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Making the Grade with Texas Instruments 84-C High School This session is designed for those who want to deepen their knowledge of the TI handheld technology.

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Presentation on theme: "Making the Grade with Texas Instruments 84-C High School This session is designed for those who want to deepen their knowledge of the TI handheld technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making the Grade with Texas Instruments 84-C High School This session is designed for those who want to deepen their knowledge of the TI handheld technology and how this tool can be utilized to enhance student engagement and understanding of math content, specifically linear equations and models. Presented by Poppy Underwood White Station High School

2 Objectives Know: -know the vision and purpose of the Comprehensive Literacy Improvement Plan (CLIP) -how to provide engaging mathematics with rigorous content -how to be critical thinkers and problem solvers in real world settings Understand: -the purpose of differentiation and student-centered instruction -the importance of developing higher-level thinking skills for mathematical success -how to incorporate reading strategies to help students with problem solving Do: -integrate reading and writing strategies in mathematics which are essential to communicating, problem-solving, and concept development -develop and plan math lessons that will ensure success for diverse learners -plan lessons and activities that require analytical, practical and creative thinking

3 Norms Be present and engaged Be respectful of differences in perspective while challenging each other productively and respectively Monitor “air time” Make the most of the time we have Stay focused on students

4 teacher notes This takes about 3 class periods (45 minutes) to complete during school. If you are using a calculator that students have access to at home then it would take one to two periods. My students started using the TI-Nspire this year so everything had to be completed during class. Day 1: Go through the beginning notes on correlation, and at least one of the two examples. The first example takes the longest but once you get the first one completed, the 2nd is much quicker and becomes a review. Day 2: Go through the 2nd example and then students can start working on the worksheet at their own pace and you can just answer questions as they go. Day 3: completion of the activity and some EOC practice This lesson was developed initially by my friend and fellow teacher, Kris Fleming (Southaven High School). I added and modified the TI-Nspire and TI-84 instructions.

5 Linear Regression (Prentice Hall @2011, Section 5.7) Use data from the real world to write equations for trend lines. Use the equations to make predictions. CCSS N-Q.A.2 Define appropriate quantities for the purpose of descriptive modeling. S-ID B.6.a.b.c Summarize, represent, and interpret data on two categorical and quantitative variables. Represent data on two quantitative variables on a scatter plot, and describe how the variables are related.

6 Linear regression is the process of finding a linear equation to describe real life situations that increase or decrease in the shape of a line. Scatter Plot - Used to determine if two sets of data are related by graphing them as ordered pairs. Correlation - tells how closely the data are related.






12 The following pages are the answers to the notes and worksheet that I assign to students to do for classwork/homework. Included are screen shots of both the TI-84 and the TI-Nspire.









21 How to record a page of your lesson that will show a demonstration. Click on the properties tool bar on the left. Click on page recording. Start your recording. Once you finish demonstrating the lesson, you can stop the recording. To replay the recording, click on play.

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