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Touring Great Plains Country Unit 5. Great Plains Country.

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1 Touring Great Plains Country Unit 5

2 Great Plains Country

3 Internet Resource Guide tm tm

4 Counties, Questions, Tribal Jurisdictions, Transportation Routes 14 counties {Beckham, Roger Mills, Custer, Washita, Caddo, Harmon, Greer, Kiowa, Comanche, Jackson, Tillman, Cotton, Jefferson,Stephens} Tribal jurisdictions-Apache, Arapaho, Caddo, Cheyenne, Chickasaw, Comanche, Delaware, Kiowa, & Wichita Route 66, I-40, U.S. 81, I-44

5 Agricultural Destinations & Events Horn Canna Farm-one of the world’s largest exclusive canna growers, 130 acres, loc. Carnegie, Includes festival {} McLemore Pumpkin Farm – features Pumpkin Festival Lavender Valley Acres Festival – loc. Apache {} Fort Cobb Peanut Festival Ranching Life-Duncan Lake, 20 miles of trails Wineries, Frederick’s Fantastic Oyster Fry, County Fairs

6 Aviation & Aerospace Stafford Air and Space Center-Weatherford, collection or air and space exhibits, an interactive aviation gallery spanning the history of flight, one of the most comprehensive histories of rocketry in the world Flying Aces Fly-in-annual model airplane fly- in and exhibition features vintages & present day replicas

7 Nature based Destinations & Events Wichita Mountains National Wildlife Refuge-50 mammal, 240 bird, 64 reptile, 36 fish, 806 plant species American bison-American Bison Society donated 15 bison to Wichita National Forest Texas Longhorn Black Kettle National Grassland-Cheyenne, 30,000 acres of natural grasslands Parks and Refuge-Washita National Wildlife Refuge, Great Plains State Park, Red Rock Canyon State Park, Foss Lake State Park, Quartz Mountain Resort, Fort Cobb State Park,, etc.

8 Culture & Heritage in the Great Plains Washita Battlefield Nat’l Historic Site-loc. Cheyenne, early morning attack in 1868 Fort Sill National Historic Landmark & Museum – largest U.S. Army museum, home to the “Cannon Walk” Chisholm Trail-name after trader Jesse Chisholm, route traveled by Black Beaver, a Delaware frontiersman and scout Museums-Museum of the Great Plains, Museum of the Western Prairie

9 Culture & Heritage in the Great Plains Cont’d Local Heritage Events – Old Settlers Reunion, Crossroads Ranch Cattle Drive, Wild West Days, Chisholm Trail Stampede Indian City USA- loc. Anadarko, outdoor museum provides insight into the beliefs, social lives, and routines of Native Americans National Hall of Fame for Famous American Indians- displays sculptures of America’s greatest Native Americans, i.e. Chief Joseph, Sequoyah, Pocahontas, Pontiac, and many others

10 Culture & Heritage in the Great Plains Cont’d Towns of Great Plains – Medicine Park-Oklahoma’s first planned resort town, buildings include cottages/stores built of red granite cobblestone – Ghost Towns-Brinkman, Cornish, Meers; “ghost town” a town that has suffered a drastic drop in population {}

11 Arts & Entertainment The Leslie Powell Foundation and Gallery-one of the oldest building in downtown Lawton, hosts lunchbag lectures, book signings, poetry readings Metcalfe Museum-artwork of Oklahoma pioneer artist Augusta Corson Metcalfe Arts Festivals-Downtown Lawton, Arts for All Festival 30,000 visitors; ”Children’s Art Area” gives children a chance to work in a variety of art Western Writers Round-up-published authors who discuss their works Percussive Arts Society Museum and Library, SWOSU Jazz Festival

12 Sports Destinations & Events Rock Climbing-climbers practice for climbs in places like Yosemite by climbing in Great Plains Country; Wichita Mountains climbers can choose from among more than 300 routes in more than a dozen areas Rodeo-Sayre Championship Rodeo, Lion’s Club Rodeo in Duncan, Walters Roundup (brings 20,000 people to Cotton County) Bicycles and motor sports-challenging terrain of Duncan and Elk City, Altus speedway and Clinton Motorsports Park features for motor vehicle sports

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