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N OTHING BUT THE TRUTH BY : AVI **Key Terms**. D IARY A daily record of your thoughts, feelings, and special events.

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Presentation on theme: "N OTHING BUT THE TRUTH BY : AVI **Key Terms**. D IARY A daily record of your thoughts, feelings, and special events."— Presentation transcript:


2 D IARY A daily record of your thoughts, feelings, and special events.

3 E XPOSE A formal expositions of facts of something which one wished to keep concealed

4 M EMO A written proposal or reminder: something to be completed or acted upon in the future; informal message sent between two or more employees.

5 T RANSCRIPT A written, typed, or printed copy or reproduction; an official report or verbal discussion, or a student’s individual record.

6 D ISPATCH A news story transmitted to a newspaper wire service, or both, by one of its employers, or by a wire service to a newspaper/news agency.

7 H IERARCHY OF EDUCATION Mrs. Stauss Teacher Mr. Sullivan Vice-Principal Ms. Egan Principal Mr. Lazovick Superintendent Board Member Board Member Board Member Board Member Board Member Board Member Board Member Board Member

8 T HE BOARD OF EDUCATION The members of the Board of Education are elected by each town’s residents. Every decision made in the school district must be presented to and approved by the Board of Education.

9 W HAT IS A BUDGET ? An itemized allotment of funds for a given period. The total sum of money set aside or needed for a purpose.

10 W HAT IS A SCHOOL BUDGET ? The purpose of a school budget, voted on by the townspeople, is to provide a statement, expressed in financial terms, which serves as a roadmap and a management tool for the school year. The Superintendent uses the budget approved by the Board to manage, organize and control school operations for twelve months. (How much money can be spent on any particular item. Ex: Salaries, sports, classes, supplies..etc)

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