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Higher Education Finance Projects at WICHE David Longanecker Executive Director WICHE.

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1 Higher Education Finance Projects at WICHE David Longanecker Executive Director WICHE

2 Two major initiatives Changing Direction: Integrating Higher Education Financial Aid and Financing Policy Finding the Will and the Way: Providing Higher Education Within Revenue and Expenditure Constraints

3 WICHE’s Policy Work Goal Better, more informed decision making on issues germane to higher education

4 Changing Direction Focus: Financial aid and financing Purpose: To examine how to structure financial aid and financing policies and practices to maximize participation, access, and success for students. Partners:ACE & SHEEO Funding: The Lumina Foundation for Education

5 Changing Direction Financial aid and financing policies are usually dealt with as discreet issues rather than reflecting the interrelated nature of financial aid, tuition, and appropriations. Financial Aid Tuition Financial Aid Appropriations Tuition

6 Changing Direction Questions:  How can policymakers at all levels effectively integrate tuition, financial aid, and appropriations polices in ways that promote student participation and completion?  What kind of information and research is needed to strengthen policies and ensure their continuing effectiveness?

7 Changing Direction  How well do the policies and practices of the student financing system serve the needs of different population groups?  How do students currently pay for college?  How do states establish an appropriate balance between direct support for high quality educational programs and a level of financial assistance that enables students to participate in those programs?

8 Changing Direction Phase 1 – Discovery and Development (November 2001 to May 2003) Conduct a state financial aid, tuition, and appropriations policy and data inventory (SHEEO) Survey state policymakers Establish a national advisory board on research issues Commission research papers Identify states for case studies – AZ, OR, MO, FL, CT Conduct workshop with case study states Cosponsor state roundtables Phase 2 – May 2003 to December 2004 (projected)

9 Finding the Will and the Way Focus: State tax structures Purpose: To examine the impact of revenue and expenditure constraints on the future viability of public services—especially higher education—in the West. Funding: Grants from the Ford Foundation are supporting a short-term planning phase

10 Finding the Will and the Way Current state tax and revenue structures are ill-suited for the new West’s knowledge-based economy Additionally, initiatives and referenda are reducing states’ revenue generating capacity through tax cuts and tax spending limitations

11 Finding the Will and the Way The environment: – Uncertain revenue shortfalls – Additional cutbacks – Revenue and expenditure restrictions

12 Finding the Will and the Way Questions:  What do constrained revenues and expenditures mean for access, delivery, and quality of higher education?  Who should be part of the coalition of state partners to develop a course of action for the state? Is there a legitimate role for Higher Education in this coalition?

13 Finding the Will and the Way  What are the regional implications of new limitations on resources? How does one state’s fiscal problems impact neighboring states?

14 Finding the Will and the Way Phase 1 Commission a study of revenue streams and revenue policies in the 15 Western states Convene a focus group of researchers, policymakers, state higher education executive officers, education leaders

15 Finding the Will and the Way Collect and analyze recent and long-term revenue trends – State by State Use this baseline information to examine the consequences of these trends

16 Finding the Will and the Way By the end of Phase 1: Develop a discussion document Initiate dialogues with WICHE Commissioners and other constituents prior to 2003 legislative session Identified a few states to engage in more extended, in-depth study of their revenue polices and sources and explore changes, if needed

17 Finance Policy Partners ACE AGB Brookings Institute CSG-WEST NASBO NCSL Nelson A Rockefeller Institute of Government NGA SHEEO

18 Contact Information Cheryl Blanco 303.541.0221

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