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2013 Festival Survey Summary Report Intercept Interviews and Online Survey June 2013 N=1,107 An Analysis of Visitors’ Demographics and Feedback Regarding.

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1 2013 Festival Survey Summary Report Intercept Interviews and Online Survey June 2013 N=1,107 An Analysis of Visitors’ Demographics and Feedback Regarding the 2013 Festival.

2 Pittsburgh JazzLive Festival Survey June 2013 Executive Summary ● A total of 1,107 patrons responded to on-site intercept interviews (n=1,054) and a follow-up online (n=53) survey during the Pittsburgh JazzLive International Festival (June 8-9, 2013). ● The overall conclusion from this research is that the JazzLive Festival draws an educated, ethnically diverse audience between the ages of 35-64. Attendees said they are very satisfied with the JazzLive Festival, with many visiting for multiple years and hope the Festival will remain free of charge in future years. On average, attendees spend nearly $200 during their visit, excluding hotel costs. ● Demographics: ● The Festival attracted a broad age range of attendees with 35-64 year-olds representing over half (53%). ● As a group, attendees are more highly educated than the general population, being twice as likely to have a post-graduate degree (31%) as other residents in Allegheny County (14%). ● Likewise, attendees are twice as likely to be African American (24%) than others in Allegheny County (13%). ● Four-in-five are from within the region. Those attending from outside the region has grown steadily since 2011. ● Visitation: ● About one-third (29%) of 2013 visitors attended last year (2012). Two-thirds (63%) came to the Festival two or more times. ● Most attendees came primarily for the music and liked it best of all. ● Attendees were nearly twice as likely to learn about the Festival through word-of-mouth than through a paid media channel. ● Attendees were three times more likely to travel to the Festival in a personal vehicle than by any other method. ● Pairs were the most likely group size, representing nearly half the attendees. ● Less than one-in-five (16%) brought children. ● Half noticed Festival sponsors. ● Two-thirds either attended or planned on attending the Three Rivers Arts Festival. ● Three-fourths definitely plan on attending the 2014 Festival and most believe it should remain free of charge. Slide 2

3 Pittsburgh JazzLive Festival Survey June 2013 Executive Summary ● Satisfaction: ● Except for the food, attendees said they were extremely satisfied with all aspects of the Festival. ● Two-thirds thought the 2013 Festival was as good or better than 2012. ● Economic Impact: ● One-in-ten stayed in a hotel for an average of two nights and spent an average of $295. ● Two-thirds ate in a downtown restaurant an average of two times and spent an average of $76 on food. ● Additional expenditures included shopping ($87), recreation ($75), transportation ($33) and other items ($68). Slide 3

4 Slide 4 Effect on Business About one-third (29%) of 2013 visitors attended last year (2012). Two-thirds (63%) came to the Festival two or more times. 1 | How would you say business was affected due to the Jazz Festival? Pittsburgh JazzLive Festival Survey June 2013 Base: 1,107 Base: 53 JazzLive Attendance Visits to 2013 Festival

5 Slide 5 Difference in Sales Three-fourths of attendees said they enjoyed the music most of all. 2a | Compared to an average day, what was the average estimated dollar amount difference in sales on a day during the Festival? 2b | Compared to an average day, what was the average estimated percentage amount difference in sales on a day during the Festival? Pittsburgh JazzLive Festival Survey June 2013 Base: 1,107

6 Slide 6 Most Affected Day While half (45%) heard about the Festival through word-of-mouth, one-fourth (24%) saw it on a website and one-in-five (18%) in an ad in the City Paper. 3 | On which day of the Festival was business most affected? Pittsburgh JazzLive Festival Survey June 2013 Base: 1,107

7 Slide 7 Festival Crowd Two-thirds came to the Festival using their own personal vehicle. One-in-five used public transportation or walked. 12 | Would you describe the restaurant-goers on the days of the Festival as more or less the same crowd or full of fresh faces? Pittsburgh JazzLive Festival Survey June 2013 Base: 1,107

8 Slide 8 New Customers Pairs were the most likely group size, representing nearly half the attendees. Less than one-in-five (16%) brought children. 8 | Would you say that the Festival has brought in new regular customers that came back after the Festival was over? Pittsburgh JazzLive Festival Survey June 2013 Base: 53 Group Size Age of Children Base: 1,107

9 Slide 9 Selected Comments Of the six people from out of town, four came specifically to see the Festival. 11 | If you are an out-of-town visitor, why did you attend the Festival? Pittsburgh JazzLive Festival Survey June 2013 Base: 6

10 Slide 10 Half noticed sponsors at the Festival and listed a number of different contributing organizations. 6 | Did you notice any sponsors at the Festival? 7 | Which sponsors? Pittsburgh JazzLive Festival Survey June 2013 Base: 53 Festival Sponsors (Online Only) Noticed Sponsors Selected Comments ● City of Pittsburgh. ● Pittsburgh Cultural Trust. ● 90.5 WESA ● The Westin. ● JazzTimes. ● Dollar Bank. ● Savoy Restaurant. ● Fairmont. ● Downbeat Magazine. ● Highmark. ● Mariott. ● Tri-C JazzFest. ● PNC Bank. ● Macy’s. ● UPMC. ● Mellon.

11 Slide 11 Attending Three Rivers Arts Festival Two-thirds of the audience that attended the JazzLive Festival also visited the Three Rivers Arts Festival. 25 | Have / will you also attend the Dollar Bank Three Rivers Arts Festival (June 7-16, 2013)? Pittsburgh JazzLive Festival Survey June 2013 Base: 1,107

12 Slide 12 JazzLive Future Attendance and Admission Prices (Online Only) Three-fourths (74%) are planning to attend next year’s Festival. Most believe the Festival should remain free of charge. 23 | How likely are you to attend future JazzLive International Festivals? 24 | How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about JazzLive’s admission? Pittsburgh JazzLive Festival Survey June 2013 Plans to Attend 2014 Charge for Admissions? (Mean) Base: 53 Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree *The Pittsburgh JazzLive International Festival should remain free, even if that means presenting less well-known artists and/or shortening the Festival. **The Pittsburgh JazzLive International Festival should charge admission to some events to continue presenting nationally-recognized artist and performers. Full Statement Base: 53

13 Satisfaction Slide 13 Pittsburgh JazzLive Festival Survey June 2013 Respondents were asked to rate their experience at the 2013 JazzLive Festival.

14 Slide 14 Festival Satisfaction Ratings (Online Only) Except for the food, attendees said they were extremely satisfied with all aspects of the Festival. 4 | Please rate your satisfaction with the following aspects of the Festival. If you did not participate in an activity, please leave it blank. Pittsburgh JazzLive Festival Survey June 2013 Base: 53 Rating NPS* Extremely Satisfied Not at all Satisfied *NPS (Net Promoter Score) is the percentage of those who rated 90-100 minus the percentage who rated 60 or lower.

15 Slide 15 Festival Satisfaction Compared to Previous Years (Online Only) Two-thirds thought the 2013 Festival was as good or better than 2012. 18 | How do you feel this year's Festival compares to past JazzLive International Festivals? 19 | Why? Pittsburgh JazzLive Festival Survey June 2013 How 2013 Compared Selected Comments Base: 53 ● Better media, acts, venues, and performers! I wish Chaka could have made it but the Neville’s are great! ● More opportunities to meet the artists. ● More people, more festive, great talent, loved the jam sessions and hanging with musicians, the festival is obviously growing and it's good to see everyone out there with the opportunity to enjoy music and Pittsburgh. ● The choice of entertainment were grade A. The groups and performers were awesome. For next year have a few more nationally know recording artists and not just Chaka Khan. ● The music and the jam sessions. ● This year and last year's Festival were both EXCELLENT.

16 Slide 16 Suggested Improvements 5 | What could we improve about the 2013 JazzLive International Festival? Pittsburgh JazzLive Festival Survey June 2013 ● The Jazz Festival needed more space. It was hard to see unless you were sitting or viewing from a parking garage. 2. Have younger talent as well like vocalist, Kyle Nelson or a few high school jazz groups will bring out lots of families and people of all ages. ● Audio on Stage 1. The announce mic level was consistently, frustratingly low, compared to that on Stage 2. Music at both stages was well mixed and amplified. ● Don't schedule two performances that overlap on time when on nearby stages. ● Food selection. Is it possible to have a few of the food vendors at the Point for the Arts Festival set up a second location near the Jazz concerts? ● I didn't like how there was a VIP section this year. It made it very difficult to get close to the stage. I liked how the front of the stage was more accessible last year to anyone. ● I strongly urge you to please consider being mindful of the placement of idling engines when planning next year's events. An otherwise wonderful event was only clouded (literally) by the exhaust fumes that frequently accumulated to sickening levels at and around each of the stages and throughout the sectioned off streets at the event. ● I think it is too much going on at the same time which lead to many people having to turn around due to the lack of parking etc. Would it be possible to have the Jazz Festival a different weekend then the Arts Festival? ● Would you consider a chair rental? We usually take MegaBus or Greyhound to Pittsburgh because it's a quick trip and much less expensive than driving ourselves. Difficult to travel with chairs and luggage.

17 Economic Impact Slide 17 Pittsburgh JazzLive Festival Survey June 2013 Respondents were asked to state how much they spent on meals, hotels and other items during the Festival period.

18 Slide 18 Hotel Usage One-in-ten (11%) stayed in a hotel because of attending the Festival for an average of two nights. 13 | Are/will you stay in a hotel as a result of attending the Pittsburgh JazzLive Festival?? 14 | How many nights and rooms will you use? Pittsburgh JazzLive Festival Survey June 2013 Stay in Hotel Nights and Rooms Base: 1,107 Base: 118

19 Slide 19 Dining Downtown Two-thirds (68%) dined downtown an average of two times during the Festival. 15 | Did you or will you dine downtown as a result of attending the Pittsburgh JazzLive Festival? 16 | How many times will you or did you dine downtown? Pittsburgh JazzLive Festival Survey June 2013 Dine Downtown How Many Times Base: 1,107 Base: 749

20 Slide 20 Average Money Spent Without hotel stay, a typical attendee / family spent on average almost $200. 17 | What is the total amount you will spend on each during your visit? Pittsburgh JazzLive Festival Survey June 2013 Base: 1,107

21 Slide 21 Pittsburgh JazzLive Festival Survey June 2013

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