Investor Base Complexity and Scope of Countries, Markets, and Expanded Investor Base Expanded Communication Links via Web harnessing expertise across private and public sectors Expanded Communication Links via Web harnessing expertise across private and public sectors Limited Internal Research Capacity of Expanded Investor Base Limited Internal Research Capacity of Expanded Investor Base Reduce Research Costs with “One-Stop- Shopping” via web, leveraging existing information and analysis Reduce Research Costs with “One-Stop- Shopping” via web, leveraging existing information and analysis Need for More Easily-Accessible Relevant Independent Analysis (reduce “credibility gap”) Need for More Easily-Accessible Relevant Independent Analysis (reduce “credibility gap”) Support Development of Independent Analysis and Evaluations Support Development of Independent Analysis and Evaluations –Provide distribution platform to investors –Facilitate independent expert groups, objective analysis of performance, audits, and benchmarking Support Development of Independent Analysis and Evaluations Support Development of Independent Analysis and Evaluations –Provide distribution platform to investors –Facilitate independent expert groups, objective analysis of performance, audits, and benchmarking Insufficient Use of Information and Analysis in Investor Decision- Making Insufficient Use of Information and Analysis in Investor Decision- Making Enhance Disclosures, Reducing Scope for Information and Policy Arbitrage, insuring country performance linked to market response Enhance Disclosures, Reducing Scope for Information and Policy Arbitrage, insuring country performance linked to market response

10 UN Talk.3.18.02.ppt -9- The Missing Link: Expert-Based Networks Focussed on Meeting Investor and Policymaker Decision Needs Rating agencies (global and country) Rating agencies (global and country) Country Risk Services (global, regional, country) Country Risk Services (global, regional, country) Research Organizations (universities, think- tanks, not-for-profit organizations) Research Organizations (universities, think- tanks, not-for-profit organizations) Independent Expert Individuals (consultants, retired policymakers and investors ) Independent Expert Individuals (consultants, retired policymakers and investors ) Rating agencies (global and country) Rating agencies (global and country) Country Risk Services (global, regional, country) Country Risk Services (global, regional, country) Research Organizations (universities, think- tanks, not-for-profit organizations) Research Organizations (universities, think- tanks, not-for-profit organizations) Independent Expert Individuals (consultants, retired policymakers and investors ) Independent Expert Individuals (consultants, retired policymakers and investors ) Real-Time Cost- Effective Networks Focused on Identifying Issues, Options, Performance Independent Experts Users Users Experts Experts Users Users Experts Experts Investors Users Users Experts Experts Users Users Experts Experts Gov’ts

11 UN Talk.3.18.02.ppt -10- Global Clearinghouse: Networking Global Clearinghouse Global Information Clearinghouse Portal to increase cost-effective access to existing researchGlobal Information Clearinghouse Portal to increase cost-effective access to existing research Country-Investor Networks to facilitate government - investor (domestic and international) identification of impediments and possible remediesCountry-Investor Networks to facilitate government - investor (domestic and international) identification of impediments and possible remedies Independent Expert Groups to facilitate collaboration between experts across the public and private sectors on identifying specific financing and policy optionsIndependent Expert Groups to facilitate collaboration between experts across the public and private sectors on identifying specific financing and policy options Independent Audits and Performance Benchmarking to insure accountability and bridge credibility gapsIndependent Audits and Performance Benchmarking to insure accountability and bridge credibility gaps

12 UN Talk.3.18.02.ppt -11- A Global Information Clearinghouse Portal (web-based) Existing Information Country Government Country Government International Institutions International Institutions Private Sector Private Sector Research Organizations Research Organizations Individual Experts Individual ExpertsComprehensive Economic Economic Political Political Legal Legal Regulatory Regulatory Codes and Standards, Governance, and Sustainability Codes and Standards, Governance, and Sustainability Includes all countries worldwide plus: Key global risk issues Key global risk issues (e.g., commodity prices, global market developments, global financial policies, etc.) (e.g., commodity prices, global market developments, global financial policies, etc.) Industry sectors Industry sectors (e.g., telecommunications, technology, etc) (e.g., telecommunications, technology, etc) Designed to Meet User Needs Neutral Information Exchange Neutral Information Exchange (no bias or vested interest) (no bias or vested interest) Summaries with Back-up details Summaries with Back-up details Performance-tracking Performance-tracking “One-Stop Shopping” for free and pay-for information required for country investments

13 UN Talk.3.18.02.ppt -12- Information Clearinghouse Portal Functions Investor, policymakers, and experts use as efficient “ one-stop-shopping” for cost-effective access to all relevant information on country investment (risks and opportunities) Investor, policymakers, and experts use as efficient “ one-stop-shopping” for cost-effective access to all relevant information on country investment (risks and opportunities) Information providers (governments, international and regional organizations, private sector, research organizations, experts) use as cost-effective platform to distribute information and analysis Information providers (governments, international and regional organizations, private sector, research organizations, experts) use as cost-effective platform to distribute information and analysis Clearinghouse provides “user-friendly” interfaces with users to increase usefulness of information and integration into decision-making, including performance benchmarking and summary analyses Clearinghouse provides “user-friendly” interfaces with users to increase usefulness of information and integration into decision-making, including performance benchmarking and summary analyses Investor, policymakers, and experts use as efficient “ one-stop-shopping” for cost-effective access to all relevant information on country investment (risks and opportunities) Investor, policymakers, and experts use as efficient “ one-stop-shopping” for cost-effective access to all relevant information on country investment (risks and opportunities) Information providers (governments, international and regional organizations, private sector, research organizations, experts) use as cost-effective platform to distribute information and analysis Information providers (governments, international and regional organizations, private sector, research organizations, experts) use as cost-effective platform to distribute information and analysis Clearinghouse provides “user-friendly” interfaces with users to increase usefulness of information and integration into decision-making, including performance benchmarking and summary analyses Clearinghouse provides “user-friendly” interfaces with users to increase usefulness of information and integration into decision-making, including performance benchmarking and summary analyses

14 UN Talk.3.18.02.ppt -13- Global Information Clearinghouse Portal Benefits Leverages Existing Massive Investment made by countries and international organizations to improve information and transparency Leverages Existing Massive Investment made by countries and international organizations to improve information and transparency Enhances the Ability of Countries to Receive Benefits by providing a positive context for country improvements through performance tracking on key investment areas, including codes and standards Enhances the Ability of Countries to Receive Benefits by providing a positive context for country improvements through performance tracking on key investment areas, including codes and standards Enhances the Capacity of Investors and Policymakers to Make Quality, Timely Decisions, reinforcing accountability and reducing the risk of costly crises and policy miscalculations Enhances the Capacity of Investors and Policymakers to Make Quality, Timely Decisions, reinforcing accountability and reducing the risk of costly crises and policy miscalculations Leverages Existing Massive Investment made by countries and international organizations to improve information and transparency Leverages Existing Massive Investment made by countries and international organizations to improve information and transparency Enhances the Ability of Countries to Receive Benefits by providing a positive context for country improvements through performance tracking on key investment areas, including codes and standards Enhances the Ability of Countries to Receive Benefits by providing a positive context for country improvements through performance tracking on key investment areas, including codes and standards Enhances the Capacity of Investors and Policymakers to Make Quality, Timely Decisions, reinforcing accountability and reducing the risk of costly crises and policy miscalculations Enhances the Capacity of Investors and Policymakers to Make Quality, Timely Decisions, reinforcing accountability and reducing the risk of costly crises and policy miscalculations

15 UN Talk.3.18.02.ppt -14- Clearinghouse Portal Benefits (cont’d) Enables all Countries to Cost-Effectively Expand their Reach to Investors Worldwide, reducing research and due diligence costs Enables all Countries to Cost-Effectively Expand their Reach to Investors Worldwide, reducing research and due diligence costs Reduces Market Reliance on Fixed-Income Country Ratings and Sell-Side Research, by providing cost-effective platform for independent analyses Reduces Market Reliance on Fixed-Income Country Ratings and Sell-Side Research, by providing cost-effective platform for independent analyses Allows for Integrated Risk Assessment (macro/micro; external risk issues; governance; and sustainability) Allows for Integrated Risk Assessment (macro/micro; external risk issues; governance; and sustainability) Provides a Neutral Nucleus for Developing Country Risk Profession; and the sharing of methodologies and best practices (focus on technical, not political views) Provides a Neutral Nucleus for Developing Country Risk Profession; and the sharing of methodologies and best practices (focus on technical, not political views) Enables all Countries to Cost-Effectively Expand their Reach to Investors Worldwide, reducing research and due diligence costs Enables all Countries to Cost-Effectively Expand their Reach to Investors Worldwide, reducing research and due diligence costs Reduces Market Reliance on Fixed-Income Country Ratings and Sell-Side Research, by providing cost-effective platform for independent analyses Reduces Market Reliance on Fixed-Income Country Ratings and Sell-Side Research, by providing cost-effective platform for independent analyses Allows for Integrated Risk Assessment (macro/micro; external risk issues; governance; and sustainability) Allows for Integrated Risk Assessment (macro/micro; external risk issues; governance; and sustainability) Provides a Neutral Nucleus for Developing Country Risk Profession; and the sharing of methodologies and best practices (focus on technical, not political views) Provides a Neutral Nucleus for Developing Country Risk Profession; and the sharing of methodologies and best practices (focus on technical, not political views)

16 UN Talk.3.18.02.ppt -15- Country Investor Networks (web-based) Country Government High-level Investor Relations Office Investors Domestic and International Existing and targeted Equity (company and portfolio) and debt (loans,bonds)

17 UN Talk.3.18.02.ppt -16- Country Investor Networks (web-based) Provides direct communication between investors (local and foreign) with government via internet, teleconferences, meetings Provides direct communication between investors (local and foreign) with government via internet, teleconferences, meetings Internet real-time explanations of government policies and programs; and reporting on political, economic, and social developments Internet real-time explanations of government policies and programs; and reporting on political, economic, and social developments Tracks investor sentiment and issues, capital flows, sources, decision-making behavior, and possible risks, solutions, opportunities Tracks investor sentiment and issues, capital flows, sources, decision-making behavior, and possible risks, solutions, opportunities Provides direct communication between investors (local and foreign) with government via internet, teleconferences, meetings Provides direct communication between investors (local and foreign) with government via internet, teleconferences, meetings Internet real-time explanations of government policies and programs; and reporting on political, economic, and social developments Internet real-time explanations of government policies and programs; and reporting on political, economic, and social developments Tracks investor sentiment and issues, capital flows, sources, decision-making behavior, and possible risks, solutions, opportunities Tracks investor sentiment and issues, capital flows, sources, decision-making behavior, and possible risks, solutions, opportunities

18 UN Talk.3.18.02.ppt -17- Country Investor Network Benefits Enhances Government Capacity to Mobilize Domestic and International Capital with maximum development impact Enhances Government Capacity to Mobilize Domestic and International Capital with maximum development impact Creates Country-Centered Framework for “Customizing” Global Codes and Standards based on actual priority investor needs Creates Country-Centered Framework for “Customizing” Global Codes and Standards based on actual priority investor needs Provides Cost-Effective Means to Harness Private Sector Expertise in consolidating policy and regulatory frameworks Provides Cost-Effective Means to Harness Private Sector Expertise in consolidating policy and regulatory frameworks

19 UN Talk.3.18.02.ppt -18- Country Investor Network Benefits (cont’d) Provides Direct Tangible Benefits to Country for Enhanced Business Environment, as investors respond to progress in fiscal, regulatory, legal, and accounting frameworks and adoption of standards Provides Direct Tangible Benefits to Country for Enhanced Business Environment, as investors respond to progress in fiscal, regulatory, legal, and accounting frameworks and adoption of standards Reduces the Risk of Capital Reversals by enhancing market transparency and government capacity for debt management, early warning and crisis prevention Reduces the Risk of Capital Reversals by enhancing market transparency and government capacity for debt management, early warning and crisis prevention

20 UN Talk.3.18.02.ppt -19- Independent Expert Groups Functions Neutral mechanism to Harness Technical Expertise from across the private and public sectors on specific critical issues in support of policymakers (national, regional, international) Neutral mechanism to Harness Technical Expertise from across the private and public sectors on specific critical issues in support of policymakers (national, regional, international) Acts as cost-effective Research & Development (R&D) Function for daunting unprecedented problems of globalization Acts as cost-effective Research & Development (R&D) Function for daunting unprecedented problems of globalization Serves as Independent Check and Balance on vested interests (political and business) Serves as Independent Check and Balance on vested interests (political and business)

21 UN Talk.3.18.02.ppt -20- Found Independent Expert Groups Functions (cont’d) Includes wide range of in-country and external experts from private and public sectors, drawing on resources of international and regional development institutions as well as private sector experts Includes wide range of in-country and external experts from private and public sectors, drawing on resources of international and regional development institutions as well as private sector experts Established on a “demand” basis, based on priority issues identified by countries and investors as requiring focused independent expert assessments Established on a “demand” basis, based on priority issues identified by countries and investors as requiring focused independent expert assessments

22 UN Talk.3.18.02.ppt -21- Examples of Possible Uses of Independent Expert Groups Country Level: support development of country and regional development plans, design and implementation of second- generation reforms, advise on appropriate asset-liability structures, etc. Country Level: support development of country and regional development plans, design and implementation of second- generation reforms, advise on appropriate asset-liability structures, etc. Regional and International Level: support development of best practices on generic issues such as privatization, accounting, rule of law, domestic banking systems,the design of fiscal accounts, etc. Regional and International Level: support development of best practices on generic issues such as privatization, accounting, rule of law, domestic banking systems,the design of fiscal accounts, etc. IFIs Policy/Program Level: serve as independent experts on key issues such as the design of country adjustment programs, policies on private sector bail-ins, international bankruptcy mechanism, etc. IFIs Policy/Program Level: serve as independent experts on key issues such as the design of country adjustment programs, policies on private sector bail-ins, international bankruptcy mechanism, etc.

23 UN Talk.3.18.02.ppt -22- Benefits of Independent Expert Groups Improves Quality of Preemptive Analysis and Decision- Making with direct independent input from varied expert sources Improves Quality of Preemptive Analysis and Decision- Making with direct independent input from varied expert sources Reduces Likelihood and Costs of Policy Miscalculations given increased systemic capacity to pre-test policy options Reduces Likelihood and Costs of Policy Miscalculations given increased systemic capacity to pre-test policy options

24 UN Talk.3.18.02.ppt -23- Independent Audits and Performance Benchmarking Provide Credible Audits and Evaluations that can be used by local and international investors to support their due diligence, fiduciary, and risk management processes Provide Credible Audits and Evaluations that can be used by local and international investors to support their due diligence, fiduciary, and risk management processes Provide a Systematic Measurement Tool to Identify Progress against Objectives ( e.g., National Development Strategies, Country Disclosure Reports) Provide a Systematic Measurement Tool to Identify Progress against Objectives ( e.g., National Development Strategies, Country Disclosure Reports) Provide a Professional Non-politicized Basis for governments, IFIs, and NGOs to focus on priority issues and required action steps Provide a Professional Non-politicized Basis for governments, IFIs, and NGOs to focus on priority issues and required action steps

25 UN Talk.3.18.02.ppt -24- Benefits of Independent Audits and Performance Benchmarking Increased Accountability Increased Accountability Enhanced Credibility Enhanced Credibility Confidence in Country Disclosures results in increased flows domestic and foreign investments that are more likely to be stable (given higher confidence from credible third-party evaluations) Confidence in Country Disclosures results in increased flows domestic and foreign investments that are more likely to be stable (given higher confidence from credible third-party evaluations)

26 UN Talk.3.18.02.ppt -25- The Global Clearinghouse Initiative: Enhanced Information and Analytics Critical to Realizing Stated Objectives Precondition for quality, timely decision making of both policymakers and investors (domestic and international) Precondition for quality, timely decision making of both policymakers and investors (domestic and international) Reinforces accountability of all parties Reinforces accountability of all parties Targets scarce resources on critical issues Targets scarce resources on critical issues Provides contextual framework for public-private partnership Provides contextual framework for public-private partnership Enables coherence by providing results - oriented focus for collaboration across institutions and sectors - national, regional and international Enables coherence by providing results - oriented focus for collaboration across institutions and sectors - national, regional and international

27 UN Talk.3.18.02.ppt -26- Status and Next Steps Initial funding for pilot studies provided by Norwegian Government, Ford Foundation and UN Initial funding for pilot studies provided by Norwegian Government, Ford Foundation and UN Consultations with governments and investors (Follow-Up Dialogue, Wednesday, 4:30-6:00pm, Conference room 10; individual meetings) Consultations with governments and investors (Follow-Up Dialogue, Wednesday, 4:30-6:00pm, Conference room 10; individual meetings) Development of prototypes for Information Clearinghouse Portal and Government Investor Networks by end August Development of prototypes for Information Clearinghouse Portal and Government Investor Networks by end August Rollout to other countries (if successful) Rollout to other countries (if successful)


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