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Published byElmer Anderson Modified over 9 years ago
Miami Valley Educational Computer Association 9/28/2005MVECA1 EMIS Changes & FY2006 October Reporting Stacy Hurtt Angie Crandall Ann Edwards
9/28/2005MVECA2 Elements NOT Required for FY2006! College Prep Curriculum Completer no longer required on the Student Attendance Record. Kindergarten Experience no longer required on the Student Demographic Record.
Miami Valley Educational Computer Association 9/28/2005MVECA3 Funding Information & FY2006 EMIS Changes that Affect Funding
9/28/2005MVECA4 October Count Week Funding Count Week for FY2006 will be the week of October 3-7, 2005 for most districts. MVECA will take the FY2006 October (K) snapshot on October 30, 2005.
9/28/2005MVECA5 Building Record (Not a change) This is a reminder from FY2005. On the Building Record - it is necessary for a school building to be open all five days in order to receive credit for all students enrolled during this week.
9/28/2005MVECA6 FY2006 October Count Week Waivers ODE has allowed districts to apply for an October Count Waiver, but the approval process has become more stringent than the past few years. The October Count Waiver Form can be found on the ODE Treasurer web site (under “Forms, applications”): The instructions that accompany the waiver state: “By requesting this waiver, the school district agrees that students reported by more than one district will count only where they are reported during the normal October Count Week. This latter stipulation is part of our ongoing effort to eliminate the double counting (and double payment) that occurs when there are districts in close geographic proximity that have different count weeks.” For districts that did not request a waiver before the September 15th deadline, ODE will use the official October Count Week for their ADM count.
9/28/2005MVECA7 FY2006 October Count Week Waivers (cont’d) The waiver form also states: “Districts counting students for less than five (5) full days will only be able to claim the proportionate amount of the students counted.” A list of districts/buildings with waivers can be found on the ODE/EMIS web site. As you already know, accuracy of student data reported during October K affect funding.
9/28/2005MVECA8 New October K Check in the Aggregations Add an edit check to the aggregations to flag any student who is 22 or older on the first day of school or upon enrollment These students can attend school but the district cannot receive ADM funding for them. If a student is 21 on the first day of school and turns 22 during the school year, the district can still receive full funding for the student for that school year.
9/28/2005MVECA9 Court-placed Students Going to Community Schools Change due to Am. Sub. HB66 – Section 3314.084 If a student from District A (resident district) is court- placed in a “home” located in District B and then attends a community school, District B no longer has any responsibility to report this student to EMIS unless the student leaves the community school, continues to live in the “home” and attends District B. District A (resident district) is responsible for reporting all student information in this situation and should count this student in the district’s ADM. District A should report the student as attending a community school. The community school should report District A as the district of residence for the student. The definition of a “home” includes foster care, group home, juvenile detention center or other residential facility – it does NOT include placement in DYS.
9/28/2005MVECA10 NEW Admission Reason Element (mandatory to obtain SSID) Answers the question “How did this student arrive at my district?” Not submitted to ODE through EMIS It will NOT be necessary to add this field to existing SSID’s. Required to obtain new SSID’s beginning October 1, 2005.
9/28/2005MVECA11 NEW Admission Reason Element (mandatory to obtain SSID) (cont’d) New SSID’s will not automatically be issued an SSID for reasons 6 or 7 6 - Transferred from another Ohio public district / community school 7- Not newly enrolled in this school district.
9/28/2005MVECA12 Information forthcoming on “Admission Reason” in SIS Software developers are currently working on the placement of the new “Admission Reason” element in SIS. Information will be shared as soon as it is available.
Miami Valley Educational Computer Association 9/28/2005MVECA13 Reporting Students Educated by ESCs or Other Contracted Entities
9/28/2005MVECA14 Students educated at ESCs Beginning in FY 2006, with the exception of preschool student data, Educational Service Centers are no longer required to report student data.
9/28/2005MVECA15 Preschool students educated at ESCs – no change from FY2005! For funding purposes, ESCs are still required to report student-level data for preschool students they are educating and/or providing services. If the ESC is allocated funds from the Office of Early Learning and School Readiness (formerly the Early Childhood Education) then the ESC is required to report the appropriate student-level records. These funds include allocations for the following two preschool programs: Preschool Special Education Unit Funds Early Childhood Education state funds (formerly State Funded Public Preschool Grant)
9/28/2005MVECA16 Preschool students educated at ESCs – no change from FY2005! (cont’d) Generally, the following student records are required to be reported by the ESC if the ESC is serving preschool students: Demographic Attendance Program (if applicable) Course (if applicable) Early Childhood Record Preschool Assessment Record Discipline Resident districts must report the following records for preschool students with disabilities educated by an ESC: Student demographics Student attendance Student programs
9/28/2005MVECA17 School Age students educated by ESCs – Resident/Educating District Reporting What does the resident/educating district report? Student demographic/attendance data Student % of time should include time educated by ESC staff Do not report the ESC IRN in the Attending/Home IRN Do not report Attending/Home IRN Indicator “4” –Beginning in FY2006, “4” can only be used for preschool
9/28/2005MVECA18 School Age students educated by ESCs – Res/Educating District Reporting (cont’d) Student Course Records & a Course Master for each subject/course taught by the contracted staff person: On the Course Master Record, report: –Program Provider IRN = ESC IRN –Employee ID = SSN of the contracted employee
9/28/2005MVECA19 School Age students educated by ESCs – Res/Educating District Reporting (cont’d) Reporting Courses for Students Educated by ESC Staff 1.Contact the ESC to obtain the staff member's ID number in order to create a TEAC record in SIS, to tie the teacher to the courses. 2.The course information, to include the ESC staff person's ID, can be set up in SIS following the same steps for creating regular courses actually taught in the building. 3.In SIS, a TEAC record would need to be created using the ESC staff id, and tying that TEAC record to the courses in the CMST course master screen in SIS.
9/28/2005MVECA20 School Age students educated by ESCs – Res/Educating District Reporting (cont’d) Reporting Courses for Students Educated by ESC Staff 4.Then the students can be scheduled into the courses in SIS. 5.The courses and classes will then be able to be updated to EMIS via the REMIS programs CTRMEMIS and CLISEMIS. 6.The “Program Provider IRN” (ESC IRN) will need to be updated directly on the EMIS EMSFCL screen. NOTE: As with all other processes, districts have the option of manually entering the data directly into EMIS screens.
9/28/2005MVECA21 School Age students educated by ESCs – Res/Educating District Reporting (cont’d) Student Program information: On the Student Program Record, report: –Program Provider IRN = ESC IRN –Employee ID = SSN or State ID of the contracted employee These two elements will need to be updated on the EMIS EMSPMG screen, after student program data are moved into EMIS. Assessment Results/records, Discipline Records and any other student records/information required as per Chapter 2 of the EMIS manual.
9/28/2005MVECA22 Additional information forthcoming on SIS reporting for ESC students Software developers are currently working on a new SIS coding combination for resident districts to use to identify their "ESC" students. Information will be shared as soon as it is available.
9/28/2005MVECA23 Course Master & Program Record for Instruction/Services by Contractor The resident/educating district will need the staff ID for contracted staff that: Instruct their students to report it in the Employee ID on the Course Master Record. Provide related services to their students to report it in the Employee ID on the Student Program Records. In order to tie the student to the teacher in SIS – the teacher SSN is needed. If districts choose to enter the ESC course information directly into EMIS screens, then the teacher’s state ID can be used. The “State ID” is the number assigned to each individual when s/he applies for a certificate/license from the Ohio Department of Education.
Miami Valley Educational Computer Association 9/28/2005MVECA24 Reporting LEP Student Data in October FY2006
9/28/2005MVECA25 LEP Students – New Element New element added to the Student Demographic Record “Limited English Proficient Reclassification Date” To capture the year that the student was reclassified as no longer LEP (will replace the exited 1, 2, and 3 years ago options from the LEP element)
9/28/2005MVECA26 Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Element Changes to options for FY2006 Options “1”, “2” and “3” deleted VALID OPTIONS: N – No - The student is not Limited English Proficient. Y - Yes - The student is of Limited English Proficiency and was enrolled in U.S. Schools for the first time before the first day of the current school year. L - Yes - The student is of Limited English Proficiency and was enrolled in US Schools for the first time on or after the first day of the current school year.
9/28/2005MVECA27 ELDA/ELA testing Vendor name: Measurement Incorporated (MI) Students in grades 3-12 were assessed using ELDA during the spring of 2005. Students in grades K-2 were assessed with the English Language Assessment (ELA) that districts already had in place. (Because the K-2 component of the ELDA was still under development). NOTE: For FY2006, the ELDA will be used for all grade levels (K-12).
9/28/2005MVECA28 How should FY2005 Spring ELDA results be reported? Results from the FY2005 Spring ELDA assessments will be reported during the FY06 October reporting period in the following elements on the Student Demographic Record. –ELA Speaking Level –ELA Listening Level –ELA Reading Level –ELA Writing Level –ELA Comprehension Level FY2005 spring results are being reported in FY2006 because ELDA test results were not returned by the testing company to districts in time for FY2005 Yearend EMIS reporting.
9/28/2005MVECA29 Reporting ELA Results for K-2 Students ELA results for LEP students who were in K-2 during FY2005, will also be reported during the FY06 October K reporting period in the following ELA elements on the Student Demographic Record. –ELA Speaking Level –ELA Listening Level –ELA Reading Level –ELA Writing Level –ELA Comprehension Level
9/28/2005MVECA30 Reporting ELDA Results for 3-12 Students The only difference is that the results for LEP students who were in grades 3-12 during FY2005 will come from the ELDA CDs sent by the testing company. The FY2005 K-2 results will come from the ELDA test coordinator in your district. The test results on the CD (for students in grades 3-12 last year) will be sent to each district "ELDA test coordinator" as identified on the test order form that the district submitted to the vendor (Measurement Incorporated) last spring.
9/28/2005MVECA31 How will 3-12 ELDA results be sent? ELDA test results will be on CDs. The CDs will include the following: A file with test information for each student using a format similar to the one used to report Ohio's statewide assessment results to each district. An individual report for each student, giving the student's scaled score and proficiency level for each language domain as well as the composite score. A student roster by district and by building, listing each student's scaled score and proficiency level for each language domain as well as the composite score. A district summary report showing the number and percentage of students in each proficiency level.
9/28/2005MVECA32 ELDA Testing Levels There will be 4 different ELA “subject” levels for students who were in grades K-2 during 2004- 05 that took the ELA test. This is because the K-2 component of ELDA was still in the initial development stage in spring 2005. There will be 5 ELA “subject” levels for students in grades 3-12 during 2004-05 that took the ELDA test. *NOTE: The “Proficient” level has been referred to in the FY2005 EMIS manual as “Proficient/Trial Mainstream”, and is currently referred to by the ELDA test developers as “Fully English Proficient”. ELA/ELDA levels Students in grades K-2 during 2004- 05 who took the ELA test Students in grades 3-12 during 2004- 05 who took the ELDA test Pre- functional X Beginner XX Intermediate XX Advanced XX Proficient* XX
9/28/2005MVECA33 LEP Students Who Took the ELDA that Left School What if a student did take the test in Spring 2005, but graduated, was reassessed as no longer LEP, left school, or moved to another district? The district should report FY2005 ELDA results for students that are enrolled during the October count week (and took the FY2005 ELDA). They do not need to enter results for withdrawn or graduated students because that information is not sent to ODE for withdrawals and graduates. If the student has transferred to another public district, the ELDA results should be sent to the new district so that the new district can report the results for that student. If the student took the ELDA test in FY2005 and the student is enrolled during October Count Week then the results should be reported; regardless of current grade level and/or LEP status.
Miami Valley Educational Computer Association 9/28/2005MVECA34 Assessment Data Reported in FY2006 October
9/28/2005MVECA35 Kindergarten Readiness Assessment – Literacy (KRA-L) The KRA-L is required to be administered to kindergarten students no later than six weeks after the first day of school. Although the assessment may be administered to a student prior to the student's enrollment in kindergarten.
9/28/2005MVECA36 Who is required to take the KRA-L? All kindergarten students who are enrolled no later than the first six weeks of school, with a few exceptions: LEP students enrolled for the first time in U.S. schools on or after the first day of school, of the current school year Students with disabilities who are deaf and/or blind
9/28/2005MVECA37 Reporting KRA-L Results The KRA-L record is only reported during October (K). If a student is reported with grade level = “KG”, then ODE will be looking for a KRA-L Record. If a student takes the test and moves to another district prior to October Count week, the district in which the student is enrolled during October Count Week needs to report the KRA-L record for that student. A student who is enrolled in two different districts during October Count Week is to have a KRA-L record submitted by each district.
9/28/2005MVECA38 Obtaining KRA-L Results The KRA-L is both administered and scored by district personnel (not a testing vendor). The raw score needs to be entered by district personnel. There is no alternate assessment for the KRA-L. ODE created a data collection form that teachers can use to record the scores for each student. (Do not send these forms to ODE.) This form is on the ODE/EMIS web site as part of the FY2006 EMIS Guide. According to Ohio Revised Code, a parent can request that results not reported to the state. If this occurs, report Test Score as “PNO”. A KRA-L raw score of 15 is reported as “015”. (no decimal)
9/28/2005MVECA39 Preschool Assessment Record Districts will be administering the “Get It, Got It, Go!” (GGG) assessment to preschool students in both Fall and Spring. Admin.DatesReporting Period FallFirst day of school through November 15, 2005 October (K) SpringApril 1, 2006 through May 1, 2006. Yearend (N)
9/28/2005MVECA40 Which students are required to take the Preschool Assessment? All preschool students, ages 3-5 as of December 1, enrolled in a preschool program funded by the Office of Early Learning and School Readiness (EL&SR) are required to take the preschool assessment. Currently, it is optional to assess and report data for: students from preschool programs funded through other means. typically developing peers enrolled in a special education state- funded unit program. Districts are not required to assess students who receive preschool special education itinerant services only AND are not also enrolled in a preschool state-funded unit nor a state funded Ohio Early Learning Program. No Preschool Assessment Record is required to be reported for these students.
9/28/2005MVECA41 Which entities report the Preschool Assessment Record? The school district or ESC which is allocated state funding through the Office of Early Learning and School Readiness reports records for students enrolled in these programs. This test is both administered and scored by district personnel (not a testing vendor). The raw score needs to be entered by district personnel. ODE created a data collection form that teachers can use to record the scores for each student. (Do not send these forms to ODE.) This form is on the ODE/EMIS web site as part of the FY2006 EMIS Guide.
9/28/2005MVECA42 Preschool Assessment Results If the assessment is given multiple times, only report the first set of scores. There are three sections of the test and thus three scores. Picture Naming Score Rhyming Alliteration When reporting the score, the decimal point is assumed. For example: –A score of 26.5 is reported as 265. –A score of 15 is reported as 150.
9/28/2005MVECA43 Proficiency-only Record for Summer Graduates Students who have completed course requirements, and did not graduate at yearend, but decided to test and were issued a diploma over the summer (prior to the beginning of the school year) should be reported on the Proficiency-Only Test Record during October K FY2006.
9/28/2005MVECA44 Reporting Summer Proficiency-only Graduates – NEW for FY2006 October (cont’d) The Proficiency-only record will be reported during the FY2006 October (K) reporting period if a student meets all of the following conditions (i.e., if the student is a summer graduate). The student: Did not have a diploma issued at previous yearend because he/she did not meet the graduation test requirements Was enrolled during the summer, completed the necessary graduation test requirements Was issued a diploma prior to the start of the next school year, AND Was withdrawn by the start of the next school year (before the first day of school) In addition to the Proficiency-Only Test Record, a Student Demographic and a Student Attendance Record are to be submitted for this student during the October (K) reporting period. Students in this situation are considered summer graduates.
9/28/2005MVECA45 Proficiency-Only Test Score Elements Valid Options 1 - Previously passed, OPT 2 - Passed, OPT 3 - Excused from consequences 4 - Failed, OPT 5 - Passed, OGT Reporting Instructions Report the latest ninth-grade proficiency results. If the student takes an OGT test and fails, do not report the failing OGT score.
9/28/2005MVECA46 Summer Graduates Students who have completed all course requirements for graduation prior to the beginning of the school year and have passed the graduation test during the summer should be reported with the information below in the following October (K) reporting period: A Diploma Date The appropriate Diploma Type, Withdrawal Date, and Withdrawal Reason “99”. If a student was reported as a graduate at yearend – make sure you do not report the student: As a graduate for the second time. As a student enrolled in K-12 education that is receiving state foundation funding. NOTE: Simply participating in a graduation ceremony, without receiving a diploma, does not constitute graduation.
Miami Valley Educational Computer Association 9/28/2005MVECA47 Program Code Changes for FY2006
9/28/2005MVECA48 Program Codes Added for FY 2006 EMIS Reporting Academic Intervention Codes (formerly Student Intervention) 151490 - Student received intervention services during the summer. Reported during October (K) reporting. 152330 - Student received intervention services during the school year. Report this code during Yearend (N) reporting. Gifted Program Codes 205052 - Regular Classroom with Subject Acceleration 206052 - Regular Classroom with Subject Acceleration and GIS is directly involved with student Hurricane Katrina Code 600001 - Student enrolled in a district as a result of displacement due to Hurricane Katrina
9/28/2005MVECA49 Students in Ohio due to Hurricane Katrina The new program code is: 600001 Student enrolled in district as a result of displacement due to Hurricane Katrina. In addition to reporting this program code in the October K and Yearend N reporting periods, these students should be considered residents of your district, student status code "0". Community schools should report a student status code "M". The appropriate Homeless Status and Homeless Unaccompanied Youth Elements should also be completed on a case-by-case basis. Additional information can be found on the ODE web site at accountability/federal_programs/homeless/Hurricane/def ault.asp accountability/federal_programs/homeless/Hurricane/def ault.asp
9/28/2005MVECA50 Student Program Codes When does the “Employee State ID” element need to be completed on the Student Program Record? With the following program codes: 305003 - Career Assessment 206XXX series of Gifted Program Codes (Gifted programs and services provided directly by the Gifted Intervention Specialist) 220100 - Preschool Itinerant Services program code The Employee State ID Element is required to be completed (for most program codes) by the reporting district when the district is contracting with an ESC, or any EMIS reporting entity, to provide programs and or services to the student. An employee ID is not required to be reported to EMIS for the 210xxx, 217xxx or 218xxx program codes.
9/28/2005MVECA51 Program Codes Deleted for FY2006 All Driver Education (105XXX) All Educational Options (11XXXX) All Other Regular Programs (13XXXX) All Child Day-Care Latchkey (140XXX) All Extended Learning Time (140XXX, 141XXX, 233XXX) All Student Intervention (151XXX,152XXX,153XXX) The following code for Preschool Itinerant Service (220200) All Disadvantaged Pupil Impact Aid (225XXX) The following Title I Program Codes 233101 233102 233103 141130 The following Career-Technical Programs 305004 305008 All Enterprise Programs (900910)
Miami Valley Educational Computer Association 9/28/2005MVECA52 Course Reporting Changes for FY2006
9/28/2005MVECA53 Course Reporting Changes for FY2006 All courses will be reported separately for students in grades K-12. This means that a separate student course record will have to be reported for every course in which the student is participating, even if two or more courses are being taught by the same teacher. Preschool courses are to continue to be reported as self-contained courses. (Same as FY2005)
9/28/2005MVECA54 Separate subject/course records for K-12 courses All courses will be reported separately for students in grades K-12, so the following course/subject codes will be deleted for FY2006: 196200 Gifted (K-3) 190010 Education of the Handicapped 180110 Kindergarten 180122 Self-Contained (Grades 1-3) 180123 Self-Contained Ungraded (Grades 1-3) 180125 Transition 1
9/28/2005MVECA55 Subject codes deleted for FY2006 170001 - Industrial and Engineering Subject Code 170600 - Business Machine Maintenance subject code 170801 - Maritime Occupations subject code 171505 - Computer Network Technology subject code 171801 - Engineering Technology (Tech Prep) subject code 172304 - Heavy Metal Fabrication subject code 172305 - Sheet Metal subject code 090202 - Fashion, Clothing and Interiors, Production and Services subject code
9/28/2005MVECA56 Tech Prep – Change in Course Reporting ODE revised the reporting instructions for the following subject codes to indicate that enrollment can no longer be limited to students identified by Tech Prep Consortia as Tech Prep Students. The “Tech Prep only” designation has been removed for these courses: 074820 – Diagnostic Pathway 074830 – Therapeutic Pathway 074840 – Health Support Pathway 074850 – Biotechnology 074890 – Health Informatic Pathway 171805 – Construction – Design/Build 171806 – Construction – Management 171807 – Engineering Technologies – Design Cluster 171808 – Engineering Technologies – Process Cluster 171809 – Engineering Technologies – Product/Service Cluster 171815 – Engineering Technologies – Emerging Cluster
9/28/2005MVECA57 Tech Prep – Change in Course Reporting (cont’d) The phrase “and the VV1 course type should be added as a valid course type for these courses” was removed from this change by ODE, as this is not true for each course listed. To see the valid course types for all CTAE courses, please review the Secondary Workforce Development Program Matrix located on the ODE Office of Career-technical and Adult Education (CTAE) web site.
9/28/2005MVECA58 Subject Code Adjustments Refer to the FY2006 list of EMIS changes on the ODE web site for a list of subject/course codes with adjustments to the title and descriptions. (Changes #82- 90, 228) These changes are already reflected in Appendix C of the FY2006 EMIS manual.
9/28/2005MVECA59 Reporting Course Master Records - Home Instruction Students without Disabilities A student without disabilities receiving home instruction from a tutor is reported as though he/she is scheduled into his/her courses at school. He/she should be reported in his/her regular classes, or the normal course he/she would be taking if he/she was physically in school. A Course Master Record is not reported for the tutor. However, the tutor that assists the student during home instruction should be reported with a Staff Demographic and Staff Employment Record. The following program code has been deleted: 130002 Home Instruction (Other than Special Education)
9/28/2005MVECA60 FY2006 Changes to the Highly Qualified Teacher Element Change the “*” to “N” for the “Teacher does not meet the definition of Highly Qualified Teacher for this course” option for the Highly Qualified Teacher element Adjust the description of option “1” to “1 = NTE/Praxis II – State Licensing Exam” for the Highly Qualified Teacher element Adjust the description of option “5” to “5 = 8-Year Professional Certificate” for the Highly Qualified Teacher element Adjust the description of option “8” to “8 = Expanded HQT Rubric” for the Highly Qualified Teacher element Adjust the description of option “9” to “9 = 90 Completed and Approved Clock Hours of Professional Development Approved by a Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC)” for the Highly Qualified Teacher element
Miami Valley Educational Computer Association 9/28/2005MVECA61 Building/District Record Changes for FY2006
9/28/2005MVECA62 District/building General Information – Fall/October Records The District and Building Records are no longer required for ESCs, beginning in FY2006. In October and Yearend Beginning in FY2006, the summer school district and building records (called “District and Building General Information Records – Previous Summer”) are no longer required to be reported in EMIS by any entity.
Miami Valley Educational Computer Association 9/28/2005MVECA63 Other FY2006 Changes that Affect December & Yearend Reporting
9/28/2005MVECA64 FY2006 EMIS Changes that Affect December M Reporting Districts will no longer be required to change the program placement options for 5 year old students who have been reported with a School-Age disability condition or 6 year old students who have been reported with a Preschool disability condition during the December M Reporting Period. The aggregations will allow the following during the December M Reporting Period: Any student who is 5 yrs. old as of December 1 and who has been reported with a School Age disability condition can continue to be reported with a 210XXX placement option program code during December reporting Any student who is 6 yrs. old as of December 1 with a Preschool disability condition (“11”) can continue to be reported with a 217XXX Early Childhood Service Delivery Option and one or more 218XXX Documented Deficit program codes.
9/28/2005MVECA65 FY2006 EMIS Changes that Affect December M Reporting (cont’d) Early Childhood Record for KG students Kindergarten students, including Kindergarten students with a preschool disability condition, are NOT required to be reported with an Early Childhood Record. Districts will not receive a warning message for these students.
9/28/2005MVECA66 FY2006 EMIS Changes that Affect Yearend N Reporting There is a new element on the Student Discipline Record called “Building/Entity IRN Where Discipline Incident Took Place” This Building/Entity IRN should be the IRN of the building where the discipline incident took place. In most cases this would be the building where the student was enrolled, but this IRN could also reflect another building within the district, the IRN of a building in another district or the IRN of another EMIS reporting entity (such as the IRN of an ESC if the student is attending an Alternative School located at an ESC). If the district has sent a student to another entity to be educated that does not have an IRN, the district should report “888888” in this element.
9/28/2005MVECA67 Information Forthcoming on the New Building IRN on the Discipline Record We are checking with software developers to determine if there will be changes to the DISC – Student Discipline Program and to the DISCEMIS program. Information will be shared as soon as it is available.
9/28/2005MVECA68 FY2006 EMIS Changes that Affect Yearend N Reporting The definition of the “Majority of Attendance IRN” element has been changed to: “the IRN of the building or district where the student is continuously enrolled from the end of the October Count Week through March 19th of the current school year”. The “Building IRN – March Test Administration” element located on the Ohio Proficiency Test Record, the Ohio Achievement Test Record and the Ohio Graduation Test Record will only be used to determine the Participation Rate for AYP. It will no longer be used as the third criterion for the “Full Academic Year” definition.
9/28/2005MVECA69 Information Forthcoming on the Change to the Majority of Attendance IRN definition We are checking with software developers to determine if there will be changes to the MAJOREMIS program, used for Yearend N EMIS reporting. Information will be shared as soon as it is available.
9/28/2005MVECA70 FY2006 EMIS Changes that Affect Yearend N Reporting FY2006 Proficiency Test Record Name Change The “Proficiency Test Record” has been renamed the “OHIO NINTH-GRADE PROFICIENCY TEST RECORD”. This is because the following tests will no longer be administered: 4th grade Math, Citizenship, and Science Proficiency Tests (standard test) 4th grade Citizenship and Science Proficiency IEP-Based Alternate Assessment 6th grade Reading, Math, Writing, Citizenship, or Science Proficiency Test (standard test) 6th grade Writing, Citizenship, and Science Proficiency IEP- Based Alternate Assessment
9/28/2005MVECA71 FY2006 EMIS Changes that Affect Yearend N Reporting (3 rd Grade Ach. Test) In FY2006, districts will need to report current year test records for both administrations of the 3rd grade reading achievement test if the student takes the Standard (STR) test and is enrolled in the district during any test administration or if the district is the last district where the student was enrolled during the school year. If the student takes the Alternate Assessment (ALT), only one test record should be reported as the ALT is only offered during the March administration of the 3rd grade reading achievement test, If the student takes and passes the 3rd grade reading (STR) test in October, the district should still report a test record for the March administration using the new “G = Previously Passed” waiver reason.
9/28/2005MVECA72 FY2006 EMIS Changes that Affect Yearend N Reporting (3 rd Grade Ach. Test) FY2006: New Waiver Reason on the Ohio Achievement Test Record On the Ohio Achievement Test Record, a NEW option has been added to the Waiver Reason element: “G = Previously Passed ”. Option “G” is valid ONLY for the third grade test in reading. It may not be reported for any other third grade test or any other tested grade level. Option “G” is to be reported when a grade 3 student passes the reading test during the October administration and does not retest in March.
9/28/2005MVECA73 Questions? Thank you for your time!
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