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Piecewise Functions.

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1 Piecewise Functions

2 Piecewise function Objectives: Evaluate piecewise functions
Graph Piecewise Functions Graph Step Functions Vocabulary: Piecewise Functions, Step Functions

3 Piecewise function Up to now, we’ve been looking at functions represented by a single equation. In real life, however, functions may be represented by a combination of equations, each corresponding to a part of the domain. These are called piecewise functions.

4 Piecewise function All piecewise functions start with:

5 Piecewise function Since this one is in three parts, it will have three lines within f(x)

6 Piecewise function This graph already tells us, the equation for each branch. The part we need to focus on is x = 2, where the graph splits.

7 Evaluate f(x) when x=0, x=2, x=4
First you have to figure out which equation to use. You NEVER use both! Then evaluate using that equation. Now graph your equation.

8 Step Functions Step Function: Type of Piecewise function. The output remains constant with in each branch and changes in value from one interval to the next.

9 Step Functions

10 Graph :

11 Graph: 1. Make a table for several values of each function
2. Graph those values 3. Remember your endpoints! Open or closed?

12 Graph:

13 Workbook page 12 #1-14 Pg. 13 shows how to put piecewise functions into your graphing calculator (TI-83 and TI-84)

14 Example with different boundary points
Make a table with a few points for each function. ALWAYS plug in the boundary point(s) into BOTH functions (show on your table) If the y-value for the boundary point(s) is the same in both functions, then just plot the point and keep going If the y-value for the boundary point(s) is different in each function, then you plot both points- one should be open circled, one should be close circled

15 Example where the boundary points are the same
1.) 𝑓= π‘₯βˆ’ π‘₯≀1 π‘₯ 2 βˆ’2π‘₯ π‘₯>1 2.) 𝑓= π‘₯ π‘₯≀0 3 π‘₯ 2 βˆ’π‘₯ π‘₯>0

16 Graph : step function It costs $1.40 for the first minute of a phone call to Paris, France, and $0.80 for each additional minute or fraction thereof. Draw a graph of a step function that models this cost. MAKE A TABLE FIRST!

17 Practice Sess 20 minutes Workbook page 14-15

18 Bellringer: Write the piecewise function for each picture

19 Write An Equation for the Given Graph
Look for at least 2 points on each part of the graph For linear functions, find the slope of the line using those 2 points Put into point-slope form Keep in mind that horizontal lines are f(x)= # WHER ARE YOUR BOUNDARIES AT??

20 Write An Equation for the Given Graph
(-3,0) (2,2)

21 Homework! Workbook pg all

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