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Genome structures. Table 7.2 Genomes 3 (© Garland Science 2007)

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1 Genome structures


3 Table 7.2 Genomes 3 (© Garland Science 2007)

4 Fritillaria assyriaca





9 Figure 7.20 Genomes 3 (© Garland Science 2007) A processed pseudogene

10 Figure 7.21 Genomes 3 (© Garland Science 2007)

11 Repetitive DNA in genomes Mostly DNA and RNA transposons Satellite DNA (micro-, mini-, satellites)

12 Figure 7.24 Genomes 3 (© Garland Science 2007) Microsatellite analysis (24 samples)

13 Figure 7.18 Genomes 3 (© Garland Science 2007) Relationship between the human gene catalog and the catalogs of other organisms

14 Chromatin organization



17 General features of eukaryotic chromosomes Origin of replication

18 Centromeres are necessary for correct segregation of chromosomes to daughter cells in cell division Centromeres associate with proteins to form kinetochores, i.e. attachment sites for microtubules

19 Centromeres vary in size. Most consist of tandem repeats.

20 General features of eukaryotic chromosomes Origin of replication

21 Telomeres consist of tandemly repeated DNA (minisatellites) at the ends of chromosomes. They maintain the ends of linear chromosomes. 5’-TTAGGG-3’ is the repeat unit in humans.

22 Chromatin organization is not fixed Cell cycle

23 Chromatin organization is not fixed

24 Cohesin- and condensin protein complexes induce formation of M phase chromosomes.

25 Chromatin organization is not fixed

26 Proteolysis of cohesins allows segregation of sister chromatids. Proteolysis of condensins leads to interphase chromosomes.

27 Mitosis Meiosis

28 Chromatin organization is not fixed Interphase M-phase

29 General organization of interphase chromatin in the nucleus

30 Nucleosomes

31 Histones are the core proteins of nucleosomes

32 Histones are the core proteins of nucleosomes

33 Histones are the core proteins of nucleosomes

34 Histones are the core proteins of nucleosomes

35 Assembly of nucleosomes is promoted by histone chaperones

36 Assembly of nucleosomes is promoted by histone chaperones

37 Histone H1 is a linker histone

38 Structural changes in nucleosome positioning in the presence of linker histone H1 no H1 + H1

39 General organization of interphase chromatin in the nucleus

40 Possible organization of the 30 nm fiber

41 Histone core modifications: CENP-A can replace histone H3 in centromeres. H2A and H2B variants are found in histone cores.

42 General organization of interphase chromatin in the nucleus

43 Nucleosome remodeling complexes alter the position of nucleosomes

44 Nucleosome remodeling complexes alter the position of nucleosomes

45 Histone tail modifications influence chromatin structure

46 Histone tail modifications alter chromatin structure


48 Histone modifying protein complexes

49 Histone tail modifications cause changes in chromatin structure loosetight

50 Histone tail modifications create binding sites for protein complexes that alter the structure of chromatin

51 DNA methylation alters chromatin structure

52 Genomic imprinting

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