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Published byJoleen Mosley Modified over 9 years ago
Algebra II Mrs. Holman 2014-15
Sit in your assigned seat from yesterday. Fill out Mystery Student Card. Begin String Activity with your team.
In this course, you will deepen and extend your knowledge of algebra. Algebra is a way of thinking: a way of investigating new situations, discovering relationships and figuring out strategies to apply to problems. Learning to think this way is useful in mathematical contexts and in other courses, as well as in life beyond school. I am looking forward to assisting you in learning and have high expectations of you for this year. If we work together, it will be a rewarding and successful year for all!
To spend every class minute engaged and interacting. To create a desire in my students to be lifelong learners. To help foster more productive members of society. To focus on helping you continue to or learn to love mathematics!
To Learn Like a Champion Every Day! To feel comfortable and celebrated each and every day in this classroom. To apply and extend what you have learned in Algebra I and Geometry by focusing on multiple representations of functions and relations and finding connections among the ideas you are studying. To use problem-solving strategies, questioning, investigation, and explanation in conjunction with your knowledge of the connections among algebra, geometry and functions to analyze problems and formulate solutions. To use a graphing calculator as a tool to explore the concepts of Algebra and appreciate algebra as a connected, systematic branch of mathematics. To work and learn in a cooperative setting.
Your Algebra II book (with an acceptable cover) – the textbook issued to you is your responsibility including damage and theft. A sharpened pencil (with eraser) and a pen. Colored pencils or highlighters are also very helpful. A 3-ring binder with loose leaf note and graph paper for notes and homework or equivalent. A graphing calculator: Ti-nspire or TI-84+ recommended. (however, any graphing calculator is fine) Two dry erase markers OR two boxes of tissues OR 4 AAA batteries (these items will be collected at the beginning of the year for the classroom.)
Note: Current grades are accessible on the parent viewer. Grading Scale A90.0 – 100% B80.0 – 89.99% C70.0 – 79.99% D60.0 – 69.99% F59.99% and below Weighting of Grades% Individual Assessments70% Team Assessments and Small Quizzes 20% Coursework10%
Individual Tests (70%)Team Assessments & Small Quizzes (20%) Coursework (10%) Individual TestsTeam TestsClass Presentations Larger Announced Individual Quizzes Homework QuizzesParticipation Quizzes Formative QuizzesTechnology Activities Entrance/Exit SlipsProjects Math Notes QuizzesHomework Checks (very rare) Graded AssignmentsParticipation/Blogs Small Quizzes
Individual tests will be administered after each chapter or unit on Math Test Day (Monday or Thursday). If you are absent for a test, you are expected to make up the test in the testing center between 7 AM and 4 PM the day you return to school unless previous arrangements have already been made. Failure to do so will result in a 10% reduction in score. If you are absent for a test, but are present in school anytime during the day, you will be expected to take the test before leaving the building that day or face a 10 percent reduction in score, unless previous arrangements have already been made. Individual quizzes will be given periodically; they may or may not be announced. If you feel that I have made a grading error or you disagree with a grade; you must state your case in writing, attach your written case to the original graded assignment, and submit it to the “inbox” on my desk.
Team tests will be given at the end of most chapters or units on Math Test Day (Monday or Thursday). If you are absent for a team test, please understand that you may have to take the test individually if others are not absent. Team quizzes may be given periodically; they may or may not be announced.
Homework will be assigned almost every day. Homework is an essential part of this class. It provides additional instruction, practice and reinforcement of newly acquired concepts. Assignments will be posted in the classroom and online. It is your responsibility to write them down in class or find them online. Assignments are to be done in pencil only on a separate sheet of paper. Correct your homework in pen. This way, mistakes and weak areas will be easily identified. Homework quizzes may be given for points without prior notice. Be prepared to share your solutions with the class. Select homework assignments may be collected and graded.
Class presentations, portfolio assignments, and projects will be given periodically during the course. They will be discussed in more detail when assigned. Very rarely will I check your homework simply for completion, so it is a good idea to do your homework honestly and ask questions when you do not understand.
Assignments will be posted in the classroom and online. It is your responsibility to write them down in class or find them online. Both a Team Test and an Individual Test will be given after each unit of study and will always be announced in advance. Quizzes will be given periodically, and they may or may not be announced. Formative Assessments, Presentations, and Class Observations will also factor into your grade. Graded assignments and projects will be given periodically during the course. They will be discussed in more detail when assigned. I will not grade on a curve nor will grades be rounded. However, bonus questions will appear occasionally.
On my page, you will find daily lessons, homework, upcoming tests and quizzes as well as some of the class resources. To get to my page follow these steps: 1. Go to the Solon Schools web page 2. Choose Schools 3. Choose SHS 9-12 4. Choose Staff Directory 4. Scroll down to my name (Charlotte Holman) 5. Choose “Calendar” 6. Choose the appropriate class
Respect others at all times. Common courtesy is expected. Be in class and ready to begin when the bell rings. Class is over when you are dismissed by the teacher. Listen to and follow directions the first time they are given. Participate in class discussions and group activities, complete all assignments on time, take notes and ask questions! Dedication, enthusiasm, strong effort and a positive attitude! TALKING DURING A TEST OR QUIZ WILL RESULT IN A “ZERO”. IT WILL REMAIN SILENT UNTIL THE LAST PAPER HAS BEEN TURNED IN. Be aware that sharing information about quiz and test material is a form of cheating. Graphing Calculators are NOT to be used as a game-playing device during class. Students who are using their calculators in this manner will have their calculator confiscated for the remainder of the day and all programs erased. It is the student’s responsibility to return to pick up the calculator at the end of the day. The use of graphing calculators will be restricted for some activities and several assessments. Any electronic device (cell phones, iPods, headphones, etc) will be confiscated by the teacher if they are used or audible when not being used for an educational purpose directly related to this class. You must have permission from me to use your device.
Restroom/Drinking Fountain Breaks — EMERGENCIES ONLY! Swearing, abusive, or vulgar language is not appropriate and WILL NOT BE TOLERATED! Everyone has a right to privacy, so only be concerned with your own grades. You may chew gum — if I see it or hear it - you lose it. Dispose of it properly. Food and drink are NOT PERMITTED in this classroom. Water is the ONLY exception. You are expected to participate in all classroom activities. Sleeping, working on another subject, drawing pictures, socializing, etc. will NOT BE PERMITTED. You are expected to follow all school rules in the student handbook. Do not ask me to bend the rules. Ignorance of school rules is not a valid excuse for a violation of the rules.
Verbal warning from the teacher. Classroom Intervention Strategy and/or removal from class (isolated desk in classroom) Teacher Detention — 24 hour notice — time at the convenience of the teacher. Detention and Letter Home to be signed and returned. Office referral
We learn to win with dignity We learn to overcome disappointment and loss We rely on our friends and teammates for support. Collectively striving for the same objective enhances these benefits.
HW 1.1.1 1-4 to 1-9 (pg. 7) See y u t m rr w!
Learn Like A Champion Today!
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