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Dr. Michael Fill, Lecturer
PHYSIOLOGY 451 RENAL PHYSIOLOGY Dr. Michael Fill, Lecturer Animated RBC’s
Renal Blood Flow, Filtration
Lecture 2 Renal Blood Flow, Filtration and Clearance
Basic Renal Processes Urine Formation Filtration (F) Reabsorption (R)
Secretion (S) Afferent Arteriole Efferent Arteriole Glomerulus Bowman’s Capsule Excretion = F + S - R Renal Tubule Peritubular Capillary Some Examples: Substances that are Filtered then Reabsorbed >99.9% 799.5 ∼0.5 800 Glucose mM/day 4,498 ∼2 4,500 HCO mM/day 99.3% 19,850 150 20,000 Cl mM/day 99.4% 24,850 25,000 Na mM/day 99.2% 178.5 ∼1.5 180 H2O L/day % of filtered load reabsorbed Amount Reabsorbed Amount Excreted Amount Filtered Substance, units This “filtered then almost completely reabsorbed” scenario is certainly not the case for all solutes. Conceptual Point : Filtration is the most basic “mode” of renal substance handling. solutes need pass the filter barrier no specific transport processes if there is no reabsorption or secretion, then the substance will be excreted. There are very few “filtered-only” solutes. Most are also reabsorbed and/or secreted.
Some Important Renal Physiology Numbers Renal Blood Flow RBF 1.1 L/min
Renal Plasma Flow RPF 625 ml/min RPF = RBF x (1 – hematocrit) typical hematocrit is ~0.43, so RPF is 1.1x0.57. Glomerular Filtration Rate GFR 125 ml/min Urine Flow Rate ml/min Filtration Fraction GFR/RPF 20% 20% of plasma entering a glomerulus is filtered. Thus, 20% of any freely-filtered solute present enters Bowman’s space. Note that values given above can vary in different circumstances. Also remember that RBF far exceeds what kidney cells need to stay alive so RBF can vary dramatically without affecting kidney cell vitality.
Glomerular Filtration
The renal circulation traverses 2 capillary beds: glomerular & peritubular Most Capillaries in Body Fluid Filtration Reabsorption
There is net filtration along glomerular capillaries
Glomerular Filtration The renal circulation traverses 2 capillary beds: glomerular & peritubular Most Capillaries in Body Glomerular Capillaries There is net filtration along entire length of the glomerular capillaries
Glomerular Filtration
The renal circulation traverses 2 capillary beds: glomerular & peritubular Most Capillaries in Body Glomerular Capillaries Point #2: Glomerular Capillaries work at higher pressure. (This is because efferent arteriole is usually smaller diameter than the afferent arteriole)
Glomerular Filtration
The renal circulation traverses 2 capillary beds: glomerular & peritubular Most Capillaries in Body Glomerular Capillaries Point #3: Hydrostatic pressure is constant in glomerular capillaries. (Most capillaries have high resistance so pressure drops. The multiple parallel loops provide very low resistance.)
Glomerular Filtration
The renal circulation traverses 2 capillary beds: glomerular & peritubular Most Capillaries in Body Glomerular Capillaries Point #4: COP (colloid oncotic pressure) increases in glomerular capillaries. (This is because a huge amount of fluid exits the blood leaving plasma proteins behind.) Hydrostatic pressure inside Bowman’s Capsule is low & constant.
Net Filtration Pressure
Summary of forces driving glomerular filtration Net Filtration Pressure (NFP) NFP = PGC – (πGC + PBS) where, PGC is average glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressure. πGC is average plasma oncotic pressure PBS is average hydrostatic pressure inside Bowman’s capsule Thus, NFP = 55 – ( ) or 10 mm Hg GFR of course depends on this value but not just this value GFR = Kf x NFP Filtration Coefficient: - Fluid permeability of Glom.Caps. (i.e. the size of holes in filter) - Surface area of Glom.Caps. (i.e. the numerous parallel loops in glomerulus) Main Point : Glomerular capillaries are specialized for filtration. No reabsorption of fluid occurs in the glomerular capillaries.
Factors that Influence GFR
Hydrostatic & oncotic pressures GFR = Kf x NFP Glomerular permeability & surface area 2001 Kidney Stone could increase hydrostatic pressure in Bowman’s capsule reducing GFR Renal Artery Stenosis reduced hydrostatic pressure in glomerular capillaries will reduced GFR Nephritic Disease reduced number of working nephrons, less surface area for filtration and reduced GFR Sympathetic Stimulation decreased afferent arteriole diameter will decrease hydrostatic pressure in glomerulus, reducing GFR. mesangial cell contraction will decrease the available surface area for filtration and decrease GFR. Starvation (or renal disease) decreased plasma protein content lowers plasma oncotic pressure and this will increase GFR. Blood Pressure (MAP) increased/decrease hydrostatic pressure in glomerular capillaries will increase/decrease GFR.
Kidney’s Resist Changes in GFR (and RBF)
Autoregulation : intrinsic property of the kidney (no nerves/hormones needed) can be over-ridden by extrinsic factors (nerves/hormones) 1.1 L/min 125 ml/min Mechanisms: 1) myogenic (relatively minor in kidneys) 2) tubuloglomerular feedback
Tubuloglomerular Feedback
Juxtaglomerular Apparatus (JGA)
Tubuloglomerular Feedback
Juxtaglomerular Apparatus (JGA) Macula Densa Macula Densa: Cells sense fluid flow in distal tubule (involving NaCl & swelling) & secrete vasoconstriction agent (probably ATP). This agent diffuses to nearby afferent arteriole influencing GFR. Note: Granular cells secrete renin which is involved in generating extra-renal angiotensin II. (renin does not contribute to renal autoregulation)
Volume of Plasma Cleared
Concept of Clearance (traditionally difficult to understand) Clearance is just a way to quantify renal handling of a substance. Clearance of a substance is often used to evaluate renal function. First…. we will define clearance in words. Clearance is defined as the volume of plasma “cleared” of a substance by the kidneys per minute. ( ml/min ) Now….Let’s see how we can calculate clearance. Volume of Plasma Cleared
Now….Let’s apply this to the real world.
Concept of Clearance To calculate clearance of substance X (CX), first need to calculate amount of X excreted in urine per unit time. amount of X excreted = UX · V Urine volume per minute (ml/min) Urine X concentration then simply divide this by the plasma X concentration… CX = you will need to remember this formula UX · V PX This formula is convenient because UX, PX and V are easily measured. Now….Let’s apply this to the real world.
Now….Let’s apply this to the renal world.
Concept of Clearance To calculate clearance of substance X (CX), first need to calculate amount of X excreted in urine per unit time. amount of X excreted = UX · V Urine volume per minute (ml/min) Urine X concentration then simply divide this by the plasma X concentration… CX = you will need to remember this formula UX · V PX This formula is convenient because UX, PX and V are easily measured. Now….Let’s apply this to the renal world.
Inulin: polysaccharide, not a naturally occurring substance in body
Inulin Clearance Inulin: polysaccharide, not a naturally occurring substance in body freely filtered but not reabsorbed or secreted ….so all inulin that is filtered will end up in the urine CINULIN is the “gold standard” for measuring GFR Volume filtered is volume cleared. GFR = CINULIN = UINULIN · V PINULIN V = urine produced in ml/min UINULIN = urine inulin concentration PINULIN = plasma inulin concentration The main clinical drawback here is that inulin must be continuously infused while urine is collected (this is usually a day or so).
“effectively” approaches
PAH Clearance PAH: para-aminohippurate is also not naturally in the body it is freely filtered and robustly secreted….so both filtered and secreted PAH will end up in the urine CPAH is clinically used to estimate RPF Cleared volume much larger than filtered volume. So large in fact that it “effectively” approaches RPF RPF = CPAH = UPAH · V PPAH V = urine produced in ml/min UPAH = urine PAH concentration PPAH = plasma PAH concentration Recall that…. RPF = RBF x ( ) so…. RBF = CPAH 0.57 hematocrit
Creatinine: produced from creatine metabolism in muscle
Creatinine Clearance Creatinine: produced from creatine metabolism in muscle production rate usually very constant (if muscle mass constant) freely filtered and not reabsorbed …little bit is secreted (this makes it a good but imperfect substitute for inulin) CCR is clinically used to routinely access GFR “GFR” = CCR = UCR · V PCR V = urine produced in ml/min UCR = urine CR concentration PCR = plasma CR concentration There is a nice inverse relationship between PCR and “GFR” Normal PCR = 1 mg/dl PCR
Creatinine: produced from creatine metabolism in muscle
Creatinine Clearance Creatinine: produced from creatine metabolism in muscle production rate usually very constant (if muscle mass constant) freely filtered and not reabsorbed …little bit is secreted (this makes it a good but imperfect substitute for inulin) CCR is clinically used to routinely access GFR “GFR” = CCR = UCR · V PCR V = urine produced in ml/min UCR = urine CR concentration PCR = plasma CR concentration There is a nice inverse relationship between PCR and “GFR” Normal PCR = 1 mg/dl If GFR drops by 50%, then PCR doubles ( 2 mg/dl ). 50% GFR Thus, a single PCR value can be used to roughly estimate GFR.
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