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REVIEW Reminder: Domain Restrictions For FRACTIONS: n No zero in denominator! For EVEN ROOTS: n No negative under radical!

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Presentation on theme: "REVIEW Reminder: Domain Restrictions For FRACTIONS: n No zero in denominator! For EVEN ROOTS: n No negative under radical!"— Presentation transcript:

1 REVIEW Reminder: Domain Restrictions For FRACTIONS: n No zero in denominator! For EVEN ROOTS: n No negative under radical!

2 Review: Find the domain of each and write in interval notation.



5 More on Functions Objectives n To find the difference quotient. n Understand and use piecewise functions n Identify intervals on which a function increases, decreases, or is constant. n Use graphs to locate relative maxima or minima. n Identify even or odd functions & recognize the symmetries. n Graph step functions.

6 Functions & Difference Quotients n Useful in discussing the rate of change of function over a period of time n EXTREMELY important in calculus (h represents the difference in two x values) n DIFFERENCE QUOTIENT FORMULA:

7 Difference Quotient The average rate of change (the slope of the secant line)

8 If f(x) = -2x 2 + x + 5, find and simplify n A) f(x + h)

9 If f(x) = -2x 2 + x + 5, find and simplify n B)

10 c) Your turn: Find the difference quotient: f(x) = 2x 2 – 2x + 1

11 PIECEWISE FUNCTIONS n Piecewise function – A function that is defined differently for different parts of the domain; a function composed of different “pieces” Note: Each piece is like a separate function with its own domain values. n Examples: You are paid $10/hr for work up to 40 hrs/wk and then time and a half for overtime.

12 Example – Cell Phone Plan ($20 for < 1 hour plus 40 cents per minute over 60) n Use the function to find and interpret each of the following: n d) C(40)e) C(80)

13 Graphing Piecewise Functions n Graph each “piece” on the same coordinate plane.

14 Functions Defined Piecewise n Graph the function defined as:. y x 10 -10

15 f(x) =  3, for x  0 f(x)=  3+ x 2, for 0< x  2

16 Piecewise Graphs Extra Example y x 10 -10

17 Describing the Function n A function is described by intervals, using its domain, in terms of x-values. n Remember:

18 Increasing and Decreasing Functions Describe by observing the x-values. n Increasing: Graph goes “up” as you move from left to right. n Decreasing: Graph goes “down” as you move from left to right. n Constant: Graph remains horizontal as you move from left to right.

19 Increasing and Decreasing

20 Constant

21 Increasing and Decreasing

22 Find the Intervals on the Domain in which the Function is Increasing, Decreasing, and/or Constant

23 Relative Maxima and Minima n based on “y” values n maximum – “peak” or highest value n minimum – “valley” or lowest value n We say, “It has a relative maximum at (x-value) and the maximum is (y- value).”

24 Relative Maxima and Relative Minima

25 Even & Odd Functions & Symmetry n Even functions are those that are mirrored through the y-axis. (If –x replaces x, the y value remains the same.) (i.e. 1 st quadrant reflects into the 2 nd quadrant) n Odd functions are those that are mirrored through the origin. (If –x replaces x, the y value becomes –y.) (i.e. 1 st quadrant reflects into the 3 rd quadrant or over the origin)

26 Example n Determine whether each function is even, odd, or neither. f) f(x) = x 2 + 6g) g(x) = 7x 3 - x

27 Determine whether each function is even, odd, or neither. h) h(x) = x 5 + 1

28 i) Your turn: Determine if the function is even, odd, or neither. a) Even b) Odd c) Neither

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